Minutes Executive Committee meeting
Athens: 9-10 Nov 2012
Present: Verena Fabris replacing Michaela Moser (EAPN Austria), Stephan Backes (EAPN Bel), Maria Jeliazkova (EAPN Bul), Karel Schwarz (EAPN Cz), Per Thomsen (EAPN Dk), Kart Mere (EAPN Estonia), Outi Ruishalme (EAPN Fin), Alexander Kraake (EAPN Ger), Maria Marinakou (EAPN Gre), Izabella Marton (EAPN Hu), Villborg Oddsdottir (Iceland), Tess Murphy (EAPN Irl), Letizia Cesarini Sforza (EAPN It), Giles Rod (EAPN Lux), Saviour Grima (EAPN Mal), Quinta Ansem (EAPN Net), Johanna Engen(EAPN Nor), Kamila Plowiec (EAPN Pol), Sergio Aires (EAPN Por), Jasmine Krunić (EAPN Serbia), Slavomira Marekove replacing Zuzana Kusza (EAPN Slovakia), Carlos Susias (EAPN Sp), Sonja Wallbom (EAPN Sw), Peter Kelly (EAPN UK), Maciej Kucharczyk (AGE), Marie-Cecile Renoux (ATD Fourth World), Alexandre Jutant Babelea replacing Clotilde Clark-Foulquier (Eurodiaconia).
Apologies: Ninetta Kazantzis (EAPN Cy), Olivier Marguery (EAPN Fr), Skirma Kondratas (EAPN Lithuania), Mila Carovska (EAPN FYORM-Macedonia), Jana Hainsworth (Eurochild), Germen Stoffers, (Salvation Army),Clotilde Clark-Foulquier (Eurodiaconia), Freek Spinnewijn (FEANTSA),
No answer: Paul Drăgan (EAPN Rom),
In attendance: Fintan Farrell, Sian Jones, Tanya Basarab, Vincent Caron, Amana Ferro, Philippe Lemmens, Nellie Epinat. Several observers from EAPN Greece attended for different parts of the meeting.
Proxy: Sergio Aires had proxy for Olivier Marguery
Key DecisionsA separate document will be drawn up from the discussions in the Induction Session / Un document séparé sera produit à partir des discussions dans la session d’induction
Exco voted in favour of the non-recognition of the Slovenian Network. / L’Exco a voté en faveur d’une non-reconnaissance du réseau slovène.
The format for the first EAPN Learning Forum was endorsed. / Le format du premier forum d’apprentissage a été dessiné.
19 National Networks were reminded that the need to respond to the call for membership Contributions for 2012 / 19 réseaux nationaux ont reçu un rappel concernant l’appel aux contributions des membres pour 2012.
The Exco agreed to test a new system for reimbursement starting 1 January 2013 and review it before the end of the year. / L’Exco a accepté de tester un nouveau système de remboursement à partir du 1er janvier 2013, et de l’évaluer en fin d’année.
The format for the first edition of the EAPN Prize was agreed and Exco members were asked to suggest a name for the prize with a one week deadline. / Le format pour la première édition du Prix EAPN a été décidé, et les membres Exco ont une semaine de délai pour proposer leurs noms pour ce prix.
It was agreed to set up a small group to follow up the work on voting weights in EAPN and to report back to the next Exco. The members of the group are: Sonja, Carlos, Gilles, Maciej, Izabella and Freek is also to be asked to join this group. / Il a été décidé de mettre sur pied un petit groupe pour suivre le travail sur les influences de vote à EAPN, et de faire le rapport au prochain Exco. Les membres du groupe sont: Sonja, Carlos, Gilles, Maciej, Izabella et Freek est également appelé à rejoindre le groupe.
A series of lobbying actions wereagreed to ensure support for the future of the PEP meetings / Une série d’actions de lobbying sont confirmées afin d’assurer un soutien pour lefutur des réunions PeP.
