Council considers all matters with reference to Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, any disability and age), Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.
1. To receive apologies for absence
2. To record members’ declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests or other personal interests
3. Public comment
3 minutes allowed per person.
4. To receive County Councillor's report
5. To receive District Councillor's report
6. To approve the minutes of the meeting of 9th January
7. Matters arising from previous minutes
8.1 Local Council Award Scheme To note that Alkington PC was assessed by a panel of peers and awarded Foundation level
8. Highways To receive update from Clerk on Highways projects in the parish
9. Planning
9.1 Since the last meeting the following planning applications have been received and dealt with by the Clerk, according to Standing Order 10b (x):
S.16/2860/HHOLD Rock Villa, Damery Lane – application supported
S.17/0181/FUL Baynham Farm – application supported
9.2 Since the last meeting, notification of the following planning decisions has been received:
S.16/2658/GDPE Hillview, Newport – permitted
S.16/2609/HHOLD 3 Church View, Newport – permitted
S.16/2602/CPE Crendon Bungalow, Lower Wick – permitted
S.16/2050/VAR Upper Huntingford Farm – permitted
S.16/2860/HHOLD Rock Villa, Damery Lane – withdrawn
S.17/0181/FUL Baynham Farm - refused
9.3. Neighbourhood Plan To discuss whether to join Hinton Parish in developing a Neighbourhood Plan. Berkeley TC, Ham & Stone PC and Hamfallow PC have also been invited.
9.4. Upper Huntingford Farm Solar Farm To discuss offer from owners of solar farm to increase the 10-year agreement for community benefit to 15 years and to increase the annual payment (£7680 per annum) for the remaining 13 years in accordance with the Retail Price Index (a measure of inflation - 2.6% in January 2017).
9.5 Newport Towers To receive update from Clerk
10. Finance
10.1 Statement of Council’s Accounts 1.4.2016-28.2.17
To receive the Statement of Accounts from the Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer for 1.4.2016-28.2.17 showing that the Council holds £67464.97 in the NatWest.
10.2 Payment of Accounts:
10.2.1 To agree payments
10.2.2 Bank transfer To note transfer of £3,000 from deposit account to current account on 5 March.
10.2.3 Internal Financial Controls To note internal financial controls carried out by Cllr Rea
10.3 Local Authorities’ Property Fund
10.3.1 To consider investing £25,000 (or more) for 5 years into the above fund which had a return of 4.8% in 2016.
10.3.2 If council decides to invest this money, CCLA Investment Management Ltd, who manage the LAP Fund, need to be satisfied that councillors understand the long-term nature of the fund and the risks/rewards.
10.3.3 To agree to appoint an Independent Financial Advisor (Del Ryan Rafter, specialists in this fund and recommended by CCLA) at a cost of £350 to provide an investment report.
10.4 Clerk’s salary To note that the National Joint Council for Local Government Services has agreed a 1% pay rise for 2017/18
11. Locum cover
To discuss whether to pay for locum cover (£11.05 per hour) during Clerk’s 2-week summer holiday
12. Matters for notification
Date of the Annual Parish Council Meeting and Annual Parish Meeting 8 May 2017 at 7.15pm at Stone Village Hall.