1. Developments in CFK
The main purpose in the cfk project is to send the children to school regularly and it is being achieved in all our target villages. The family has got employment and their unemployed problem is solved through our scheme. The price of the milk has increased and the beneficiaries are now getting good income.
We get enough rain this year and we hope we will get enough water and green grass for the animals. We hope that the rate of the rice hay etc will be reasonable. Also they send their children to schools regularly.
1. Athoor-Akkaraipatty, 2.Poyyampatty, 3.Velayuthampatty are the villages running a cfk project at present. A short preview to the developments per village:
1.2.1 Athoor-Akkaraipatty:
In this village the beneficiaries were selected from the list who were directly getting small financial help from Mr.Ge for their family and children. We thought that these nine families would utilize the cfk project so that they can get self-employment and sustainability and that they can send their children to school. Just three of them have left the village and they have sold the cows too. We have also decided to take legal action against them if they do not respond our agreement after March 2013.Others who have failed to repay the loan are now assured to repay a minimum on December 2012.( Taking legal action will cause unnecessary tension for us also ,hence we can give some threaten and so on.)
In this village almost all the beneficiaries were highly active and repaid successfully for their first animal loan. These people are depending a hill region and working as daily wageworkers in the forest area. Soon after we issued the second cows there was a sudden virus disease called blue tongue fever which caused the cows to stop giving milk and made them sterile. Almost 9 calves that drank the virus milk have died and there was great loss to the beneficiaries. However they saved the life of the 8 cows and 3 died even after heavy treatment and the milk secretion was also completely stopped.
Actions to be taken:
- We had meetings with the people and asked them to repay the loan from their wage earnings. They said that their earnings are very limited and soon repay the amount little by little before March 2013 which is their final date allotted for repayments. Actually they asked us to wipe out their pending loan but we refused their demands. We will follow closely the repayment efforts till March 2013 and see how they react.
- The existing cows are very bony and they cannot be used for meat purpose also. Hence they can sell them to the merchants who buy them for the outer skin but to a cheaper cost.(with in Rs 2000 per animal) We had a meeting in the village today November 28, 2012 and they are going to sell the useless cows and repay the same to us. Approximately Rs 20,000 can be repaid through this dealing.
1.2.3 Velayuthampatty:
In this village the cfk system is going on regularly. Almost all the 10 beneficiaries are repaying as per schedule and also maintaining their cows properly. We hope that the milk cooperation will continue its cooperation with them and successfully they are involving in the scheme.
Performance of the CFK beneficiaries
SL.NO / NAME OF THE VILLAGE / NO. OF BENEFICI- ARIES / LOAN / Milk yield UP TO OCT 2012 / RS COLLECT for the milk yield / REPAID from the milk selling / Amount utilized for CHILDREN school expenses / Amount utilizesd for CATTLE feed purchase / Amount utilized for FAMILY expenses
1. / Velayuthampatti
Aug 2011-March-2013 / 10 / 360000 / 26500 / 424,000 / 356,000 / 18000 / 18000 / 32000
2. / Poyyampatti
March 2010- March- 2013 / 12 / 480,000 / 20,800 / 332,800 / 2,92,000 / 12800 / 15000 / 13000
3. / Athoor
March 2010- March 2013 / 9 / 260,000 / 12260 / 196,256 / 122500 / 16266 / 28430 / 28860
Computer and stitching courses
The computer and stitching trainings are also part and parcel of the CFK project.
The computer course (20 students) teaches the basic in computer(Diploma in computer application).
Computer training courseApril t/m- MARCH 2013 / Cost during 12 months / Budget for one year / Spent in 12 months
Salary, 1 teacher / 12x Rs 2000 / 24,000 / 24,000
Tuition fee / 12x Rs 300 x 20 students / 72,000 / 72,000
Exam fee / Rs 250x20 / 5,000 / 5000
contingencies / Wiring, plug boards,
Electricity, labor costs / 5,000 / 5,000
Total / 106,000 / 106,000
INCOME: Students
Local contribution. / INCOME: 12x Rs 50x 20students / 12,000
Note: Actually our budget proposal is Rs 94000 from BENG and Rs 12000 is from trainees and hence we are meeting the total budget of Rs 106000 to run the computer project.
