Coordinating Council – October 12, 2012
October12, 2012
First Congregational Church United Church of Christ, Waterville, Maine
Herb Oliver, ModeratorDon Green, Washington
Sally Colegrove, Vice ModeratorSusan DeCoster, Commission for Community Life
Walter (Ted) Ruark, ClerkSondra Withey, Commission for Spiritual Life
Evelyn Clowes, Board of TrusteesAnne Roundy, At-Large
Dottie Hutch, AroostookAnita White, Immediate Past President
Nita Dehais, CumberlandDarren Morgan, Associate Conference Minister
Susan Kaplan-Burgess, Franklin for SmallChurch Development
Bernys Doak, Hancock -WaldoMark Schussler, Business Manager
Joel Johnson, KennebecValleyBryan Breault, Director of Outdoor Ministries
Bill Walsh, Penobscot-PiscataquisSusan Stevens, Conference Executive Assistant
John Davidson, TreasurerKent Allen, At-Large
Ben DiSalvatore, State Youth CouncilKaren Byrne, At-Large
Susan Goodwin, Mid-Coast Chair, Personnel Committee
Steve Wight, Oxford UnionJeff McDonnell, Finance Committee/At-Large
Franklin Anderson, YorkSusan Craig, Associate Conference Minister
Steve Hastings, Commission for Witness Life
Call to Order: Moderator Herb Olivercalled the meeting to order at 10:00a.m. and Susan DeCoster opened with prayer.
Review of September 14, 2012 Meeting Minutes:On a motion bySusan DeCoster, seconded bySusan Kaplan-Burgess, the Council accepted the minutes of the September 14, 2012 meeting as corrected and presented.
Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s report had been distributed prior to the meeting.On a motion by Joel Johnson, seconded by Bernys Doak, the treasurer’s report was accepted as printed.
Associate Conference Minister for SmallChurch Development Report: In addition to his previously distributed written report, Darren Morgandiscussed the following:
- Attendance at the Small Church Convocation (150), held on September 22nd in Orono, surpassed that of last year. Although the facilities were crowded, the Small Church Ministry Team has decided to keep next year’s convocation at the Church of universal Fellowship for at least one more year (2013).
- The Hancock-Waldo Committee on Ministry granted an appeal to the Conference Placement Policy regarding non-UCC clergy serving a local church with the following understanding:
- The search committee, acting on behalf of the congregation, agreed to work with the Maine Conference and the Hancock-Waldo Committee on Ministry in harmonious covenant moving forward whereby all parties agreed-upon the process of formalizing a ministerial agreement with the church’s candidate;
- The church would consider their candidate a hired employee of the church and not called.
- The search committee will provide the Conference the documentation on the candidate that the search committee used in making their recommendation/decision;
- The candidate will submit a ministerial profile to the Maine Conference office, which includes verification of her Presbyterian ministerial credentials, statement of consent, background disclosure statements, and an Oxford Management Criminal Background Check;
- The candidate will present herself to the Hancock-Waldo Association Church & Ministry Committee and complete the requirements for dual standing as outlined by the UCC Manual on Ministry within 90 days from her date employment begins;
- The ministerial employment agreement will clearly articulate that employment is contingent upon the minister possessing good standing in the United Church of Christ (assuming dual standing is granted by the Hancock-Waldo Association) and that employment is automatically terminated if the Committee on Ministry finds in an investigation that a question of fitness for ministry exists (which they in turn hand over to the Presbyterian church for their action); and
- The church and candidate covenant to maintain good relations, participation, and support of the Hancock-Waldo Association, the Maine Conference, and the United Church of Christ.
- It is understood that this authorization to appeal the Conference policy on dual standing is granted in this particular case only and is not intended to set precedence nor does it invalidate the Conference’s policy.
- The Union Congregational Church in YorkBeach has voted to join the Maine Conference and will be approaching the York Association for membership in the near future.
Business Manager’s Report: Mark highlighted the following from his written report:
- Gardiner church property: No new interest has been shown in the property. The city of Gardiner is developing a new Comprehensive Plan and the rezoning of the Church Hill area to allow professional office use is a possibility (which would enhance the chances of selling the church property).
- PennellCenter: The Real Estate Team has asked the realtor to reduce the asking price of the property. Some interest has beenshown recently, but no offer has been received. Suspending the sale of the PennellCenter and the relocation of the conference office until the arrival of a new settled conference minister was discussed once again, with no action taken. Mark reiterated his request for a process and timeline for the moving of the conference office to the Augusta-Waterville area. This issue will be placed on the agenda of the November 8th ExecutiveCommittee meeting.
Request from the Honduras Partnership: The Council had received a letter from the Honduras Partnership requesting that January 27, 2013 (which is Maine Conference Sunday) be designated Maine-Honduras Partnership Sunday. The Partnership would provide a downloadable bulletin cover, liturgical resources, and educational materials highlighting the situations of most concern in Honduras.The Council voted to endorse the request from the Honduras Partnership. It was recommended that the material provided by the Honduras Partnership NOT be dated so that it can be used on Sundays other than January 27, 2013 if preferred.
Academy for Congregational Life and Leadership: Susan DeCoster reported that the Academy Advisory Committee met recently and is undertaking a review of similar programs in other conferences.
