/ Numerals & Coins / 1ST MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
2. Writenumerals with cardinality
3. Count, using one to one correspondence
4.Count by rote, by ones & tens
5. Coin recognition / + = 0 – 5
√ = 0 – 5
- = 0 – 5
+ = 0 - 5
√ = 0 – 5
- = 0 – 5
+ = 1 - 5
√ = 1 – 5
- = 1 – 5
+ = 1 - 25
√ = 1 – 25
- = 1 – 25
+ = penny
√ = penny
- = penny / + = 0 - 10
√ = 0 - 10
- = 0 - 10
+ = 0 - 10
√ = 0 - 10
- = 0 - 10
+ = 1 - 10
√ = 1 - 10
- = 1 – 10
+ = 1 - 50
√ = 1– 50
- = 1– 50
+ = penny, nickel
√ = penny, nickel
- = penny, nickel / + = 0 - 15
√ = 0 -15
- = 0 -15
+ = 0 - 15
√ = 0 -15
- = 0 -15
+ = 1 - 15
√ = 1 -15
- = 1 -15
+ = 1 - 75
√ = 1 - 75
- = 1 - 75
+ = penny, nickel, dime
√ = penny, nickel, dime
- = penny, nickel, dime / + = 0 -20
√ = 0 -20
- = 0 -20
+ = 0 -20
√ = 0 -20
- = 0 -20
+ = 1 - 20
√ = 1 -20
- = 1- 20
+ = 1– 100, > 10s - 100
√ = 1– 100, 10s - 100
- = 1 – 100, < 10s - 100
+ = penny, nickel, dime, quarter
√ = penny, nickel, dime, quarter
- =penny, nickel, dime, quarter
Measurement / 1ST MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MPs / 4th MP
1.Estimatemeasurements of objects
2. Identify time of day [hour]
3. Obtain accurate information related to calendar / + = Independently recognizeattributes
√ = Recognize attributes [length, weight, capacity]
- = Recognizemostattributes
+ = Name 7 days of week [+ additional]
√ = Name 7 days of week, not in order
- = Name < 7 days of week / + = Easily use many estimation vocab. words
√ = Uses estimation vocab. appropriately [about, almost, close to]
- = Uses some vocab., with prompting
+ = Name 4 seasons of year,in order
√ = Name 3 seasons of year, in any order
- = Name < 3 seasons of year, in any order / + = Compare many lengths with correct comparisons
√ = Compare 2 or more lengths [longer/est, shorter/est, taller/est]
- = Compare 2 lengths, using at least 1 comparison
+ = Strong accuracy of digital times
√ = State digital time to the hour
- = State digital time to the hour [with prompting]
+ = Easily name days of week, seasons of year in order [+ additional info., i.e. days before & after]
√ = Name all days of week, 4 seasons of year but not in order
- = Name most days of week, seasons of year / + = Easily use a wide variety of non-standard units to estimate & measure
√ = Use non-standard units to estimate & measure
- = Use non-standard unit to estimate & measure [much prompting needed]
+ = Demonstrate strength in identification of analog times
√ = Identify analog time accurately to hour
- = Identify hour-of-day with some difficulty
+ = Sequentially name 4 seasons of year, 7 days of week [+ additional info., i.e. months of year]
√ = Sequentially name 4 seasons of year, 7 days of week
- = Name seasons, days of week [<4, < 7 non-sequential]
Geometry / 1ST MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
1.Identify shapes by name / + = Locate & name squares, circles in environment
√ = Identify shapes as square, circle
- = Able to name one shape when shown a picture card / + = Locate & name squares, circles, rectangles in environment
√ = Identify pictorial shapes as square, circle, rectangle
- = Able to name 2 of above shapes / + = Locate & name squares, circles, rectangles, triangles in environment
√ = Identify pictorial shapes as square, circle, rectangle, triangle
- = Able to name 3 of above shapes / + = Locate & name squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, ovals in environment
√ = Identify shapes as square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval
- = Able to name 5 shapes of square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval when shown individual picture cards
/ Algebra / 1ST MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
1. Repeat, extend, identify a pattern of 2-colored geometric shapes / + = Strong pattern recognition of concrete shapes
√ = Recognize simple concrete shape patterns
- = Difficulty recognizing simple concrete shape patterns [requires prompting] / + = Easily repeat, extenda pattern of geometric shapes
√ = Repeat, extend a pattern of geometric shapes
- = Repeat, extend a pattern of geometric shapes [with prompting] / + = Demonstrate expanded awareness of a wide variety of patterns
√ = Begin to recognize characteristics of various patterns
- = Ableto detect one pattern / + = Easily identify a pattern in a pictorial representation of geometric shapes [ABAB or AABB]
√ = Identify a pattern in a pictorial representation of geometric shapes [ABAB or AABB]
- = Identify a pattern in a pictorial representation of geometric shapes [ABAB or AABB] with prompting
Data Analysis / 1st MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
1.Gather, organize, display, discuss datain charts or graphs / + = Easily recognizes numerous data/info. related to display [chart, graph] subject
√ = Recognizes data/info. that relates to display subject
- = Requires prompting in order to recognize data/info. related to display subject / + = Strong awareness of various sources of relevant data in real-life settings
√ = Able to name places where data,related to a graph or chart, can be found
- = Can name a place to locate data [with prompting] / + = Very capably collects numerous pieces of data for display, identifies many facts, makes comparisons
√ = Collects appropriate data for display, answers questions: “How many more?” “How do you know?”
- = Some collection [with assistance] of appropriate data for display, able to answer a question about the data on display / + = Strong participation [sometimes independently] in organizing and displaying data in a chart or graph, draws numerous conclusions, makes predictions
√ = Able to participate in organizing and displaying data in a chart or graph, draws conclusions based on data in chart or graph
- = Can participate in organizing and displaying data in a chart of graph and draw conclusions [with prompting]
/ Problem Solving / 1ST MP / 2nd MP / 3rd MP / 4th MP
1. Joining groups
2. Separating groups 3.Recreate math stories using concrete objects / + = High level of engagement when a math story is modeled
√ = Active engagement when a math story is modeled with concrete objects
- = Low level of engagement when a math story is modeled with concrete objects / + = Easily makeconnection in using concrete objects to represent math story
√ = Make connection between concrete objects & a simple math story
- = Make connectionsbetween concrete objects & a simple math story [with prompting] / + = Easily join& separate concrete objects to match simple math stories
√ = Join & separate concrete objects to match a simple math story
- = Join & separate concrete objects to match a simple math story [with prompting] / + = Easilyrecreate [sometimes with embellishment] a simple math story, using appropriate concrete objects
√ = Appropriately recreate& solve a simple math story, using up to 10 concrete objects
- = Recreate & solve a simple math story, using up to 10 concrete objects [with prompting]

Please note: The rubric is not requiring that each MP’s content must be covered during that MP.

It is also not to be interpreted as a required sequence. However, it does reflect the

skill expectations for K math. Those skills are listed on the K Math Skills list.


+ = 3 points√ = 2 points- = 1 point

** Student receiving + uses math vocabulary accurately & consistently.

Add total points earned from all concepts and divide that total by the # of concepts covered.

37 points ÷ 15 concepts covered = 2.5 [average] equivalent to Proficient

Refer to Performance Level ranges below to determine final performance level.


3.0 - 2.7 2.69 – 2.0 < 2.0