.2Stitching Course
The Tailoring students are engaging in the stitching and producing dress materials as per the need of the society. They are trained in measuring, cutting, designing and stitching the cloths. They are experts in making women blouses, skirts, shirts, pants, churidhar and nighties. They are very quick to make the dress materials and the nearby people are approaching our centre to get to stitch their materials and our trainees are able to earn little money also during the course.
Stitching courseApril 2012 t/m MARCH 2013 / Costs during 12 months / Allowed For one year / Spent for 12 months
Salary, 1 teacher / 12x Rs2000 / 24,000 / 24,000
Tuition fee / 12x Rs150 x20 / 36,000 / 36,000
Raw materials / 12x Rs 50 x20 / 12,000 / 12,000
Exam fee / Rs200x20 / 4,000 / 4000
Contingencies (water, machine maintenance, oil etc) / 3,000 / 3,000
TOTAL AVAILABLE BUDGET / 79,000 / 79,000
Students contribution Rs50 x 20x 12months=12000
Actually the budget for the stitching course is Rs. 67,000 and the actual expenses will be Rs. 79,000. As the local contribution of the students will be
Rs. 12,000 (12 months, 50 Rs x 20 students) we will not exceed the budget, and this will help to meet the final expenses.
TC BUDGET on 2012- 2013 / Allowed for 1 year / Spent for 12 monthsThere are 19 tuition centres in 16 villages and there are 328 children getting benefit thanks to our tuition centers, 149 boys and 179 girls.The children are getting lessons daily in the evenings and they are trained in playing, drawing, writing, speaking and other cultural activities. Our village teachers help them with their homework. We do conduct special competitions in these subjects and the children are encouraged by giving small prizes. There is great welcome among the parents in the villages. The
School going children are getting very eager to attend the schools regularly due to ourmotivation.
Salary tutors 19xRs600 x12 months / 136800 136800Teachingmaterials19xRs2000(charts,notebooks,pens,pencils, chakpiece,stationery etc) / 38000 / 38000
Competitions and exhibitions.19xRs2000 / 38000 / 38000
Cultural activities, sports, and games compettions19xRs2000 / 38000 / 38000
School uniforms / 12500 / 12500
Coordinator salary1xRs 1500x 12 months / 18000 / 18000
Supervisor salary1xRs 2500x12months / 18000 / 18000
Travel expenses Rs x 500x 12 months / 6000 / 6000
Total / 305300 / 305300
In 2012 there are 16 Bursary students: 12 (R) and 4 (S). In addition we have selected 8 girls from NPR College for the current year 2012 as new bursary students who are at their first year Degree courses. The spoken English and the computer internet education are given at MERDS training centre, Natham. The spoken English class is conducted by Miss.Jeya Arasi the NPR college English lecturer and the computer class is conducted by Mrs.Aunucia Devi who is working as a head master in a matriculation school at Natham. As per plan the computer lab has been improved and the students are very happy on joining the course. Lunch arrangements are being made to our students and they are given travel expenses too for attending the course. Really both the spoken English and the computer internet courses are very useful to our students and the parents of our students are very happy and conveying their thanks to BENG.
BUDGET SPENT FOR THE YEAR 2012-APR- MARCH2013- AN OVERVIEWBudget Received for the current year 495.000 / BUDGET Allowed for 12 months / Budget spent for 12 months
From BENG 495000 + Old balance 38155
Total = 533155 / Total
Bursary regular
11x Rs 7500 / 82500 / 82500(for 11 students)
One-one candidates
12000+12000+4000+4000 / 32000 / 32.000
New 8 students 8x7500 / 60000 / 60000
Delasale ITI / 106500 / 76000
12 months x 5500Rs / 66.000 / 66000
Training cost for spoken English&Computer / 100255 / 100255
Salary to tutors 2x 2250x 12 months / 54000 / 54000
Internet charges 12monthsxRs1000 / 12000 / 12000
Elecricity 12xRs1000 / 12000 / 12000
Purchase of LCD monitors 4x7800 / 31200 / 31200
Update hardwares &softwares / 7200 / 7200
533155 / 533155
CHAPTER -5:Little stars NURSERY school
Our Little Stars Nursery school has started successfully from June 2012 onwards at Athoor in the middle of the village with 35 children of which 12 are studying UKG and 23 are studying LKG. We have conducted a parents meeting at Athoor in a community hall and the parents were very interested to start the school in a convenient place so that their children will get proper education and play happily in the school premises. Also the parents understood that they have to pay the minimum contribution for their children and best education.