Annual Meeting Planning Committee Report: Susan Kaplan-Burgess reported that the planning committee for the 2013 Annual Meeting began its discussion of the possible workshops centered on the theme (Growing in the Midst of Change). Kate Winters presented a proposal in which a book about change would be identified for discussion at the local church level prior to the Annual Meeting. Workshops would be developed to address the book and the chosen theme. The committee will also be discussing a possible change in the schedule with activities ending on Saturday (no Sunday session).
Interim Conference Minister Search Committee Report: Herb had indicated on the agenda for the meeting that Rev. Richard Cowles would begin as the Interim Conference Minister on December 1, 2012, that he would be attending the national search and call meeting with Darren, Susie, and Beth, and that he will be in transition to find housing in Maine before beginning on January 1, 2013.
Pilgrim Lodge Task Force Report: Anne Roundyreported that the contract with the United Church of Christ Building and Loan Fund has been signed and that the task force will meet on October 15th to develop a plan of specific next steps and timeline.Bill Walshrecommended that outside groups that regularly use the camp facilities be included in the campaign.
General Synod Delegates for 2013: Anita White presented the slate of delegates to the 2013 General Synod: Aroostook (at-large) – Susan DeCoster, Waldoboro
Cumberland – Kelli Whitman, South Portland
Franklin: Rev. Dick Waddell, Farmington
Hancock-Waldo – Briana Haynes, Belfast
KennebecValley – Rev. David Anderman, Waterville
MidCoast – Timm Gormley, Newcastle, Second
Oxford-Union – Rev. Jane Rich, Andover
Penobscot-Piscataquis – Rev. Chad Poland, Dover-Foxcroft
Washington - Cindy Huggins, Machias
York - Becky Brown, Sanford
Youth - Gabe Hoffman, Eliot
Moderator - Herb Oliver, Waterville
Vice Moderator – Rev. Sally Colegrove, Windham
Interim Conference Minister – Rev. Rick Cowles
Associate Conference Minister – Rev. Susan Craig, Jefferson [non-voting]
On a motion from the Nominating Committee, the Council voted to elect the slate of delegates to the 2013 General Synod.
Council Fundraiser for 2012 Budget: Four different ideas were discussed for obtaining the almost $10,000 included in the budget as a council fundraising item:
- eWaste collection: Funds are in the form of donations from persons bringing in the electronic equipment. Success is highly dependent on effective advertising and an organized group of volunteers at the collection site. Scheduling a date before the end of the year would be difficult since the company that operates the collection is very busy.
- Maine Conference Bake Sales: Funds from bake sales conducted by local churches, possibly on the first Sunday of Advent, would be the income. Concern was expressed that this would compete with the Our Church’s Wider Mission program and that it would effectively solicit primarily from local church members.
- Document Shedding: This could potentially be done simultaneously at different sites around the state.
- Sponsorship of a Holy Land tour: This could be done through Gateway One, a touring company. This has a greater potential for the Council’s obligation for the 2013 budget.
No action was taken. This issue will be placed on the agenda of the November 8th Executive Committee meeting.
Nominations for the UnitedChurch Board: The Council has been asked to nominate individuals for the United Church Board. On a motion by Walter (Ted) Ruark, seconded by Joel Johnson, the Council voted to submit the following names as nominees for the UnitedChurch Board:
Marcia Charles Diane Bennekamper
Cathie Wallace Kevin Pleas
Bill Carter David Clarke
Jonathan Doughty Timm Gormley.
Nominees will be notified of the submission of their names and will be asked by the national office to complete vitae forms if they are interested in being considered for appointment.
Written Reports from State Youth Council, Associations, Commissions, and Others: Written reports had been distributed to Council members from the Commission for Community Life, and the Aroostook, Cumberland, Franklin, Hancock-Waldo,and Penobscot-Piscataquis associations. The following verbal reports were also given:
- Midcoast Association: Anne Roundy reported that the fall meeting of the association will be held at the Sheepscot church on November 18th.
- Darren Morgan indicated that he will be representing the Conference at the fall meetings of the Franklin, Penobscot-Piscataquis, Oxford Union, and Washington associations. Bryan Breault will represent the Conference at the Cumberland Association meeting. Bernys Doak will be at the Hancock-Waldo Association meeting, Herb Oliver at the Kennebec Valley Association meeting, Sue Stevens at the York Association meeting, and Susan DeCoster and Anne Roundy at the Midcoast Associationmeeting.
- Registration is still openfor the Fall Learning Event (featuring Marcus Borg).
- The Settled Conference Minister Search Committee will meet with Rev. Susan Towner-Larson at 10:00 a.m. on December 1st at the Waterville church. Questions concerning a committee budget, including travel reimbursement for committee members and candidates to be interviewed, will be placed on the agenda of the November 8th Executive Committee meeting.
- Sondra Withey announced that the Commission for Spiritual Life will sponsor a Lenten Retreat on February 6, 2013 (location to be determined). There will be no Advent Retreat this year.
- In response to a question of the number attending Annual Meetings, the following was presented:
2008 – 331 (UMF – June 20-22)
2009 – 361 (SundayRiver – September 25-27)
2010 – 285 (UMF – June 11-13)
2011 – 312 (UMF – June 24-26)
2012 – 277 (UMF – June 22-24)
Sondra Withey volunteered to offer the opening prayer at the November 16th Council meeting.
Council members were provided an opportunity to assess the meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 p.m.
Sent to Coordinating Council, Friday, October 12, 2012