Third Grade Michigan’s Citizens and Government
Essential Questions / Enduring Understandings / GLCEs / Assessments / District Resources1. Why are governments created?
2. What are the characteristics of Michigan’s governmental structure?
3. What is the purpose of Michigan’s Constitution?
4. How can you be involved in a solution or change?
5. How do core democratic values influence people’s choices? / 1. Governments are created to protect the rights of the citizens.
2. Michigan state's government is a representative government.
3. The state government has a different role than the local government which includes the three branches.
4. All three of Michigan's governmental branches have powers including a state court that resolves problems.
5. State goods and services are funded by the state.
6. Michigan has a constitution.
7. Citizens have rights that are laid out as Core Democratic Values.
8. Citizens can be involved in their government by addressing public policies in the correct form to the proper responsible parties. / C1.0.1 Give an example of how Michigan state government fulfills one of the purposes of government (e.g., protecting individual rights, promoting the common good, ensuring equal treatment under the law).
C2.0.1 Describe how Michigan state government reflects the principle of representative government.
C3.0.1 Distinguish between the roles of state and local government.
C3.0.2 Identify goods and services provided by the state government and describe how they are funded (e.g., taxes, fees, fines).
C3.0.3 Identify the three branches of state government in Michigan and the powers of each.
C3.0.4 Explain how state courts function to resolve conflict.
C3.0.5 Describe the purpose of the Michigan Constitution.
C5.0.1 Identify rights (e.g., freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to own property) and responsibilities of citizenship (e.g., respecting the rights of others, voting, obeying laws).
P3.1.1 Identify public issues in Michigan that influence the daily lives of its citizens.
P3.1.2 Use graphic data and other sources to analyze information about a public issue in Michigan and evaluate alternative resolutions.
P3.1.3 Give examples of how conflicts over core democratic values lead people to differ on resolutions to a public policy issue in Michigan.
P3.3.1 Compose a paragraph expressing a position on a public policy issue in Michigan and justify the position with a reasoned argument.
P4.2.1 Develop and implement an action plan and know how, when, and where to address or inform others about a public issue.
P4.2.2 Participate in projects to help to inform others.
G1.0.2 Use thematic maps to identify and describe the physical and human characteristics of Michigan.
4-H3.0.8 Describe past and current threats to Michigan’s natural resources; describe how Michigan worked in the past and continues to work today to protect its natural resources. / Summative: Third Grade Michigan’s Citizens and Government
Lesson 2 - Are you a Good Citizen?
GLCE C5.01
Lesson 3 – Natural and Human Characteristics of Michigan Map
GLCE G1.0.2
Lesson 4 – How Our Government Works
GLCE C1.01, C2.01, C3.01, C3.02
Lesson 5 – Branches of Michigan’s Government
GLCE C3.03
Lesson 6 – Yertle the Turtle Mock Trial
GLCE C3.04
Lesson 9 – Group Presentation of a Michigan Issue (Rubric included.)
GLCE P3.1.1, P3.1.2, P3.3.1
Lesson 10 – Group Core Democratic Value Poster AND Michigan Issue Individual Writing (Rubric included.) GLCE P3.1.3
All assessments are available through the CISD website. Please contact Peggy Stewart for membership privileges.