South Dorset Ridgeway Landscape Partnership

Access to Experts Learning Projects Initiative 2013-2018

Adonis Blue Butterfly

As part of the Pick it Up & Pass it on Learning Project the SDR LP has developed an ambitious 5 year learning development programme inspiring outdoor learning and the creation of learning resources. Aimed at schools within and adjacent to the Ridgeway Landscape it is a limited offer to schools in the Bridport, Dorchester and Chesil Pyramids.

The Offer

Access to Experts

·  Our team of artists, archaeologists, geologists, landscape and wildlife experts can support teachers to develop bespoke curriculum materials based on cultural, historic and natural themes of the Ridgeway and capitalise on the creative opportunity the new 2014 curriculum framework presents.

·  Primary schools can access 2 days of Experts time, and 5 days classroom teacher release to research and create new topic resources (value £1250)

Schools taking part will be expected to embed the rich natural and historic landscape of the South Dorset Ridgeway Landscape in the curriculum.

Hardy Monument & Broncham Hill

Booking / Register your interest

Please fill in the reply slip, and send to Marie McLeish, Learning Projects Manager. e.mail: 01305 228227

Name of school
Telephone no
Teacher name
Direct Email
Key stage
Access to Experts

The core messages underpinning the project are:


·  Contemporary life in the South Dorset Ridgeway draws on the landscape of the past and builds the foundations for the future.


·  The South Dorset Ridgeway is ‘a landscape of our ancestors’, a rich and ancient ceremonial landscape that gives us insights into how people have lived here for over 6,000 years.


·  The geology is the foundation of this landscape and determines the distinctive character of the South Dorset Ridgeway and influences how people live here.

Grey Mare & her Colts