2017 Collierville Recreational Fall Baseball Program

Players must register as individuals. No team registration will be accepted.

Registration: May 23rd – July 30th

$95.00 Collierville Resident Registration Fee

$145.00 Non Resident Registration Fee

ON LINE REGISTRATION AVAILABLE at www.colliervilleparks.org

Players Eligible: Baseball Players must be at least 7 and no older than 14 on or before May 1st, 2018.

Player Move Up Anyone wanting to move a child up in an age group must request to do so in an email to Mark Ellis (). Players will only be moved up ONE age group.

Leagues: 7 & Under* *League ages could be combined due to low registration numbers.

8 & Under* *League ages could be combined due to low registration numbers.

9 & Under* *League ages could be combined due to low registration numbers.

10 & Under* *League ages could be combined due to low registration numbers.

11 & 12s

13 & 14s


*League ages could be combined due to low registration numbers.

NO Evaluations: NO PLAYER EVALUATIONS for FALL LEAGUE. Teams will be Computer Drafted.

Team Selection: Teams will be Computer Drafted.

Season: Games will be played on Sunday afternoons beginning no earlier than 1:30 pm.

Make Up games may be scheduled on Weeknights if needed to get all games in.

Practices tentative to start August 12th

Games will begin approximately August 27th

Projected Finish Date of November 12th

All start dates and end dates are due to change due to registration numbers and weather.

Uniforms: The league will provide Caps, Jerseys and Socks. Uniforms are ordered prior to registration. Uniforms are not custom sized.

Equipment The Collierville Parks and Recreation Department WILL NOT provide Batting Helmets for the 2016 Fall Baseball/Softball Leagues. Players will be required to provide their own Batting Helmet.

Coaches: Our program’s success is determined by volunteer coaches. Please consider volunteering and complete a coach’s application. If you were a Head Coach in 2014 please contact a parks staff member to obtain the 2015 Head Coach Voucher Code to use toward your child’s registration fee.

If there are anymore questions or comments, please contact Mark Ellis

(457-2783 or email at ) or Brad Heacox (457-2784

Or email at ).


July 30th Registration Ends

August 12th Practices Begin

August 27th Games Begin

November 12th Season Ends (tentative)