1 Malone Road Belfast BT9 6BY
Tel: 028 9020 5205 · Fax General: 028 9020 5228 ·
Mr J S W Naismith MA DipEd PGCE
1. GRAMMAR SCHOOL - Day pupils
a. Procedure for Transfer and Entry to Form 1, 2010
(1) Parents who wish to apply for the admission of boys or girls to MethodistCollege are invited to attend our Open Evenings which take place on 7 and 8 January 2010 from 6.30 pm to 9.00 pm. The Principal will speak at 6.30 pm and again at 8.00 pm. Applications are made through your primary school or through the Belfast Education and Library Board/Education and Skills Authority.
(2) The Grammar School course consists of two stages, the first leading to the General Certificate of Secondary Education and the second to Advanced Level after two further years. In normal circumstances it is expected that those accepted will complete the seven-year course to Advanced Level. Criteria for admission to the Sixth Form will, however, have to be met.
b. Older Pupils wishing to enter Grammar School Classes
(1) Parents who wish to apply for the admission of children to Forms above the first year (by transfer from other schools, family moving from other districts etc.), should complete the College application form and return this to the Principal’s Office. It is not anticipated that there will be many casual vacancies in Forms 2 to 5, but each case will be considered on its merits. Pupils with satisfactory results at GCSE Level may be accepted for A Level courses.
N.B. Details of school(s) previously attended and school reports for the previous 2 years should be submitted with the application form.
c. Fees and contributions
(1) For all day pupils, a Capital Fee, which is at present £140.00 per annum, must be paid direct to the College, in accordance with the Regulations of the Department of Education. The College also seeks an annual voluntary payment to its Revenue Fund at present £370 - £475 depending on the year group.
(2) Parents are requested to make a payment of £10.00 along with each application in order to defray the cost of the admissions procedure.
Admissions Advice/2009
2. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT (Downey House and Fullerton House)
1. Applications for admission to the Preparatory Department must be made on the appropriate form, which is to be returned together with a £10.00 registration fee to the Head of the Preparatory Department, Methodist College Belfast, BT9 6BY.
2. As the number of places available is limited, each case will be considered individually. Pupils are most readily admitted to the Class Primary 1 (reaching age 5 during the school year) or Primary 3 (reaching age 7 during the school year). A few may be accepted at other ages or names can be put on the waiting lists.
3. All pupils in the Preparatory Department are fee-paying and current rates and further particulars of the Preparatory Department are available from the Head of Department.
The College requires a photocopy of the birth certificate. This should accompany the application form, or, if not available then, should be submitted as soon as possible thereafter.
Parents are assured that the information given on the application form will be treated by the College in the strictest confidence.
S Naismith
Admissions Advice/2009