Trading Summary

First quarter of 2004

The Zagreb Stock Exchange information
ZAGSTOCK, ZAGSTOCL - daily shares prices
ZAGSTOCM - daily bonds prices
SEZI – daily certificates prices
.CRBEX (chain) - CROBEX index constituents-by RIC code
This report or any part thereof may be reprinted, copied or redistributed in any way only with prior written permission and full credit.
The information contained herein is compiled and collected with care, but total accuracy and/or completeness is not guaranteed by the Zagreb Stock Exchange (ZSE). This publication is issued with the express condition to which everyone purchasing and making use thereof assents that no liability shall be incurred by ZSE. This publication is issued for information purposes only and is not to be construed in any way as an invitation to purchase or sell any security mentioned herein. ZSE recommends to any potential investor to seek professional advice before investing.
Copyright © 2004 by / The Zagreb Stock Exchange
Ksaver 200

All rights reserved.

Zagreb, April 2004


1. Trading statistics 1

1.1. General characteristics 1

1.2. Trading Overview by Month 2

1.3. Shares performance 4

1.4. Bonds performance 6

1.5. Certificates performance 5

1.6. Commercial papers performance 5

1.7. Top 10 Members by Total Turnover 9

1.8. Stocks with the largest Market Capitalization 7

1.9. Most active stocks by turnover 7

1.10. Best performing stocks 8

1.11. Underperforming stocks 8

1.12. Financial ratios 8

2. Major events 9

3. Prices and volumes for the most active stocks 11

4. Listed shares 14

5. Listed Bonds 18

6. Listed Certificates 19

7. Listed Commercial Papers 19

8. Methodological remarks 20

The Zagreb Stock Exchange

1.  Trading statistics

1.1.  General characteristics

(Turnover and Market Capitalization in millions of Kunas)

Fourth quarter of 2003 / First quarter of 2004 / %
Regular turnover:
Equities / 501.977.181 / 401.715.382 / -20,0
Bonds / 42.955.096 / 274.419.496 / 538,9
Certificates / 4.297.384 / 4.511.065 / 5,0
Reported turnover* / 358.534.501 / 548.675.859 / 53,0
Institutional turnover** / 2.163.378.855 / 3.691.009.117 / 70,6
Total / 3.076.807.317 / 4.920.330.918 / 59,9
Regular volume:
Equities / 1.233.650 / 1.219.536 / -1,1
Bonds / 20.151.131 / 50.720.420 / 151,7
Certificates / 8.818.347 / 8.912.625 / 1,1
Reported volume* / 46.679.250 / 73.894.108 / 58,3
Institutional volume** / 579.677.200 / 708.224.659 / 22,2
Total / 662.309.578 / 842.971.348 / 27,3
CROBEX© / 1.185,1 / 1.160,8 / -2,1
CROBIS© / 101,0215 / 99,9155 / -1,1
Total number of trades / 8.784 / 9.374 / 6,7
Number of securities traded / 90 / 87 / -3,3
Market Capitalization
Equities / 37.130,5 / 39.552,2 / 6,5
Bonds / 13.418,8 / 17.350,9 / 29,3
Total / 50.549,2 / 56.903,1 / 12,6
Number of trading days / 62 / 63 / 1,6
Number of listed shares
Official Market / 2 / 4 / 100,0
JDD Market / 130 / 129 / -0,8
Parallel Market / 43 / 43 / 0,0
Daily average:
Turnover / 49.625.924 / 78.100.491 / 57,4
Volume / 10.682.413 / 13.380.498 / 25,3
Number of trades / 142 / 149 / 5,0
Exchange rate at the end of period HRK:USD / 6,118506 / 6,055879 / -1,0

*Reported trades are trades with bonds greater then 3,000,000 HRK in accordance with the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules.

**Institutional trades are trades reported to the Exchange by intitutional investors in accordance with Securities Law.

1.2.  Trading Overview by Month

(Turnover and Market Capitalization in millions of Kunas)

