Guildowns Group Practice

Patient Participation Group

Minutes/Action notes

Meeting held - Thursday 19th January 2017 1- 2.30pm, Wodeland Avenue Surgery Meeting Room.

Discussion and new actions / By whom / Deadline
/ Welcome and introductions
/ Minutes of last meeting agreed –
  • SM has contacted UNI to invite student members to PPG (but apologies this meeting)

/ Discussion about draft terms of reference - two examples circulated. Combination of these to be drafted and circulated with aim to agree at next meeting. / SM / 8/2/17
/ Nomination of chairperson – Ginny Willis, Pat Millar, and Wendy Parker expressed an interest (along with Tom Key, time constraints permitting). SM to contact the group to discuss their future “ownership” of the group. / SM/GW/PM
/WP/TK / 31/1/17
/ Email address for group – – to be used for communication between members. Has been populated with contacts. Reminder to BCC emails to group members. SM to email all with address and email password to prospective “chairs”. / SM / 23/1/17
/ Membership of NAPP – will be active by the beginning of February. SM will forward details to prospective chairs. / SM / 8/2/2017
/ Video – how the NHS works – recirculate link -
/ SM / 31/1/17
/ Practice update and the Patient Services Team view –
Discussions around the following items -
  • Demographics of practice
  • Number of appointments
  • Volume of calls to practice/phone system
  • Online booking and access
  • Plans for future of Guildowns
  • Availability of information/website
  • CQC report
  • NHS financial constraints/pressures
  • Funding – 5yr forward view
Request for more information for next meeting -
  • Numbers of GPs (wte), and other staff
  • Number of appointments offered (incl type)
“Prospective chairs” to confirm with SM information required. / SM/GW/PM
/WP/TK / 31/1/17
9. / Date and time of next meeting – TBC – suggested 2 - 3mths, ?Monday evening/Thursday afternoon / SM/GW/PM
/WP/TK / 31/1/17