Mrs. Watkins’ Classroom Procedures
Class Rules:
1. Follow directions the firsttime given.
2. Stay in your seat at all times.
3. Have ALL class materials – everyday (see supply list)
4. Do not talk without permission.
5. Follow all additional rules stated in the student agenda book.
Entering the classroom:
- Come in quietly & sit in your assigned seat.
- Complete bellwork silently and onyourown.
- When finished, sit quietly until given further instructions.
If you are late:
- Do not come in late and disturb the class.
- Give your late slip to Mrs. Watkins and quietly take your seat and prepare to work on the assignment.
Make-up Work:
- Check make-up work folders for any worksheets or notes you may have missed.
- Check board for daily classwork assignments.
- Ask me for clarification on any assignment that you do not understand at the beginning or end of class. Do not interrupt a lesson to ask about make up work.
- All assignments are listed on my webpage which can be accessed via Houston’s website. My webpage is updated every week so that students can work on assignments from home during absences.
Students without access to the internet: Assignments are written on the board weekly. You may also contact me via e-mail or by leaving a message for me at school.
- I will not ask you for make up work. It is your responsibility to get this turned in.
- You have the number of days you were absent to do make up work (Example: If you miss Monday & Tuesday, you must have your work at the beginning of class on Friday).
Questions about a lesson/assignment:
- Raise your hand and wait for Mrs. Watkins to come to you.
- Do not wave your hand around and call out my name. I will get to you as quickly as possible. Continued failure to abide by this could result in your conduct grade being lowered.
Pencil Sharpener Rules:
- You are not allowed to get up during instruction to sharpen pencils. I advise keeping a manual pencil sharpener for class use or you may use a pen.
- When taking notes you may use a black or blue pen or a pencil. Bring both to class everyday. You are not allowed to use red, pink or any other color other than black or blue pens in class.
Homework is assigned as needed. It is my expectationthat this will be completed at home.When assigned, homework will be checked at the beginning of the class period on the following day. In order to be successful in Language Arts, all assigned work must be completed. Failure to complete homework will result in the student’s conduct grade being lowered OR in a zero if it is graded on that day.
Classwork/In-class Projects:
- Classwork will not be accepted late. It must be turned in PRIOR to leaving class.
- Any group classwork will be graded on your participation. You will not receive the same grade as your group if you do not participate fully.
- If you are absent during a group project, you will complete the project on your own,or an alternate assignment may be given.
- If you are present for less than half of the project, you will be expected to complete the project on your own, or an alternate assignment may be given. (Example: If you are present one out of three days, you will do your own project. If you are present, two out of three days, you will receive a grade with your group provided your participation was adequate on those days.
- Bellwork will be completed everyday. This will usually be DGP (Daily Grammar Practice) & a multiple choice review question (See bellwork explanation.).
- Bellworkwill be collected and checked every Friday. There will be times that this grade is recorded and times that it is not recorded.
- If you are absent, it is your responsibility to complete any bellwork missed.
Tests, Quizzes & Projects:
1. There will typically be a test after each short story. When reading novels, there may be tests at different intervals of the novel. Tests will be announced ahead of time.
2. Quizzes will not always be announced.
3. Anyone caught cheating or talking during a test will receive a zero. Place your paper facedown in the basket when done & begin the next assignment.
4. If you are absent the day prior to an announced test, you are still responsible for taking it on the day of the test, provided it was announced with adequate notice. Textbooks are available online.
Getting up during class:
- You are not allowed to get up during class withoutpermission for any reason.
- Do not get up to throw away papers/tissues, empty pencil sharpeners, etc…. This can be done at the beginning and/or the end of the class period.
- If you need a tissue, raise your hand. It is disruptive when students are consistently roaming around the room during instruction.
- Never go behind my desk without permission, for any reason.
*If you would like to receive e-mails with announcements, assignments, etc…please be sure to legibly write your e-mail address(es) above.*
Bellwork will be Daily Grammar Practice (DGP) Monday – Thursday. Friday bellwork may vary, but will typically be a word root lesson that will be on the back of their DGP. Students will be given their bellwork paper on Monday and should keep it in the bellwork section of their binder to bring to class each day. It will be turned in every Friday. Many times, the grade will be recorded. Each day is worth 20 points. You are responsible for completing missed bellwork due to absences. If you are absent on a Friday, you must turn in your bellwork on Monday (preferably) or Tuesday at the beginning of class. All bellwork should be completed within the first ten minutes of class.
A folder with the DGP rules will be in each desk bag for easy reference. Students should take this out immediately after taking their seat. DGP takes some getting use to and will take a little longer the first couple of weeks of school. Daily repetition will make it easier over time. I will carefully monitor students while they are working on DGP to ensure they are on task. Repeated failure to complete DGP could result in the student not earning their bellwork points for that day. We review the correct answer once all students have completed the assignment each day.
In order to assess mastery, students will have quizzes occasionally over grammar rules and word roots. Typically, these will be announced. DGP and the word root lesson will be our primary grammar instruction for the year, so it is very important that students actively participate in completing the assignments and in the discussion that will follow.
In addition to DGP, students will have a multiple choice review question each day. This should be completed at the bottom of their DGP paper. Students are to write the letter answer ONLY and a very brief reason for choosing that answer.
1)Colored Pencils – not markers
2)Pens (black/blue) and pencils
3)3 ring binder for Language Artsonlywith dividers
4)Composition notebook (optional, but will be used later in the year)
5)Pouch (no school boxes please) with colored pencils, glue sticks, manual pencil sharpener, pencils, pens, earbuds, etc…
Students are expected to bring the abovesupplies and their Literaturetextbook to class everyday unless instructed otherwise. Students will be told to bring theirGrammar book when it is needed.
Binders should be divided into the following sections:
Place at the front of your binder for easy reference.
1)BELLWORK SECTION (See bellwork example.)
DGP/Multiple choice review & graded bellwork will be kept here.
5) GRADED PAPERS (non-bellwork)
Online Literature Textbook:
(You will receive individual log-ins)
USER NAME: houston6
PASSWORD: mustangs1
My Website Information:
My website is available via the Houston Middle School webpage. I will update my website weekly with assignments, homework, projects and anything else that needs to be communicated to parents & students.
It is going to be a great year in 6th grade! I am so excited to have you in my class. Please ask anytime you have questions or need anything at all. That is what I am here for.
It’s great to be a Houston Mustang!!!