Regina Mothers Guild

Meeting Minutes


  1. Opening Prayer – Erin Brunsman, President: Meeting began at 7:05p.m.
  2. Introductions – Erin.
  3. Minutes- Susan: Motion to approve byPatti V., seconded byAngela
  4. Correspondence – Susan: Thank you letter received from Mr. Forys for Franciscan books and Mrs. Sawicki for the Sony CD/Cassette player
  5. Treasurer’s Report – Patti. Fashion Show purchased bracelets for the 2nd tier raffle, additional purchases for the staff wish list of $137. Current balance of $9,220.53 as of 02/23/2016. Motion to approve by Laura, seconded by Kelly.
  6. Old Business
  7. Sophomore Social – Feb 11. Marcia and Kim. Event went well and was verynice. For future reference, event coordinators will contact volunteers a few days prior to the event as a reminder.
  8. Yearbook Ad. There were 2 options for ads provided. The one that is not being used may be possibly used in the Fashion Show brochure. There was a suggestion to use it in the Graduation brochure, but that would have to be approved by the administration as that has not been done before.
  9. Fashion Show Updates- Ricci.
  10. March 11th will be a dress down day for a $2 donation.
  11. 2nd tier prize bracelets purchased
  12. All RMG please help with donations. Pam is collecting the donations and they can be brought to school. The key is if you would like it then someone else will too! (Think spring summer gifts)
  13. All donations welcome even a $5 gift card can be used in balloon pull.
  14. Help is needed for parish sales. Mostly to just get a contact at your parish and then Darra will take it from there.
  15. Volunteers needed for set up the day before. There is still a need for volunteers for the night of the event as well. Volunteers needed to sell raffle tickets. Also there is a need for Freshman/Sophomore moms to breakdown baskets after dinner, pick tickets for fishbowl, etc. Email Ricci if you are able to volunteer.
  16. Teacher Wish List – Receipts are still coming in.
  17. New Business
  18. Senior Baccalaureate Reception – May 25th Kelia/Norvetta – no info/reps not present.
  19. Elections/Committee Chairs-Volunteers needed to form the election committee to recruit members for the positions being vacated by graduating moms. All Executive positions will be available. It appears that Holiday Trim, Directories, Teachers Closet, Hospitality Chair positions have been filled. Please consider volunteering for the vacated positions. IMPORTANT: All members who wish to run for office or retain their chair positions must have been present at a minimum of 4 meetings prior to the elections in May.
  1. Next meeting – March 15th at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room.

Meeting adjourned at 7:37p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Lisa Ruggirello