It was agreed that EAPN Europe should not proceed with taken money from GDF Suez for a research project on energy poverty. However we should try to maintain the dialogue with GDF Suez and other energy providers in relation to solutions for energy poverty. / Il a été confirmé qu’EAPN Europe ne devrait pas accepter d’argent de GDF Suez pour son projet de recherche sur la pauvreté énergétique. Toutefois, nous devrions maintenir le dialogue avec GDF Suez et d’autres fournisseurs d’énergie, en relation avec les solutions pour la pauvreté énergétique.
The document of role of EOs was considered helpful. It should be discussed in the EO meeting and the results brought back to the Exco for further discussions. / Le document sur le rôle des OE a été considéré comme utile. Il devrait être discuté durant la réunion des OE et les résultats seront rapportés à l’Exco pour discussions.
EAPN needs to developastrategy to engage with the future of Europe debate. / EAPN doit développer une stratégie pour s’engager dans le débat sur le futur de l’Europe.
The proposed change of role for Fintan and the launch of a process to appoint a new Director was noted and the Bureau will follow up these issues. / Le changement de rôle proposé pour Fintan et le lancement du processus de désignation d’un nouveau directeur ont été notés. Le Bureau suivra ces deux points.
1. Welcome and apologies, approval of minutes (April and June): The minutes were approved. It was agreed that the question of the system for the election of future Bureau would be delayed until we have evaluated how the present system is working and we are sure what type of Bureau (size and role) we might want to have for the next statutory period.
2. Reflection on Greek Network Event.
Important event for EAPN Greece, with very mixed audience and a complex discussion. It was an important opportunity for the network, timed with their General Assembly, but the EXCO presence was a strong motivation for the high attendance. Reactions from Exco members:
· Very important event, particularly the reality of the desperation of poverty and the link with the attack on democracy that is the reality of the austerity approach.
· Recognition of being in the same boat, particularly with the Southern Countries, also provided an important example of how networks can play a role offering a space for an open discussion on the crisis.
· Brought home the absolute threat, in a very direct way. Very good attendance, but what was the meaning of some leaving early.
· Good mix of people, what were the reasons – who is in poverty – was this a tension? Any ideas of follow up actions? And what do Greek network want from us.
Maria responded saying in terms of follow up – the network will do a reflection and follow up note – synergy for action, defined by the participants and want EAPN to be part of it. We need to find this common place together. We need to look for help and inspiration from each other. She also pointed out that they are not a country used to open dialogue. She spoke about how young people have a different way of operating. People need to talk about their experiences more, more than listen. We need to re-establish common values. This event was a forum for open debate and they may want to build on this idea of a Forum to build the Network. It was also pointed out that there was a representative of the Troika present and they have asked a meeting with EAPN Greece and after with EAPN at European level.
3. Executive Induction: A separate document will be drawn up from this discussion and brought for discussion at the next Executive meeting.
4. Follow Up from Sub Groups (full reports of meetings at bottom of this document)
4.1) Membership Development and Support:
Follow-up of study visit to EAPN Slovenia: The subgroup recommends to the Exco to vote on the non-recognition of the Slovenian Network. 20 in favour, 4 abstentions and 0 against.Decision carried and will be communicated to the contacts in Slovenia. Formal decision should be ratified at the GA in 2013.
EAPN Romania: The subgroup will organize a visit to EAPN Romania to speak with its members on their national and European engagement.
EAPN Learning Forum: The Exco endorsed the general proposed format for the first Learning Forum.The secretariat will now follow up as per the document that was presented to the Exco.
4.2) Finance, Fundraising and Projects:
EAPN Budget 2012: Philippe distributed an updated executed budget for 2012. The problem will be as always to reach the matching fund requirement. To achieve that, we need to underspend so that we can include appropriate expenses from the Contracts with National Networks that bring matching funds. A list of member’s contributions we received was distributed. 19 Networks were reminded that they should respond to the call for membership contributions.
Reimbursement Rules: The sub group recommended that the proposed new arrangements for reimbursements as presented by Philippe be tested in 2013 and this was accepted by the Exco.
