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Occupational Preparation Lab Midterm EXAM

1.What does a red light mean?

a. proceed with caution

b. stop

c. pull over

2. A white letter H on a blue sign means what?

a. Hotel

b. Hospital

c. House

3. When you see a yield sign. No traffic is coming. What should you do?

a. Proceed with caution

b. Wait for a green light

c. slow down

4. Suppose you are going 35 miles an hour and you see this sign

What should you do?

a. stop

b. speed up

c. slow down

5. How should Ronald select his possible career?

a. she should choose her career based on her strengths

b. she should let her parents choose her career

c. she should choose the same career that her friends pick

6. Sharnice’s mother told her it is important for Jaleesa to show respect at work, school, and home. What does this mean ?

a. she must show appreciation for people’s worth or qualities

b. she has to look after, manage or take care of other people

c. she is not guided by or controlled by other people

7. Caris’s boss tells him he needs to shave. How should Caris handle the situation?

a. by arguing with his boss

b. by ignoring his boss

c. by listening to his boss

8. In terms of governmental organizations, what does EEOC stand for?

a. Each and Every Opportunity Calls

b. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

c. Everyone’s Employment Opportunity Club

9. What is the purpose of an aptitude test?

a. to pass or fail

b. to help find careers based on interests and abilities

c. to get job certification

10. Which are resources that can be used to assess Dajon’s strengths?

a. books and aptitude tests

b. reading fashion magazines

c. talking to his peers.

11. What might be a long–term goal?

a.  something a person wants to do now

b.  something a person wants to do in the future

c.  something a person wants to do with a friend

12. What is on-the-job training?

a. sitting in the break room all day

b. learning the skills needed for the job while working

c. a class you can take before going to work.

13. How should Myeisha choose her work environment?

a. to suit her personality

b. it should not be important

c. she should let her supervisor choose it

14. What is an example of a working condition?

a. a promotion

b being allowed to talk on your cell phone during work

c good office lighting

15. What should John do while climbing the career ladder?

a. keep the same job for a long time.

b. get promoted at reasonable time periods

c. keep the same job for a short time

16. When does a worker usually receive a salary?

a. on a regular basis

b. only when he makes a sale

c. only when he misses less than 3 days of work

17. What is the type of pay that Jarvis will receive when he retires from the company?

a. a salary

b. a pension

c. a bonus

18. Muhammed worked overtime. What is the normal amount of hours in a week that is worked before overtime?

a. 50 hours per week

b. 20 hours per week

c. 40 hours per week

19. What is a form that withholds the taxes from Desmond’s check?

a. W-4 form

b. job application

c. W-2 form

20. On a job application, who could Sharnice use as a reference?

a.  mom and dad

b.  brothers and sisters

c.  employers and teachers

21. Ambrosia wants to find a job in construction. Which agency could help her find a job like this?


b. Federal Reserve Agency

c. Employment Security Commission

22. What is the first thing Kenneth should do when entering the office for a job interview?

a. introduce himself

b. ask how long it will be

c. tell his friend to come in with him

23. Where can Karis find the Want Ads in the newspaper?

a. the local section

b. the main section

c. the classified section

24. John wants a job that will give him health insurance, dental insurance and some time off for vacation in the summer. What are these things called?

a. wages

b. benefits

c. salary

25. Shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, and a hair brush are examples of?

a. things a person needs to maintain good hygiene

b. things a person needs to buy for their employer

c. things a person needs for self-determination

26. When Elijah is picking up a box at work, how should he bend?

a.  at the waist

b.  use her legs

c.  twist around

27. Justin works in a furniture making factory. He does not have a safety guard on his table saw. Who should Justin contact?




28. What is a co-worker?

a. a friend from school

b. a peer

c. someone a person works with

29. Larry is going for an interview with a grocery store. What should he wear?

a. jeans

b. a collared shirt

c. a tank top

30. Dominicue’s co-worker just lost her dog. What could Domincue say to her to make her feel better?

a. “I am really sorry; let me know if you want to talk.”

b. “Dogs are dirty anyways, why would you want one.”

c. “You should have kept a better eye on him.”

31. A person crossing with a bike is called…

a. an entrepreneur

b. a pedestrian

c. a patient

32. What does this sign mean?

a.  cars are allowed

b.  cars are not allowed

c.  park at you own risk

33. What does this road symbol stand for?

a.  children at play

b.  stop

c.  yield

34. What does this shape always mean to a driver?

a.  yield

b.  rotary ahead

c.  stop ahead

35. “Wants to be a licensed automobile mechanic.” Under which heading on John’s resume should he include this?

a.  Career Objectives

b.  Extracurricular/Community Activities

c.  Personal Information

36. When filling out a tax form, what is the word that refers to your husband or your wife?

a.  Dependent

b.  Spouse

c.  Allowance

37. What does the phrase “merge into traffic” mean?

a.  Wait until no one is on the highway.

b.  Slowly move into the flow of other cars.

c.  Don’t look and speed into the line of cars.

38. Marcus, Malcom, and Muhammed all ride to school together in a bus. What type of transportation are they using?

a. public transportation

b. car pool

c. private taxi

39. Which is an example of moving violation?

a. Not passing the vision and written test.

b. A tail light or license plate light missing

c. Driving the wrong way

40. What are possible effects of alcohol and drug on driving?

a. Slower reaction time

b. tailgating

c. aggressive driving

41. What shape is the no passing sign?

a. rectangular

b. square

d. pennant

42. The yield sign is pointing

a .a three sided sign downward

b. a three sided sign upward

c. a three sided sign pointing East

43. Special conditions or hazards is a

a. warning sign

b regulatory or guide sign

c.A guide sign

44. What are brown signs for?

a. parks and recreation

b. dangers

c. guide and distance

45. HOV, Bicycle and transit lanes are:

a. reversible lanes

b. reserved lanes

c. crosswalks

46.What lines appear at the right edge of the road

a.  solid white lines

b.  Solid yellow lines

c.  Dashed white lines

47. Curb markings, fire lanes and pavement markings are designed for

a. no parking

b. restricted parking

c. parking within the markings

48. Which is a red sign?

a. wrong way

b. Keep right

c. no passing sign

49 Which sign indicates two lanes are about to become one?

a.  merge

b.  Two way road way

c.  Divided highway begins

50. Pedestrian crossing

a. slow down watch out for children

b. school zone cross walk

c. crosswalks exists