Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes

School name: MEADOWGLEN PRIMARY SCHOOL / Year: 2017
School number: 5286 / Based on strategic plan: 2017-2020
Principal LORETTA PIAZZA 27/02/17 / Senior Education Improvement Leader [name] [date]
School council MELANIE BROWN 27/02/17

Section 1: The school’s Improvement Priorities and Initiatives

Report here the goals identified in the current School Strategic Plan and tick the Improvement Initiative/s that your school will address in this Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes.

School Strategic Plan goals / Improvement Priorities / Improvement Initiatives / ü
1.  To maximise the learning growth of all students with a focus on literacy and numeracy.
2.  To improve student engagement through empowering students to have a greater voice in their learning.
3.  To create an environment in which students are supported to flourish. / Excellence in teaching and learning / Building practice excellence / ü
Curriculum planning and assessment
Professional leadership / Building leadership teams / ü
Positive climate for learning / Empowering students and building school pride / ü
Setting expectations and promoting inclusion
Community engagement in learning / Building communities
Improvement Initiatives rationale:
Explain why the school, in consultation with the Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), has selected the above Improvement Initiative/s as a focus for this year. Please make reference to the evaluation of school data, the progress against School Strategic Plan (SSP) goals and targets, and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention.
Key improvement strategies (KIS)
List the Key improvement strategies that enable the implementation of each Improvement Initiative. This could include existing strategies already being implemented as well as new ones identified through analysis of data, evaluation of impact of prior efforts, measurement of progress against targets and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention. KIS may be specific to one outcome area or applicable across several areas.
Improvement initiative: / Key improvement strategies (KIS)
Excellence in teaching and learning
Building practice excellence / 1.  To develop a whole school approach to literacy that is student-centred and builds on the knowledge of effective reading and writing.
2.  To continue improving our whole school approach to numeracy with an emphasis on challenging high performing students.
Excellence in teaching and learning
Building leadership teams / 1.  To develop a whole school approach in identifying and developing school leaders, in particular PLT leaders/middle management.
Positive climate for learning
Empowering students and building school pride. / 1.  To develop and implement a whole school approach to inquiry learning.
2.  To provide opportunities for genuine student voice and leadership.
3.  To develop and implement a whole school approach to student wellbeing based on the philosophy and principles of positive education.

Meadowglen Primary School 2017 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)

Section 2: Improvement Initiatives

Each table below is designed to plan for and monitor each Improvement Initiative. Add or delete tables – one for each Improvement Initiative from Section 1 on the previous page. You can also add or delete rows so that there is alignment and line of sight between the key improvement strategies, actions, success criteria and monitoring. The goals come directly from your School Strategic Plan (SSP) – you will find it helpful to keep them in the same order.

Please not that, in the progress status section, l l l respectively indicate: l not commenced or severely behind schedule, l slightly behind schedule but remediation strategies are in place to get back on schedule and lon schedule and/or completed.

STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / To maximise the learning growth of all students with a focus on literacy and numeracy.
IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE / Building practice excellence.
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / For all student to demonstrate growth in English and Mathematics, the matched cohort growth in Naplan to be at or above the state average in literacy and numeracy.
For all students to achieve one year’s growth in standardised tests used by the school.
70% of year 3 students to be in NAP Bands 4-6 for reading, Writing and Number; decrease the students in NAP Bands 1-2 to fewer than 15%.
70% of year 5 to be in Bands 6-8 for reading, Writing and Number; decrease the students in NAP Bands 3-4 to fewer than 15%
12 MONTH TARGETS / All students will make a minimum of twelve months growth by the end of 2017. (Using a variety of data but not limited to teacher judgements, EoI, MoI, PAT reading, PAT maths, numeracy pre and post tests, running records.)
High performing students identified and progress monitored by PLTs.
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
To develop a whole school approach to literacy that is student-centred and builds on the knowledge of effective reading and writing. / Teachers to establish a literacy environment immediately (using 20 first days of independent reading; set up classroom libraries with students; begin working through the MGPS literacy expectations document);
Continue developing teacher knowledge of the reading curriculum (ongoing PD, PLT meeting time increased to 2 hours, employment of literacy consultant- 25 days, link to PDP);
Teachers apply this knowledge of the reading curriculum when conferencing students;
Introduction to beliefs and understandings about writing and familiarisation with writing curriculum;
Establish a writing environment (students write daily of topic of own choice; students write for a purpose and audience and share writing, create publishing centres);
Make connections between reading and writing;
Teachers to identify achievement levels when conferencing and use small group teaching strategies to cater for individual student needs;
Peer observations on reading conferencing and/or small group work to be used as a tool for each individual PLT training;
Continue our collaboration with the University of Melbourne Network of Schools. / Leadership team
PLT leaders
teachers / ongoing / 6 months: / l l l / 75,000
12 months: / l l l
To continue improving our school approach to numeracy with an emphasis on challenging high performing students. / Numeracy coach to meet routinely with PLTs and individuals for planning, assessment and teaching strategies;
All year levels to use pre and post tests with students and use misconceptions to determine student understanding and next stage in the learning sequence;
Teachers to identify high performing students and challenge/extend their learning. / 6 months: / l l l
12 months: / l l l

Meadowglen Primary School 2017 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)

