Assignment 2–Analyse the Performance of Officials in a Selected Sport
Scenario: As a National Governing Body representative you have been given the responsibility of producing material that can be sent out to junior clubs and development centres. Your role is to promote fair play and a wider understanding for participants and officials involved in your sport. The materials will be used across all age ranges to raise awareness of the rules and regulations that govern your sport
Grading Criteria Attempt:Date: / Attempt 1 / Referral
P4 Produce an observation checklist to analyse the performance of officials from your selected sport. The observation analysis form should include the information produced to meet P2 (roles
and responsibilities).
P5 Observe two officials in a selected sport and analyse their performance (using the observation analysis sheets devised for P4), identify strengths and areas for improvement.
M2In a detailed written report identifystrengths and areas for improvement of two officials.
D1justify suggestions madein relation to improving
performance of two officialsfrom a selected sport
Notice to Candidate
The work you submit for assessment must be your own. If you copy from someone else or allow another candidate to copy from you, or if you cheat in any other way, you may be disqualified from at least the subject concerned.
Declaration by candidate: I have read and understood the Notice to Candidate (above). I have produced the attached work without any help apart from that which has been stated on this sheet.
P4 -
For the purpose of the observation, design an observation checklist to analyse the performance of an official in your selected sport. You should create space to make notes on the performance.
An official may be:
- Umpire,
- Line judge,
- Time keeper,
- Scorer, referee,
- Assistant referee,
- Fourth official,
- Judge
The 6 key areas to be included on your checklist are:
- Application of the rules/laws
- Control of the game
- Effective use of the scoring system
- Ensuring health and safety of participants
- Relationship with others (i.e. coaches, participants, spectators)
- Conflict management
P5 - In your chosen sport, observe two officials.
Use the observation checklist that you have devised to analyse the performance of the two officials, commenting on the key areas of their role and how well they performed.
You should comment upon any specific incidents/decisions that were important in the game.
Design a report sheet following the two observations of officials, use your observation sheet to identify strengths and areas for improvement in each of the performances on your report sheet.
You should make a list of:
- what the officials did well
- and also areas of their performance that you felt were in need of improvement ie did they control the game?
- did they apply the rules fairly?
In order to achieve a MERIT grade, in addition to the requirements for a Pass you need to:
- With reference to your report sheet and game based examples/incidents, explain in a detailed written reportthe identified strengths and areas for improvement of the two officials. You should demonstrate through the game based examples how their decisions affected the game/match and why they are considered strengths or areas that need to be improved.
You should also make suggestions on how they can improve their performance i.e. develop confidence; develop knowledge of the rules and regulations etc.
In order to achieve a DISTINCTION grade, in addition to the requirements for a Pass and Merit you need to:
- Justify the suggestions that you have made for each of the officials regarding the improvement of their performance. Explain how each of the recommendations would help to improve their performance. Try and relate your suggestions to real life examples.
Award / AssessorUnit
Assessment title
Learner’s name
Which unit/criteria has the assessor awarded?
Is there valid evidence against the criteria that the assessment covered? / Y/N - details
Has the learner work been assessed accurately? / Y/N - details
Is the feedback to the learner:
- Constructive
- Linked to relevant criteria or outcomes
- Linked to opportunities for improved performance
- Showing actions
Does the assessment decision need to be revised? / Y/N - details
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Signature / date
*internal verifier should recommend remedial action. Confirmation of remedial action should be completed.
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Assessor / Date
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