First edition of EAPN Prize: Outline for prize was accepted (23 in favour, 1 against, 0 abstentions) but it was asked that it be made clear that National Networks or European Organisations could not apply directly for the prize but their members could. It should also be made clearer that we are not talking about a prize for EU funded projects (though they are not excluded) but more a prize for grass root initiatives. Exco members were given one week to suggest names for the prize.
4.3) Communication
A Communications work programme based on the adopted communication strategy is now available. The work programme is broken down into work packages, with specific tasks, for each group: members as a whole, EXCO, EUIS Group, EXCO Subgroup on communications and Secretariat. A document called “division of tasks – assignment of responsibilities” is also available on the members’ room, on the page of the EXCO subgroup on communications, listing what each of these groups is responsible for. This Communication work programme should be voted upon by next EXCO, so important that Exco members read it.
5. Voting Weights in EAPN
The background document and proposed way to follow up were considered helpful. The following people agreed to be part of a small group to lead the follow up and bring the results of their work back for decision at the next Exco meeting: Sonja, Carlos, Gilles, Izabella and Maciej. It was agreed to ask Freek to join this group and if not available to ask someone else from an EO to join this group.
6. Follow up from Sub-Groups
6.1) Alternative Economics Group:
The meeting provided a good opportunity to get an overview on the key alliances with which EAPN works. It was agreed that EAPN should try to make the bridge between organized NGOs at EU level and social movements and that EAPN continues its engagement with the Joint Social Conference and the Alter Summit. We need to link National Networks to national preparations for these events. It was noted that EAPN reps have been more involved in the drafting of the ‘euromemorandum’ this year and EAPN should sign and encourage our members to sign the memorandum. There was an update on EPN cooperation with Dignity International. It was noted that Fintan will stand for the elections for the new Board of ESCR net.with a view to link EAPN members better into this and other Global Alliances. In second half of 2013 we would want to have a 1/2 day workshop in the whole EXCO to get wider input and ownership of the work of this sub group.
6.2) Discrimination and Rights based approach:
Task Force: The Group is working on proposing a Task Force around the idea to develop a toolkit to help NNs to fight against discrimination related to poverty by doing a stocktaking of the context at EU level (crisis), highlighting concrete examples of discrimination linked to poverty, focusing on rights and responsibilities and mapping the EU instruments available to fight against discrimination.
Developing a thematic approach on discrimination using the expertise of our Members from EOs and strengthen our alliances with them on this issue and beyond.
6.3) Poverty, Democracy and Participation:
Contribution to the UN report on Participation of People Living in Poverty and Social Exclusion:Tanya has drafted an input from the EAPN, which draws on the EAPN work on participation of people and activists with direct experience of poverty. TheExco members are invited to make contributions that would enhance this paper.
Future of the EU Meetings of People Experiencing Poverty: A ppt presentation was sent in advance to the Executive Committee about the future of the EU Meetings. The European Commission has informed EAPN that it might stop supporting the EU meeting as a Presidency event. The Bureau has taken responsibility for following up on this issue. Following proposals from the subgroup the Exco agreed the following:
· Make an action during the Annual Convention as many from EAPN will be present as part of delegations, but we should know what the lobby strategy is, so we don’t take actions that harm it.
· National Networks bring examples of the national and local impact of PEP meetings – the impact beyond the meetings.
· Also important to highlight the impact of the process on people. We could ask past delegates to write to the EC about their experiences and combine those letters with video messages to bring the messages more directly.
· All members should send a letter to the Irish Minister requesting her support for the continuation of the meeting.
· The secretariat should work to seek the support of the SPC and then ask Members to be in touch with their SPC members.
· We need to link our arguments to the EU Year of citizens
· We should seek the support of the Social Platform for the continuation of the meeting
On the content of the EU meetings – good meeting with National Coordinators. Open to a different style of meeting but wanted that everybody speaks in their own language, which reduces the options for a more dynamic methodology. Marie Cecile expressed the hope that there would be a good reflection on the future of these meetings