January / February / March
Regular turnover:
Equities / 85.984.288 / 149.217.840 / 166.513.254
Bonds / 77.530.572 / 131.191.738 / 65.697.186
Certificates / 1.059.084 / 110.978 / 3.341.003
Reported turnover* / 148.605.970 / 207.207.558 / 192.862.332
Institutional turnover** / 778.789.690 / 1.686.979.938 /
Total / 1.091.969.603 / 2.174.708.051 / 1.653.653.264
Regular volume:
Equities / 298.271 / 443.814 / 477.451
Bonds / 14.106.025 / 19.780.998 / 16.833.397
Certificates / 2.636.715 / 264.234 / 6.011.676
Reported volume* / 18.584.108 / 30.510.000 / 24.800.000
Institutional volume** / 177.525.000 / 295.151.400 / 235.548.259
Total / 213.150.119 / 346.150.446 / 283.670.783
CROBEX© / 1.197,6 / 1.177,3 / 1.160,8
CROBIS© / 100,1535 / 99,7142 / 99,9155
Total number of trades / 2.648 / 2.801 / 3.925
Number of securities traded / 70 / 66 / 71
Market Capitalization
Equities / 40.012,6 / 38.568,1 / 39.552,2
Bonds / 13.372,4 / 16.870,9 / 17.350,9
Total / 53.385,0 / 55.439,0 / 56.903,1
Number of trading days / 20 / 20 / 23
Daily average:
Turnover / 54.598.480 / 108.735.403 / 71.897.968
Volume / 10.657.506 / 17.307.522 / 12.333.512
Number of trades / 132 / 140 / 171

*Reported trades are trades with bonds greater then 3,000,000 HRK in accordance with the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules.

**Institutional trades are trades reported to the Exchange by intitutional investors in accordance with Securities Law.

Chart 1: Zagreb Stock Exchange equity index CROBEX© and equity turnover

Chart 2: Zagreb Stock Exchange bond index CROBIS©

1.3.  Shares performance

(All prices and turnover in Kunas, market capitalization in millions of Kunas)

High / Low / Last / Average / Date / Net Change / Volume / Turnover / Mkt Cap
Official Market
CROS-P-A / 3.800,00 / 3.300,00 / 3.300,00 / 3.592,31 / 30.3.2004 / -2,9 / 246 / 883.708 / 28,9
CROS-R-A / 3.680,00 / 3.260,01 / 3.260,01 / 3.599,77 / 31.3.2004 / -8,2 / 2.393 / 8.614.261 / 1.002,8
PLVA-R-A / 510,00 / 476,00 / 494,00 / 502,27 / 31.3.2004 / 0,8 / 166.671 / 83.713.068 / 9.184,8
PODR-R-A / 176,00 / 162,00 / 169,91 / 169,71 / 31.3.2004 / -0,6 / 222.125 / 37.695.961 / 919,3
JDD Market
AMDN-R-A / 101,01 / 100,00 / 100,00 / 100,57 / 18.2.2004 / -1,0 / 227 / 22.828 / 76,5
ANTA-R-A / 2.301,00 / 1.650,00 / 2.301,00 / 1.978,05 / 30.3.2004 / 39,5 / 96 / 189.893 / 198,4
ARNT-R-A / 85,00 / 42,00 / 75,00 / 69,37 / 31.3.2004 / 66,8 / 21.910 / 1.519.970 / 163,7
ATLS-R-A / 20,00 / 17,50 / 17,61 / 18,42 / 29.3.2004 / 3,6 / 11.554 / 212.801 / 33,6
ATPL-R-A / 69,98 / 26,00 / 64,99 / 52,09 / 29.3.2004 / 206,6 / 22.333 / 1.163.329 / 88,5
BD62-R-A / 100,00 / 60,50 / 64,00 / 86,07 / 31.3.2004 / 14,1 / 7.754 / 667.356 / 48,1
BDMR-R-A / 570,00 / 570,00 / 570,00 / 570,00 / 11.3.2004 / 26,7 / 10 / 5.700 / 56,6
BLSC-R-A / 178,00 / 150,01 / 160,06 / 162,65 / 31.3.2004 / -2,4 / 16.922 / 2.752.293 / 186,4
CEBA-R-A / 320,00 / 320,00 / 320,00 / 320,00 / 30.3.2004 / 0,0 / 200 / 64.000 / 71,0
DABA-R-A / 260,00 / 207,48 / 230,01 / 241,99 / 26.3.2004 / 4,6 / 1.599 / 386.937 / 523,6
DLKV-R-A / 180,00 / 143,87 / 149,95 / 157,12 / 29.3.2004 / 3,4 / 9.189 / 1.443.776 / 344,0
DTR-R-A / 94,50 / 94,50 / 94,50 / 94,50 / 22.1.2004 / 0,0 / 95 / 8.978 / 10,2
ELKA-R-A / 98,00 / 80,00 / 93,00 / 91,66 / 31.3.2004 / -7,0 / 26.652 / 2.442.988 / 147,7
ELKP-R-A / 380,00 / 380,00 / 380,00 / 380,00 / 9.2.2004 / - / 22 / 8.360 / 34,1
ELPR-R-A / 105,00 / 90,00 / 105,00 / 100,86 / 22.3.2004 / 23,5 / 1.441 / 145.336 / 35,2
ERNT-R-A / 589,00 / 440,50 / 545,00 / 539,50 / 31.3.2004 / 23,9 / 35.809 / 19.318.934 / 725,7
EXPD-R-A / 325,00 / 300,00 / 321,00 / 313,11 / 26.3.2004 / -8,3 / 1.018 / 318.745 / 51,1
FRNK-R-A / 1.050,00 / 950,00 / 961,05 / 1.002,24 / 29.3.2004 / -3,9 / 6.092 / 6.105.673 / 410,5
HICZ-R-B / 150,00 / 91,01 / 150,00 / 143,08 / 10.3.2004 / 25,0 / 54 / 7.726 / 130,5
HRDH-R-A / 101,00 / 50,00 / 63,60 / 67,80 / 31.3.2004 / 41,3 / 9.258 / 627.698 / 53,6
IGH-R-A / 230,00 / 230,00 / 230,00 / 230,00 / 4.2.2004 / 9,5 / 86 / 19.780 / 36,5
ISTT-R-A / 125,00 / 101,01 / 106,00 / 113,28 / 31.3.2004 / -11,7 / 61.455 / 6.961.637 / 495,5
JDBA-R-A / 1.250,00 / 800,07 / 1.000,00 / 1.018,23 / 30.3.2004 / 17,6 / 750 / 763.670 / 36,4
JDPL-R-A / 27,00 / 18,00 / 25,00 / 20,94 / 23.3.2004 / 38,9 / 10.210 / 213.770 / 40,9
JDTT-R-A / 200,00 / 80,00 / 120,00 / 138,48 / 29.3.2004 / 34,1 / 13.918 / 1.927.387 / 512,9
JMNC-R-A / 13.600,00 / 9.000,00 / 9.600,00 / 10.921,33 / 22.3.2004 / 1,1 / 57 / 622.516 / 212,4
JNAF-R-A / 1.998,98 / 1.600,01 / 1.700,00 / 1.812,58 / 31.3.2004 / -10,5 / 1.390 / 2.519.491 / 1.262,8
KABA-P-A / 67,00 / 50,00 / 50,00 / 55,67 / 12.3.2004 / -25,4 / 24 / 1.336 / 0,5
KABA-R-A / 84,99 / 70,00 / 80,00 / 73,17 / 29.3.2004 / 14,3 / 97.516 / 7.135.026 / 53,6
KNZM-R-A / 1.600,00 / 1.190,00 / 1.400,00 / 1.432,21 / 29.3.2004 / -22,2 / 190 / 272.120 / 176,6
KODT-R-A / 400,00 / 400,00 / 400,00 / 400,00 / 15.3.2004 / 0,0 / 99 / 39.600 / 29,3
