Safe Driving Contract

Parent/Guardian, please review this sample contract with your child.

Discuss this issue with your child and if you wish, one or both may sign the agreement.

Other options….

You may decide to draft your OWN version of a “Safe Driving Contract” – this would be great, you could sign it and turn in a copy.

If you already have an existing agreement about a situation such as this, we commend you for being proactive about this issue!

If you do not wish to sign this or make an agreement, please make a note of this and return with student. Thank you!!



I agree to call you for advice and/or transportation at any hour, from any place, if I am ever in a situation where I have been drinking, my ride has been drinking, or I am unable to find a safe ride home for any reason. Even if I have been doing something you disapprove of and I am afraid of being punished or disappointing you, I know that my safety is the most important thing. I also agree to always wear a seatbelt when riding in a vehicle because I know that a teenager has a car accident every 5 seconds in this country and I want to be safe.

My Signature ______

My Parents Signature ______

Any Comments:


I agree to provide transportation for you and/or your friends at any hour from any place. I may pick you up myself, send a responsible driver, or call a taxi to bring you home safely. There will be no questions asked and no argument at that time- we will discuss the issue at a time when we are both rested and ready to talk about it. Even if I am tired, angry, disappointed, and concerned, your safety is my number one concern.

My signature ______

Parent Signature ______

Any comments: