Narrative description of evidence for Program review/A/H

Under curriculum demonstrator 1, there were several artifacts addressing targeted standards. There were samples of IEP’s, ILP’s, and some SBDM minutes and Agendas mentioning the program review. There were samples of lessons and assessments from a guest artist. There were also photos of a jazz band concert that all students had access to. Some student work and a variety of opportunities for local, state, and national arts’ contests are also included.

Recommendations for Improvement:

Include the following: GSSP, Master Schedule, copies of ILP’s of students who have identified an arts area as a career interest, actual SBDM Policies that support Arts curriculum; copy of his own teaching schedule, could also include POS for A/H for K-6. Many of these documents (policies, curriculum maps, schedules, etc. should be electronic and should not require scanning). All artifacts must include: targeted standard, grade level and class of origin, brief description of what assignment was for.

Committee scored this indicator a 1: Evidence is general, and missing certain elements. Artifacts lacking in several areas. Evidence of collaboration is lacking.

Narrative/ Curriculum 2

Digital photographic evidence of performances, dramatic performance; some lesson plans were included; ILP/IEP.


Arts-specific checklists or walkthrough instruments that have been filled out; include all arts toolkits under supplies; include samples of arts-like products from across the curriculum; include more student work in this indicator; records of extended services or opportunities within the arts.

Rating: 1

Narrative/Curriculum 3

Some student work and lesson plans, peer reviews/critiques of other students’ work; sample assessments.

Recommendations: Needs additional student work, audio/video work; guest speakers from community; documentation of collaborative work with students with IEP’s.

Rating: 1

Narrative/Curriculum 4

Play written by students to extend a play they had already seen; photos of student performance;


Include reflections and self-assessment with student work;


Formative and Summative Assessments

Narrative/Assessment 1

Open response, music pre-test/post-test, art pre-test/post-test, Rubric for performance assessment; piece of student work


Include evidence of student products with peer critique; include actual performances with feedback; evidence of how instruction was modified after pretest is analyzed;

Narrative/Assessment 2

Evidence of paper/pencil test; rubrics, performance rubrics; reflective student response to arts event.


Include models used as exemplars; evidence of rubrics that students help develop; student work and tasks need to accompany rubrics; lesson plans that accompany exemplary models; documentation of guest speakers, performances, and/or field trips.

Narrative/Assessment 3

Music melody p/p quiz, melody performance event; art element quiz; art element activity

Recommendations: Include samples of assessments with student products; art exhibits/feedback and reflection; assessments designed by both teacher and student; student response or critique of art product using appropriate terminology; communication to community (newsletter, clips in newspaper, bulletin boards, etc); collaboration with teachers (G/T and resource-assessment strategies/accommodations).

Rating :1

Professional Development/Planning


Copy of CSIP, Arts teacher’s growth plan, and certificate of completion for training is included


Arts teacher needs to plan with local artists and document; CSIP needs correlate with growth plans and include arts pd; attend content specific state or national conferences


Participation in Professional Development

Narrative 1

Individual Growth Plan, notes and reflections on PD sessions; Program Review questions/reflections.


Include emails of opportunities for professional development; save and include agendas from PD; add more reflections; find pd plan.

Rating: 2


2 SBDM Policies, Program review process and meeting notice; IGP; pd certificate


Pictures; professional learning community minutes; job-embedded professional learning opportunities.

Rating: 2

Leadership 1

Mission statement, CSIP, ILP’s, arts report card


Artistic experience reflecting mission statement; School Report Card

Rating: 1

Leadership 2

Arts Toolkits; Meeting minutes for program review meeting Nov. 7;


Required SBDM policies, LEAD report; Master Schedule/student schedules

Rating: 2

Leadership 3

Master Schedule, rosters, class-load breakdown, fliers of special events, Boys’ and Girls’ Club brochure, CSIP (A/H identified), community events, contests


Copy of calendar of events, curriculum maps and lesson plans showing integration across the curriculum, release data days for data analysis; SBDM agendas/minutes, records for arts field trips

Rating: 1

Leadership 4

Building Layout, Budgets, School Fair Schedule; Room/Equipment inventory; staff assignment/opening day agenda.


Include calendars of events, sign in sheets parent teacher conference, PTO, records of arts training programs in which the principal participates

Rating: 1/2