New Providence Middle School PTO


Sherry Flaherty, President

Angela Lazzari, Vice-President

Nadine Geoffroy, Treasurer

Patricia Donahue, Corresponding Secretary

Aileen Ping, Recording Secretary

This fundraiser is in lieu of sending students home with the task of selling door-to-door, collecting money and delivering goods. Please help us avoid that by supporting our PTO with your donation and helping us achieve our goals to support our students and faculty.

100% of your donation goes to the PTO
(unlike other fundraisers where only 40% or 50% goes back to the PTO)
Thank you in advance for your support!
_____$50 I do not want to hit up my friends, family and co-workers, so here is the money I would have spent buying cookie dough.
_____$75 I do not want or need any more gift bags, grocery bags or totes. So here is the money I would have spent on those Mixed Bags.
_____$100 I am so happy not to have to solicit my friends and family again this year!
$_____ I am making this donation to express my appreciation for having nothing to buy, sell or do except fill out this form.
Student(s) Name:______
Student(s) Grade:______

What does the NPMS PTO use these donations for? PTO funds are used for Cultural Arts Assemblies, Career Day Presentations, Teacher Mini-Grants, Promotion Activities and Scholarships for the 8th grade. The PTO also contributes funds to the 7th & 8th Class Trips to lower costs. During the school year, PTO monies are used to fund a variety of activities, including citizenship endeavors and Staff Appreciation Week, just to name a few.

PLEASE NOTE: This is the first year we are attempting this type of Fundraiser. In order to meet our goals and NOT have to hold any fundraisers we need to get as close to 100% participation as possible by November 15th! Should this “No Fundraiser-Fundraiser” not raise the necessary amount of funds, we will have no other choice than to have a Spring Fundraiser. **Only those that don’t participate in this fundraiser will be solicited.**

Yes, this is real, but please take it in the spirit in which it was meant!!!