Section 2: Improvement Initiatives

STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / To maximise the learning growth of all students with a focus on literacy and numeracy.
IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE / Building leadership teams.
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / Reduce the whole school average of absences to 13 days or less by 2020.
Punctuality rates to improve by 50% by 2020.
Parent survey results in the Engagement variables of
·  student motivation
·  school connectedness
to be at or above the state average.
Staff opinion variables of
·  staff trust
·  teacher collaboration
to be at or above the state average.
Student survey results in the teaching and Learning variables of
·  learning confidence
·  stimulating learning
·  student motivation
·  teacher effectiveness
·  teacher empathy
to be at or above the state average.
12 MONTH TARGETS / A whole school plan which takes into account the identified needs of PLT leaders, to be developed and ratified by the end of 2017.
PLT leaders indicate increased knowledge and confidence in relation to their leadership development.
Whittlesea network CoP team to meet routinely throughout 2017.
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
To develop a whole school approach to identifying and developing school leaders, especially PLT leaders/middle management. / Leadership team to identify essential skills required for effective leadership;
Self evaluation (pre and post) by PLT leaders to gauge initial learning needs and effectiveness of learning throughout the year;
Meet fortnightly (management and skill development) and possibly one day each term for intensive PD;
Provide opportunities for sharing, coaching and problem solving;
Continue collaborating with Community of practice (CoP) network schools.
Nominate teacher/s to participate in WSN ‘Leaders in the Making’;
Provide support as required to teachers completing Master of Education. / Leqadership team
PLT leaders / ongoing / 6 months: / l l l / 2,000.00
12 months: / l l l

Meadowglen Primary School 2017 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)

STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / To improve student engagement through empowering students to have a greater voice in their learning.
IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE / Empowering students and building school develop and implement
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / Student opinion in the Student Relationships variables of
·  classroom behaviour
·  connectedness to peers
·  student safety
to be at or above the state average.
Staff opinion in the variables of
·  collective efficacy
·  professional learning
to be at or above the state average.
Parent opinion in the Student Engagement variables of
·  connectedness to peers
·  student safety classroom behaviour
to be at or above the expected level.
12 MONTH TARGETS / All teachers to have participated in scheduled PD on inquiry learning. Conversations to reflect improved knowledge and understanding and evidenced in planning documents.
A whole school integrated scope and continuum to be developed by December 2017.
15% improvement in survey opinion in the areas of stimulating learning, learning confidence and student motivation.
Baseline data established in order to monitor punctuality.
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
To develop and implement a whole school approach to inquiry learning. / Audit current integrated curriculum scope and sequence;
Align to Vic Curriculum F-6 to ensure continuity and flow;
Provide PD on inquiry approach;
Schedule conversations at PLT meetings throughout the year. / Leadership team
PLT leaders
teachers / ongoing / 6 months: improvement / l l l / 2,000.00
12 months: / l l l
To provide opportunities for genuine student voice and leadership. / ‘Reinvigorate’ student leadership
1.  Student-led fortnightly whole school assemblies (multimedia fit-out in gym)
2.  Teacher/s responsible for mentoring student leaders (possibly a school-wide project)
3.  ‘Student of the week’ award
4.  ‘lunch with the principals’ each term.’
Work with PLTs to identify the areas on where and how we can gain feedback (eg assessment, curriculum and teacher effectiveness). / 6 months: / l l l / 20,000.00
12 months: / l l l
STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / To create an environment where students are supported to flourish.
IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE / Empowering students and building school develop and implement
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / Student opinion in the Student Relationships variables of
·  classroom behaviour
·  connectedness to peers
·  student safety
to be at or above the state average.
Staff opinion in the variables of
·  collective efficacy
·  professional learning
to be at or above the state average.
Parent opinion in the Student Engagement variables of
·  connectedness to peers
·  student safety classroom behaviour
to be at or above the expected level.
12 MONTH TARGETS / Establishment of a Positive Education team.
Development of an action plan that takes into account the views of all stakeholders.
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
To develop and implement a whole school approach to student wellbeing based on the philosophy and principles of positive education. / Staff to define what ‘flourishing’ looks like for all students;
Present to staff the principles of positive education (Seligman, Duckworth and others);
Establish a Meadowglen team of interested persons;
Liaise with the University of Melbourne psychology department for feedback and support for our work.
Regular communication to parents (via newsletter and other forums as available) on good nutrition, sleep, building resilience, etc.
Psychologist Maria Ruberto to address new Foundation parents and other interested parents on PERMA+. / Leadership team
Positive Education team
PLT leaders / 6 months: / l l l / 10,000.00
12 months: / l l l

Section 3: Other Improvement Model Dimensions

STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / [Drafting Note these are the goals in your SSP related to this Dimension. Sometimes a goal in the SSP can be related to more than one Dimension/Initiative. They are recorded here exactly as they are in the SSP]
OTHER IMPROVEMENT MODEL DIMENSIONS / [Drafting Notes Use this section for the dimension identified as an area of focus in the SSP (e.g. Positive climate for learning and Health and wellbeing)]
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / [Drafting Note these are the targets in your SSP related to this Dimension. Sometimes a target in the SSP can be related to more than one Dimension/Initiative. They are recorded here exactly as they are in the SSP]
12 MONTH TARGETS / [Drafting Notes the measures of progress may be a breakdown of the 4 year targets, however, where this is not possible due to availability of data (e.g. NAPLAN), schools may use alternative data sets (e.g. OnDemand data)]
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
[Drafting Notes report here the KIS from the previous summary page] / [Drafting Notes report here what the school will do and how - including financial and human resources] / [Drafting Notes report here the person responsible] / [Drafting Notes report here the timeframe for completion] / 6 months: [Drafting Notes report here the tangible markers or indicators of success reflecting observable changes in practice, behaviour, and measures of progress] / l l l / [Drafting Notes report here the quantifiable school and student outcomes and/or qualitative information about the change in practice]
12 months: / l l l
6 months: / l l l
12 months: / l l l
6 months: / l l l
12 months: / l l l
6 months: / l l l
12 months: / l l l
6 months: / l l l
12 months: / l l l

Meadowglen Primary School 2017 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)