Minutes of Dhobley Regional Shelter cluster Meeting

August, 2015 Shelter cluster for Lower Juba

Date: Sunday, 23 August, 2015

Time: 10:30am- am

Venue: WRRS Office Dhobley

Chair: Yussuf Hussein Ahmed - UNHCR


S/N / Names / Organization / E-Mail
1 / Abdi Abdullahi Aden / SAF /
2 / Abdifatah Adow Mohamed / JDO /
3 / Khalif Moge Hussein / GPC /
4 / Ismail Issack Ali / KYBI /
5 / Abdiribah Mohamed Abdiwahid / UNOCHA /
6 / Aden Bundid Duale / WRRS /
7 / Maslah Hassan / WASDA /
8 / Abdi Salah Ahmed / IOM /
9 / Hussein Hassan / WRRS /
10 / Abdirahman Yussuf Korio / ARC /
11 / Abdnasir Sirat Dakane / SFH /
12 / Yussuf Hussein Ahmed / UNHCR /
13 / Hodan Mohamed Hassan / APD /
14 / Farah Mohamud / IOM /


1.  Introduction and opening remarks

2.  Updates from cluster members

3.  Updates on IDPs situation in the area

4.  Gaps and Challenges in service provision

5.  Elnino preparedness

6.  A.O.B


The meeting started at 10:30am with a word of prayer by Yussuf Ahmed and then a quick introduction was done among the participants. The chairman, Mr. Yussuf welcomed the entire participants into the Shelter Cluster meeting.

Min-2:Updates from cluster members

WRRS representative has informed the cluster members that WRRS and HAPPEN are planning to construct 300 whittle doub with CGI to protracted IDPs living Kismayu District. Beneficiaries have already been selected and the initiative will be implemented earlier next month. The shelter was supposed to be constructed on May 2015 but due to delay of CHF fund the organization was in position to implement the program.

The local authority of Dhobley and the minister for social affairs Jubbaland have pledge to donate 1km square plot of land to the IDPs in Dhobley if there is any organization will to invest in ;
1) Shelter -Note IDPs shelter is not movable if relocated
2) Water kiosks installation
3) Latrine construction
4) Cash relief- The only source of livelihoods will be interrupted if IDPs are relocated from say from point A to point B.

WRRS has also asked the members if the NFI kits can be given to people living outskirts Kismayu but the cluster has told them that beneficiaries selection will be discussed when the organization is ready to implement the activity depending on situation analysis during that period.

Min-3. Updates on IDPs situation in the area

In the discussion, it was agreed among the members that The IDPs of Raskamboni of Badhade district have not received any humanitarian assistance despite of living with the host community for the last one year. The IDPs fled from Kuda location that has been heavily affected after Amisom and Al shabab militia fought several times to recapture the said location.The cluster has agreed to mobilize local, international and UN organizations to intervene the matter.

The local authority of Dhobley and the minister for social affairs Jubbaland have pledge to donate 1km square plot of land to the IDPs in Dhobley if there is any organization will to invest in.
1) Shelter
2) Water kiosks installation
3) Latrine construction
4) Cash relief- The only source of livelihoods will be interrupted if IDPs are relocated from the current settlements to new site.

The cluster have agreed that Dobley IDPs have only received 1076 Hypothermia kits and 800 NFI kits for the last 3 years which is not sufficient for vulnerable IDPs increasing daily due to the ongoing military offensive.

The members of the cluster also raised that pastoral drop out who have totally lost their livelihood and settlement towns in Afmadow and Badade district. This group equally needs shelter.

Abdiribah from UNOCHA informed the cluster members that there is a need to do partners mapping assessment which can help understand better the numbers IDPs and their immediate needs. The cluster agreed to do the assessment voluntary and given some protocols to be captured during the assessment which includes;

The mapping will help us

To determine and agree the number of IDP clusters in each of the four neighbourhoods in Dhobley.

2.  To determine and agree the number of households living in each IDP cluster

3.  To Identify/determine number of IDP clusters or IDP households living their own plots of land

4.  To determine/Identify the number of IDP households living on other person's plot of land but are allowed to construct latrines and water kiosks.

5.  To determine/Identify the number of IDP households living on other person's plot of land and are NOT allowed to construct latrines and water kiosks.

6.  To determine the intention of IDPs on return, local integration and undecided.

Min-4: Gaps and challenges

·  Less NFI Distribution to the IDPs

·  IDPS have no permanent shelter

·  No contingency preparedness of El Nino

·  High pastoral drop outs

·  Refugees from Dadaab camp who voluntary repatriate Somalia( Afmadow District) without informing concerned agencies

Min-5 . Elnino preparedness

The cluster members agreed the districts that are most likely affected which include:

·  Afmadow

·  Badhade

·  Jamama

·  Kismayu

There is no agency that has any contingency Elnino preparedness to respond the expected natural calamity

·  Action Points

# / Agendas / Action Points
1 / Updates of IDPs situation in the area / ·  Resource mobilsation from local and international organization to help Raskamboni IDPs in Badade district and Afmadow district.
·  Pastoral Dropouts should be captured as IDPs During the analysis of IDPs profiling assessment
·  Partners mapping assessment should be conducted on 31st August 2015
·  The members of the cluster shall meet on 30th to do proper planning before partners mapping assessment commenced
·  The cluster proposed that there is need of 8 enumerators and 2 supervisors to do data collection and community engagement of the IDPs during the assessment
2 / Elnino preparedness / Since there is no contingency put in place to mitigate the severity of El nino rain. the cluster agreed to do the following action plan.
·  Resource mobilization
·  In case the cluster received Contingency supplies the cluster members agreed the supplies to be put in accessible areas i.e Afmadow, Dobley,, Kismayu and Kulbiyow.
Min-6 A.O.B

The cluster members requested to receive the minutes of shelter cluster meeting of kismayu for further coordination between the two cluster members.