Actions taken:
- School uniforms: We bought uniform cloths from a bulk dealer so that we can arrange a tailor to stitch the cloths; the parents were interested on seeing their children in uniforms. In a way we see all our children with uniformity and there is no difference between the children and families. The parents repay the cost for their child’s uniform by monthly repayment.
- Schoolmaterials: We ordered books from a reliable company, and provided free note books, pencils and eraser to each child, so that all the children will have their own books with them. Play materials were bought with the presence of volunteers and teachers.
- School building:Almost all the needed furniture, chairs, Almerah,tables and lights were bought and utilized. The school is painted and provided with all the needed bulbs,water lines, doors, fans, and pipes etc. The toilets and the bathroom are constructed and the back space has been cleaned well and we made a small garden for our children.New paintings on the wall were made and different pictures on educating the children are also hanging inside our class rooms.
- Teaching methods:The teachers are trained often by the volunteers and the children are enjoying their new skill trainings. Our teachers are following the current book syllabus and teaching in the play way method. The effort taken by them are good and our children are performing well in their tests, Every day action plan is being made by our teachers and they teach accordingly. Our children are enjoying music, rhymes.English words, sentences and songs. They draw pictures and paint according to their taste. Totally they play, study and refresh in the school. New play equipments have been fixed in the backyard of the school. And the complete garden side was made fit to our children to play. The walls of the garden were painted with beautiful animals, flowers, etc. Our volunteers made crucial role on painting. On the whole the atmosphere of the school is very nice and the parents are eager to admit their children in our school.
The computer room is designed in the upstairs and our children get computer lessons through our teachers.
LITTLE STARS SCHOOL BUDGET DETAILS FOR April 2012 -March2013Income / Expenses
Expenses made up to March 2013
BENG / 342000 / Uniform cloth purchased / 31950
monthlysubscription / 10500 / Books purchased / 27000
Repayment for books / 10500 / School advance / 25000
Repayment for uniforms / 10400 / Floor mats purchased / 780
Electric bulbs / 630
paint purchased / 1046
salary to teachers (12 monthx2500x2) / 60000
salary to Assistant (12monthx1500x1) / 18000
stationery,playmaterials,vessels etc / 12248
ups,speakers and woofer,connector etc / 3600
Furnitures and almerah etc / 22130
Toilet construction / 30270
Electric charges(12x500) / 6000
Rent for school building 12monthx Rs2600 / 31200
Conveyance and travel for delivery of goods / 1200
Play equipments / 29500
Mason charges / 1200
Raw materials (cement, sand,Blue metal / 1500
Fan,wiring,bulbs,fitting charges (labour)
Xavioyr. / 21100
Sand,ground leveling,labour charges / 9700
Stationeries and Note books / 7200
373400 / Total / 341254
balance will be Rs. / 373400 / 341254 / 32146
Chapter: 6
St. La Salle ITI, Dindigul
Details of BenG Beneficiaries of 2012-2013
Sl nr / Name of the Beneficiaries / Gender / Course / Fees (Rs) / Follow up1 / C. Muthu Raja / M / Electrician / 4000.00 / Arkay Industries,
2 / A. Sirumani / F / Electrician / 4000.00 / Studying
3 / A. Jeyarani / F / Electrician / 4000.00 / Studying
4 / S. Selvam / M / Fitter / 4000.00 / Studying
5 / A. Paul Vivek / M / “ / 4000.00 / Shiva Tex Yarn, Coimbatore
6 / S. Joseph Mano Raj / M / “ / 4000.00 / Shiva Tex Yarn, Coimbatore
7 / P. Pethana Pandi / M / Auto Mobile Mechanic / 4000.00 / Automobile Work Shop
8 / S. Selvi / F / Computer / 4000.00 / Home
9 / P. Christy / F / “ / 4000.00 / Data entry business
10 / L. Jenatsha Priya / F / “ / 4000.00 / Home
11 / J. Jasmine Flora Mary / F / “ / 4000.00 / Bill collector
12 / A. Saleth Mary / F / “ / 4000.00 / Bill collector
13 / R. Ramya / F / “ / 4000.00 / Studying
14 / P. Victoria Mary / F / Tailoring / 4000.00 / Self Employed
15 / A. Jeyaclin Mary / F / “ / 4000.00 / Self Employed
16 / T. Hemalatha / F / “ / 4000.00 / Married, at home
17 / J. Meena / F / “ / 4000.00 / Self Employed
18 / A. Maria Vasantha / F / “ / 4000.00 / S.J Garments, Dgl
19 / K. Ilaveni / F / “ / 4000.00 / S.J Garments, Dgl