KOEI-R-A / 82,00 / 71,01 / 76,50 / 75,99 / 31.3.2004 / 7,5 / 77.095 / 5.858.218 / 192,6
KRAS-R-A / 285,00 / 265,00 / 265,25 / 274,76 / 31.3.2004 / -2,5 / 19.240 / 5.286.458 / 360,1
LLRB-R-A / 45,10 / 45,00 / 45,10 / 45,02 / 16.3.2004 / 0,2 / 720 / 32.417 / 6,2
LPML-R-A / 75,00 / 75,00 / 75,00 / 75,00 / 30.3.2004 / - / 567 / 42.525 / 5,3
LURA-R-A / 400,02 / 400,02 / 400,02 / 400,02 / 9.1.2004 / -16,7 / 20 / 8.000 / 1.200,1
MMBA-R-A / 350,00 / 350,00 / 350,00 / 350,00 / 26.3.2004 / 0,0 / 26 / 9.100 / 111,9
PBZ-R-A / 269,00 / 220,00 / 250,00 / 244,23 / 30.3.2004 / 12,6 / 32.452 / 7.925.725 / 4.165,0
PLAG-R-A / 1.350,00 / 1.200,00 / 1.230,00 / 1.313,01 / 31.3.2004 / -3,1 / 1.883 / 2.472.389 / 672,0
PRHN-R-A / 40,00 / 40,00 / 40,00 / 40,00 / 7.1.2004 / - / 11.281 / 451.240 / 5,2
RIBA-R-A / 140,00 / 129,41 / 140,00 / 138,08 / 18.3.2004 / 3,7 / 9.165 / 1.265.506 / 1.853,9
High / Low / Last / Average / Date / Net Change / Volume / Turnover / Mkt Cap
RIZO-R-A / 160,00 / 160,00 / 160,00 / 160,00 / 22.1.2004 / - / 16 / 2.560 / 21,7
SSNC-P-A1 / 200,00 / 155,00 / 175,68 / 179,93 / 4.3.2004 / -12,2 / 182 / 32.747 / 3,2
SSNC-R-A / 300,00 / 260,00 / 260,00 / 283,05 / 2.3.2004 / -13,3 / 59 / 16.700 / 16,1
TDR-P-A / 2.900,00 / 2.630,00 / 2.800,00 / 2.757,35 / 31.3.2004 / -1,1 / 54.771 / 151.022.940 / 1.899,5
TDZ-R-A / 2.500,00 / 2.001,01 / 2.001,01 / 2.255,00 / 15.3.2004 / 0,1 / 11 / 24.805 / 649,9
THNK-R-A / 675,00 / 553,00 / 638,99 / 632,94 / 26.3.2004 / 0,6 / 1.893 / 1.198.160 / 121,1
ULPL-P-A / 200,01 / 200,00 / 200,00 / 200,00 / 23.3.2004 / 40,8 / 13 / 2.600 / 14,7
VDKT-R-A / 27,00 / 27,00 / 27,00 / 27,00 / 20.1.2004 / 0,0 / 169 / 4.563 / 9,3
ZABA-P-B / 1.501,00 / 1.100,00 / 1.500,00 / 1.381,58 / 26.3.2004 / 30,4 / 116 / 160.263 / 17,0
ZABA-R-A / 1.800,00 / 1.400,00 / 1.750,05 / 1.626,04 / 26.3.2004 / 29,2 / 4.421 / 7.188.719 / 5.028,9
ZAPI-R-A / 4.750,00 / 3.715,00 / 4.300,00 / 4.125,89 / 30.3.2004 / 22,9 / 627 / 2.586.936 / 2.667,9
Parallel Market
GKBA-P-A / 65,00 / 60,00 / 60,00 / 62,50 / 5.3.2004 / 20,0 / 220 / 13.750 / 13,2
HRBC-R-A / 103,88 / 93,05 / 96,00 / 95,71 / 13.2.2004 / 0,0 / 2.131 / 203.955 / 97,2
KAPI-R-A / 1.000,00 / 900,00 / 900,00 / 995,24 / 10.2.2004 / -10,0 / 21 / 20.900 / 460,1
KODS-R-A / 10,00 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 22.3.2004 / - / 500 / 5.000 / 1,1
KORF-R-A / 52,00 / 43,56 / 51,00 / 47,32 / 31.3.2004 / 17,2 / 32.409 / 1.533.597 / 413,8
PRFC-R-A / 42,45 / 40,00 / 40,61 / 41,78 / 30.3.2004 / -6,2 / 17.517 / 731.778 / 158,9
RIVP-R-A / 155,00 / 142,09 / 148,50 / 149,19 / 31.3.2004 / 2,4 / 66.178 / 9.873.014 / 542,5
SLBA-R-A / 1.000,00 / 940,00 / 1.000,00 / 980,86 / 24.3.2004 / 5,3 / 931 / 913.180 / 284,9
SLPF-R-A / 33,50 / 29,50 / 30,00 / 30,94 / 25.3.2004 / -11,2 / 9.928 / 307.187 / 100,4
SNHO-R-A / 47,00 / 41,52 / 46,01 / 46,64 / 30.3.2004 / 8,3 / 54.243 / 2.529.666 / 155,4
STBA-R-A / 381,27 / 230,00 / 381,27 / 325,88 / 16.1.2004 / 263,1 / 142 / 46.274 / 1.385,8
SUNH-R-A / 55,01 / 40,21 / 45,50 / 46,20 / 31.3.2004 / 13,8 / 45.042 / 2.081.110 / 150,6
VABA-R-1 / 360,00 / 300,00 / 343,97 / 335,33 / 31.3.2004 / 12,8 / 26.891 / 9.017.316 / 566,6
ZLAR-R-A / 45,00 / 37,00 / 40,00 / 40,32 / 30.3.2004 / 0,0 / 1.226 / 49.431 / 22,1

