Stockbridge School District

Annual Meeting

March 1, 2016

Kent Butterfield brought the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. The Town Clerk read the warning and Kent reminded everyone that this meeting was for the registered voters of the town.

Article 1: To elect a Moderator for the ensuing year. Carl Groppe took over to accept nominations for Moderator. Kathie Burns nominated Kent Butterfield. Seconded. Nominations were closed and the Town Clerk was instructed to cast 1 ballot for Kent Butterfield.

Article 2: To hear the report and budget proposal of the Stockbridge Town School District Officers.

Betsy Shands welcomed everyone in attendance. She reviewed the mission statement and thanked the many parents and volunteers who help with the many activities at the school. They are especially thankful to the PTO.

Janis Boulbol listed some of the many accomplishments at the school including Girls on the Run and the Farm to School initiative. She noted that there will be a full day Kindergarten next year and they will be providing a Pre-k program as well.

Carl Groppe reviewed the cost to tuition all students versus the cost of operating the school. If the Town were to tuition all students it would increase the tax rate by .04.

A review of the proposed budget shows changes as the remedial tutor and the excel cost will now be included on the local budget. The guidance and health positions have increased along with health insurance costs. They have budgeted to use a portion of the surplus to reduce taxes and the rest of the money will go into the building reserve fund. Carl noted that the education spending is down mostly due to the new Supervisory Union. The estimated homestead tax rate is projected to be $1.45765 and the income cap will be set at 2.76%.

Carl noted that the Board has spent a great deal of time on Act 46 requirements. Through this process their goals are to provide a great education at a sustainable cost and to have families choose to reside in town. The new SU includes 10 towns: 4 with K-12, 2 with K-6, 2 with K-8 and 2 that do not operate schools. Carl reviewed the 2 different consolidation models that the Board has been working on. They are a horizontal model and a vertical model. They are looking at forming a study committee which would explore grouping Strafford, Stockbridge, Tunbridge and Sharon into a Regional Education District. It is anticipated that whatever the decision is, it will be adopted at next year’s annual meeting. It was pointed out that the town cannot lose school choice unless the voters choose to do so. There are financial incentives to participate which would be lost if we do nothing.

Kathie Burns asked about the school bus and driver. Carl noted that under the current plan the bus would be purchased from us and the driver will be offered a job. Julie Groppe moved to approve the reports. Seconded and approved.

Article 3: To see if the Town School District will vote to pay taxes in equal installments due August 15, 2016, and the second due November 15, 2016. Craig Cota moved to approve the article. Seconded and approved.

Article 4: Shall the voters of the School District approve the school board to expend $1,955,325, which is the amount the school board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year? It is estimated that this proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $15,292.33 per equalized pupil. This projected spending per equalized pupil is 1.59% higher than spending for the current year. Julie Groppe moved to approve the proposed budget. Seconded and approved.

Article 5: Shall the voters allocate $117,051 from the FY15 General Fund Balance to be added to the Building Reserve Fund for purposes such as, but not limited to, energy efficiency upgrades, roof replacement and playground updates? Julie Groppe moved to approve the article. Seconded and approved.

Article 6: To elect a School Director to a three year term, ending in 2019. Kim Robertson nominated Betsy Shands. Seconded. Nominations were closed and Betsy Shands was re-elected.

Article 7: Shall the voters authorize the school board to borrow by issuance of bonds, or notes, not in excess of anticipated revenue for the current school year and the upcoming school year. Tony Caparis moved to approve the article. Seconded and approved.

Article 8: To do any other proper and necessary business. Donna Bryan noted that the attendance is very poor and she felt that the meeting should be held after town meeting. Kim Robertson feels that town meeting should be held on a Saturday so that working parents could attend. Kathie Burns asked how to move the meeting to Saturday. Carl noted that they could submit petitions but that the school board made the decision regarding the date of the annual meeting. Bill Edgerton does not feel that the low attendance reflects a lack of interest but of support for the proposals of the school board.

Betsy Shands pointed out that with the new school district structure future budget votes may have to change. Joanne Mills asked about the projected student count for Pre-K in 2018. Those numbers included 3 and 4 year olds based on a survey sent to Stockbridge and Pittsfield parents. Kathie Burns asked about the Pre-K program. They will not be adding additional staff but will instead use creative scheduling. They hope to keep the kindergarten and Pre- k program as separate programs. If a Stockbridge pre-k student attends class in another town we must pay that cost.

Bill Edgerton moved to adjourn. Seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 P.M.

Cathy Brown, Town Clerk