TOTAL / 76000.00
Chapter - 7
The children who are very poor in economical status and unable to continue their studies, due to poverty, are chosen for the admission in our Drop Out Centre (DOC). Children whose parents are illiterate are being approached by our staff and teachers and the children are encouraged to get admit in our DOC. After hearing the impact of our centre most of the parents nearby villages are approaching our centre directly to admit their children in our centre. At the start of the new school year, in June 2012, there were 45 children selected who dropped out from their regular schools. Now most of them are getting trained in our DOC and got re-admitted in the regular stream. The evening food we provide helps them lot. They get satisfied both physically and mentally. We are in a situation to restrict the number of children as per the budget we can get from BenG projects, The Netherlands. Any how the people and the children find it very useful and are saying that our DOC is building their basic for life. We do feel very proud on hearing the same.
The children of the Drop Out Centreare highly encouraged and motivated on their studies and extracurricular activities. The teachers perform a hard task to enrich our children’s knowledge. The regular attendance of our children in both the drop out Centre and in their regular school is very appreciable. The competitive attitude has grown among our children and their achievement in the school final examination proved the same. The regular government school teachers appreciated the performance of the children from our DOC and they themselves gave motivation to our students to continue the study to their higher level.
We find gradual increase of knowledge in both school curriculum and extracurricular activities among our drop out children in the past year. We hope that we can promote more skills in this current year along with the additional vocational training to the children.
Actually, there are 45 students studying in our DOC for the year 2013-2014:
- 6th standard - 9 students, 7th standard – 6 students, 8th standard – 2 students
- 9th standard – 9students, 10th standard – 13 students, 11th standard – 4 students
- 12th standard – 3 students.
At the start of the new school year, per 1 June 2013, the total number of students (strength)was 46 from which 18 boys and 28 girls. Another 5 students from 11th standard and 3 students from 12th standard will be admitted as new students from 16 July 2013 onwards. An overview of the strength in- and outflow of our DOC students, in 2012 and 2013, is shown in attachment 1.
Initially there were some difficulties to search for the post graduate teachers to teach for the higher grade students, but we were able to get two very good, new teachers who studied Mathematics, science, and English.
Our higher grade students are able to understand all the difficult subjects thanks to our new teachers. Also they play well and do concentrate on studies without difficulty.
They do have a lot of subjects and it has to be covered with in December. Hence both the teachers and students are highly involved in all the activities. The parents are also very happy and let their girl children to study. Last academic year our students were able to achieve top ranks in the final examination.
One of our 10th standard students called, K.Veerakumar has got 450 marks out of 500 in the government public examination and other 4 of our students has got more than 400 marks. We have got 100% pass result in 10th standard. Likewise all our students have got their promotion to the next classes. We do have children who can paint pictures on wall; draw beautiful pictures, attitude of speaking before audience, dancing, singing and playing various games.
The main success is that, in the school year 2012/2013, ten students were re-admitted in the main stream educational system (attachment 1)
Regarding co-curricular activities we teach our children to promote their skills in drawing, writing, speaking and acting. The girls are very eager to learn dancing and they do practice on Sunday’s in our Drop Out Center. Also we give opportunity to play indoor games like Carom board and other intellectual games. In addition to that we train our students in the outdoor games like football, throw ball, badminton and skipping. Sports competitions and games were held among our students and thus our