Dr Jamie Stuart Cameron Award

TheDr Jamie Stuart Cameron Award is an annual award made to an entrant doctoral student studying Medieval Scottish History (c.1100-c.1550) at St Andrews University.The Award is funded by the Dr Jamie Stuart Cameron Trust and is administered through the St Andrews Institute of Scottish Historical Research and the School of History.

The Award of £1,000 is to cover research costs, including visits to archives and other repositories, attendance at conferences, and purchase of books and other materials for use in research.It is not intended to contribute to fees and maintenance costs of PhD study.

The Award may supplement funds received from other sources and is available for use throughout the three-year duration of full-time PhD study (or the equivalent part-time).

Only entrant students intending to pursue PhD research at St Andrews in Medieval Scottish History (c.1100-c.1550), either full-time or part-time, will be considered for the Award; and only those who have been formally admitted to the University to pursue PhD study in the specified field are eligible.

The Award will be made as part of the School of History’s annual competition for PhD studentships and adhere to the deadlines set out on the School of History’s website for the submission of applications for funding. No separate application for the Award is required, but eligible students should register their interest with their prospective supervisors and the Director of the Institute of Scottish Historical Research.

The Award is made on the basis of academic merit by an Award Committee chaired by the Director of the Institute of Scottish Historical Research and including the School of History’s Director of Postgraduates and at least two other staff in the School of History with expertise in Medieval Scottish History. The decision of the Award Committee is final.

At the completion of their studies, recipients of the Award are required to submit a report to the Director of the Institute of Scottish Historical Research, to be passed to the Dr Jamie Stuart Cameron Trust, on how it has benefited their research. They are also required to acknowledge receipt of the Dr Jamie Stuart Cameron Awardin their PhD theses.

Dr Jamie Stuart Cameron (1962-1995) graduated from St Andrews University with an MA Honours degree in Medieval History in 1984 and, after graduating LL.B with distinction from the University of Edinburgh, returned to St Andrews to pursue PhD research in Scottish History. His doctoral thesis ‘Crown-magnate relations in the personal rule of James V, 1528-1542’, supervised by Norman Macdougall, was successfully defended in 1995. Despite his death later that year, his thesis was subsequently published as James V: The Personal Rule, 1528-1542, edited by Norman Macdougall, The Stewart Dynasty in Scotland series (Tuckwell Press, East Linton, 1998).

The Dr Jamie Stuart Cameron Trust was established by his family in his memory to assist postgraduate students of Medieval Scottish History at St Andrews University.