Shelton School District

Reconfiguration Work Group

October 11, 2017

3:00 to 4:30 p.m.


Members Present: Donna Morris, Roger Lange, Jorge Nelson, Hannah Hoff, Linda Arnold, Kathryn Ward, Brenda Trogstad, Carey Murray, Glenn Shorten, Dean McCoy, Sally Karr, Jacquie McAlevy, Karen DeWitt, Jennifer Deyette, Bob Trondsen, Ron Goodale, Eric Barkman, Steve Torres, Pat Cusack, Ann Cuoio, Jim Judson, Robert Herron, Pam Farr, Alex Apostle


Alex welcomed the group. As of the date of this meeting there were 689 days to reconfiguration.


Inventory: Must be completed when building plans are due (December 13th or January 10th)

Surplus: Deadline for next round of surplus is October 13th

Thoughts on Program Design Grades 5/6 and 7/8

Eric and Steve indicated that they thought the best way to design the 5/6 and 7/8 school models would be to run a process that included teachers in grades 5 through 8 in the planning process. They are researching models used in other districts that have this grade configuration. They agreed to develop an approach and submit a budget proposal to bring teachers together to work on this task.

Department Issues Related to Reconfiguration (Please refer to handouts distributed at the meeting for more specific information)

Human Resources

Linda gave an update on reconfiguration issues related to staffing, including contract language and timelines for assigning staff to reconfigured buildings.


Brenda gave an update on budget planning for reconfiguration. She has started to capture some of the additional expenses that will be required to complete the reconfiguration processes. Brenda also provided the first enrollment projections for the new buildings. It was suggested that the regular budget planning process (including staffing) for 2019-20 be started earlier in the school year than normal to ensure that we are well prepared for the reconfiguration in the summer months.

Food Service

Kathryn reported that the reconfiguration would have implications for the lunch period at SHS (probably adding a third lunch). In addition, meal pattern requirements will need to be adjusted.


Karen reported that it would be necessary to review drill procedures and evacuation routes (particularly in buildings with significant construction), review placement of security cameras, update emergency plans and supplies, and monitor safety during construction.


Roger reported that the 5/6 building would become part of the elementary routing system. The transportation department is in the process of running routing simulations to plan for this. It is important that we establish bell times for the buildings as soon as possible to fully understand the implications of restructuring on transportation.


Glenn reported on a number of impacts of the reconfiguration on technology including classroom equipment, instructional technology standards, security cameras, networking and WiFi, websites, databases, email and distribution groups, electronic files and templates, automated calling lists, and other miscellaneous items.


Jim identified a number of impacts of the reconfiguration on athletics and activities at OMS (intramural offerings), OBJH (broader athletic offerings including five seasons with varsity and JV levels -- and all that entails) and increased opportunities for subject area, hobby, and charity clubs. He also noted that there would be storage issues for equipment and personal belongings during athletics.

Teaching and Learning

o  Curriculum/PD

Pam reported that the reconfiguration would have implications for deployment of instructional materials, re-alignment of curriculum-related technology systems, report cards, the Teaching and Learning website, professional development needs, libraries, summer school, and staffing of specialized programs (music, Art, PE, counseling). In addition, it will be necessary for all of the subsets of the Teaching and Learning department to coordinate efforts: Assessment, Intervention and Advanced Academics, Student Records, State/Federal Programs, Special Education, CTE, Instructional Technology).

o  Assessment

Bob reported that it would be necessary to consider testing schedules in light of building construction, technology systems will need to be reconfigured, reports will need to be updated to align to new grade bands, and building staff and support coordinators will need to be trained on new or different testing requirements within reconfigured buildings.

o  CTE

Pat reported on potential impacts on programs at OBJH, SHS, and CHOICE. After the reconfiguration OMS will not have any grade levels that can be supported with CTE funding. There will potentially be impacts to programming in Computer Applications, Foods/Nutrition, Physical Science and Robotics, Commercial Art, Early Childhood, Family and Consumer Science, Applied math, and Health Sciences.

Additional reports were tabled and will be continued at our next meeting.

Tasks to be accomplished now:

·  Establish annual calendars for 2018-19 and 2019-2020 school years. (Linda, Ron, Dean)

·  Establish bell schedules (start and end times) to facilitate transportation planning. (Robert and Roger)

·  Establish a grades 5-8 instructional model work group to determine program parameters at the 5/6 and 7/8 buildings. (Eric and Steve)

·  Update budget and staffing timelines for 2019-2020 school year. (Linda and Brenda)

Meeting was adjourned at 4:35.

Next Meeting:

November 15, 2017

3:00 – 4:30 p.m.

SHS Library