1.4.  Certificates performance

(All prices in % of par value, turnover in Kunas)

Symbol / High / Low / Last / Date / Volume / Turnover
RHMF-A-A / 59,00 / 39,50 / 42,00 / 2.3.2004 / 7.777.983 / 3.922.559
RHMJ-A-A / 59,00 / 45,00 / 57,99 / 29.3.2004 / 1.134.642 / 588.506

1.5.  Commercial papers performance

(All prices in % of par value, turnover in Kunas)

Symbol / High / Low / Last / Date / Volume / Turnover
Institutional trades
KRAS-M-415A / 98,36 / 98,10 / 98,36 / 12.1.2004 / 4.000.000 / 3.926.600
PODR-M-404A / 99,82 / 99,82 / 99,82 / 12.1.2004 / 515.000 / 514.073
PODR-M-410A / 99,01 / 99,01 / 99,01 / 12.1.2004 / 490.000 / 485.149
TOTAL / 5.005.000 / 4.925.822

1.6.  Bonds performance

(All prices in % of par value, turnover in Kunas)

High / Low / Last / Date / Volume / Turnover
Regular trades
DAB-O-05CA / 109,45 / 106,81 / 107,30 / 31.3.2004 / 17.009.880 / 139.995.376
HYBA-O-086A / 99,40 / 98,20 / 98,20 / 31.3.2004 / 3.682.204 / 3.658.761
HZZO-O-047A / 102,15 / 100,90 / 101,50 / 30.3.2004 / 753.183 / 5.826.310
PLAG-O-048A / 100,75 / 100,75 / 100,75 / 5.1.2004 / 1.161.000 / 8.947.833
RHMF-O-049A / 101,30 / 100,40 / 100,40 / 23.3.2004 / 140.370 / 1.081.138
RHMF-O-085A / 100,40 / 98,20 / 98,40 / 31.3.2004 / 15.237.100 / 15.147.061
RHMF-O-08CA / 110,20 / 109,20 / 109,80 / 29.3.2004 / 380.713 / 3.176.005
RHMF-O-125A / 113,00 / 109,90 / 109,90 / 18.3.2004 / 1.941.070 / 16.481.842
RHMF-O-142A / 101,65 / 99,30 / 100,85 / 29.3.2004 / 10.414.900 / 80.105.169
TOTAL / 50.720.420 / 274.419.496
Reported trades*
DAB-O-05CA / 109,50 / 108,40 / 109,50 / 7.1.2004 / 1.650.000 / 13.778.046
HZZO-O-047A / 102,75 / 100,60 / 101,40 / 31.3.2004 / 13.929.108 / 107.886.562
RHMF-O-049A / 102,45 / 100,35 / 100,40 / 24.3.2004 / 17.285.000 / 133.935.700
RHMF-O-085A / 100,10 / 100,10 / 100,10 / 11.2.2004 / 4.900.000 / 4.904.900
RHMF-O-08CA / 110,05 / 110,05 / 110,05 / 11.3.2004 / 400.000 / 3.320.647
RHMF-O-125A / 112,90 / 110,50 / 110,70 / 30.3.2004 / 15.130.000 / 128.077.001
RHMF-O-142A / 101,55 / 99,09 / 101,40 / 31.3.2004 / 20.600.000 / 156.773.003
TOTAL / 73.894.108 / 548.675.859
Institutional trades**
BLSC-O-051A / 102,55 / 101,25 / 101,25 / 18.2.2004 / 3.370.000 / 26.465.159
DAB-O-05CA / 109,70 / 106,65 / 106,65 / 25.3.2004 / 37.297.209 / 308.865.963
HBOR-O-112A / 100,95 / 99,80 / 100,73 / 29.3.2004 / 9.000.000 / 67.949.257
HYBA-O-086A / 99,40 / 98,90 / 98,90 / 4.3.2004 / 7.600.000 / 7.524.000
HZZO-O-047A / 102,85 / 100,40 / 101,40 / 30.3.2004 / 50.108.000 / 387.804.841
PLAG-O-048A / 101,05 / 100,20 / 100,20 / 23.3.2004 / 515.500 / 3.982.600
PODR-O-072A / 100,00 / 100,00 / 100,00 / 26.2.2004 / 550.000 / 4.212.534
RHMF-O-049A / 102,60 / 100,10 / 101,40 / 31.3.2004 / 56.611.610 / 435.112.730
RHMF-O-085A / 100,40 / 98,20 / 98,40 / 30.3.2004 / 265.135.000 / 264.605.783
RHMF-O-08CA / 111,40 / 109,50 / 110,05 / 29.3.2004 / 27.709.840 / 233.342.634
RHMF-O-125A / 113,30 / 109,90 / 110,40 / 31.3.2004 / 90.119.500 / 765.322.596
RHMF-O-142A / 101,55 / 99,09 / 100,10 / 31.3.2004 / 155.203.000 / 1.180.895.199
TOTAL / 703.219.659 / 3.686.083.295
BONDS TOTAL / 827.834.187 / 4.509.178.650

*Reported trades are trades with bonds greater then 3,000,000 HRK in accordance with the Zagreb Stock Exchange Rules.