Directions for making a Webpage of links in First Class

Most Basic Webpage Option

  1. Login to FC e-mail and open your “HOME PAGE” folder. (If you don’t see one, while in First Class, choose FILE, OPEN, HOME PAGE.)
  2. Choose “File”, “New”, “Document”
  3. Its is best to name your document as you begin. Choose “file”, “get info”. Type “Home Page” into the “name” box. (Don’t type the quotes.) If you name the document “home page”, then it will just open when people go to your site.
  4. This is just a word processor for now. For now, you will do just a title, some text and a couple of links.
  • Type a title for your page. Hit return or enter a couple of times.
  • Highlight the title to select it. Format it by assigning a size, font and/or a color to the text. Center it.
  • Hit the return, or enter key to move your cursor down and type any text or directions you want on your page.
  1. Creating hyperlinks – remember that a hyperlink has two parts, a title and a URL. The URL is the www part.
  • Type the “title” of your link in your document. Make sure you hit “enter/return”, or add a couple of spaces after the title.
  • Highlight the title of your hyperlink to select it.
  • Select the “make link” button (the button is directly above the box where you choose “left”, “right” or “center”
  • Type or paste the URL of your link in the URL box. Make sure that you prefix the link with For example you might type if you were linking to our home page. You don’t need to type anything in the “title” box.
  1. Add more text or hyperlinks as you need to. Remember to hit the return/enter key after the title of each of your links, then go back to highlight just the title itself to actually create the link.
  1. If you need to edit a link you have already created, double click on the red icon in front of the link. That will open the link window so you can edit.
  1. When you are finished with the page, just close it. It is now accessible to anyone on the web.
  2. Anyone can access your homepage folder over the Internet by typing Your own first initial followed by your last name. If you do not have a file named “Home page”, the visitor will see a list of the files in your folder.
  3. When you have something “real” in your folder, let Diane know and whe will like to it from your school homepage.