Wed. 22nd February @ 6.15 p.m. for 6.30 at Graham’s Place.


  1. Welcome and IntroductionsG.K.
  1. Apologies
  1. Minutes of previous meetingJB
  2. Approval
  3. Matters arising
  1. Presidents Report P. McK
  1. Treasurer’s Report: MK
  1. Questions to submitted Directors’ Reports
  2. Community ServiceJW
  3. YouthLS
  4. VocationalMW
  5. InternationalJH
  6. RI FoundationJV
  7. Club ServiceTA
  8. Communications, PR &MembershipAT
  9. Secretary JB

General Business:

1. President Elect.

2. Refund of District Grant.

3. Request for Club Assembly solely on Twin City Walk.

4. Rotaract Club of Hillary's Charter Night.

5. Term Deposit

6. Fair report

7. Rotary Foundation for approval for minimum $2650 payment to Polio Plus.

8. Date and venue of next meeting – TBA.

Community Service 16/17 Report by: Jenni Wilke
Date: 19 February, Board meeting 22 February 2017
RCH Community Service Committee
Community Services Directorate. Jenni (Director), Stuart (Manager), Dawn, Jim, Dilo, James House, Vinay, Teal David B (leave of absence
Hi all
Apologies for the long break between reports – a busy life, kitchen renovation, travel & work got in the way.
RCH Community Service Committee responsibilities
April is Rotary Maternal & Child Health month and in the early planning was allocated to the Community Service Directorate to facilitate. We have been asked to focus on this area of service and we have in previous months provided funds and speakers to promote & educate Maternal & Child Health projects in our community - supporting Stirling Women’s Centre, Spiers Centre and others. In April we will learn more about Youth Focus – supporting Youth Mental Health, Vincent’s Project – for the Homeless and Manna Inc – Feeding the homeless and provide financial support
We have been asked by District to consider hosting an activity during September 2017 to raise funds and awareness for National Stroke Week 4-10 September, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions and would like to take the Coordinator role with District providing a detailed Coordinator Kit including tools, tips and ideas please let me know or we can discuss at the next RCH Forum
I trying to work towards ensuring that we meet the goals that we set out to achieve at the start of this Rotary year and so have recapped all the projects we had selected to support during this year and work out what we have left to try to close out before 30 June.
All feedback welcome – the Board meeting is this Wednesday 22/2/17 and I can present to the Board, also I will be overseas from 22/2/17 – 17/3/17 but still will be available via email
Thanks Jenni
RCH Community Service Directorate 16/17 Achievements to date
$600 Edmund Rice Camp/Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
$1,000 Stirling Women’s Refuge
$500 Leukaemia Foundation Balcatta
Donations with Speakers at Club meetings
$500 Joe Camilleri Centre Stirling
$1,000 Spiers Centre (includes the weekly meeting “pig” collection money)
$500 Fathering Project – Dr Bruce Robinson
$500 Motor Neurone Disease
$500 Salvation Army
Donations with RCH volunteers
$400 Rotary Children’s Christmas Party
Total donations paid to date = $5,500 – Congratulations everyone, thank you for your support to all the members of the RCH and especially the Committee and Super Manager Stuart
Upcoming Donations
Donation for Carine Fair external volunteers – after Fair
$600 Duncraig Outdoor Girl Guides
$500 Beat the Heat
Planned Donations +/- speakers – Board approved
$500 St Vincent de Paul – Date to be confirmed -? 22/5/17
$500 Youth Focus – Gin Gin meeting – 3/4/17
$500 Vincent’s Project - 24/4/17
$500 Manna Inc – 8/5/17
Planned Donations +/- vocational visit – Board approved
$500 Foodbank – Date to be confirmed
$500 Guide Dogs WA for woodworking tools – Date to be confirmed
On-going projects
Autism West continues to receive DWW monies
Donations remaining to be distributed = $4,100
Total donations for 16/17 = $9,600
RCH Community Service Director and Manager meeting
Stuart and I met last month to sort out through all the information coming in and plan out the 2nd half of the Rotary year, notes below:
Discussion points:
1Youth Focus – Gin Gin shared meeting with RCW – Terryadvised tentative meeting date 3/4/17 - $500 Board approved and cheque presentation
2Vincent’s Project $500 Board approved – Vincent’s mother Pina Pettinicchioconfirmed as speaker 24/4/17 and cheque presentation
3Manna Inc - $500 Board approved – OAM and Founder Manna Inc Bev Lowe confirmed as speaker 8/5/17 and cheque presentation
4St Vincent de Paul donation +/- speaker to be arranged $500 donation approved by Board - confirm meeting dates available with Terry
5Foodbank – $500 Board approved - with Vocational Committee –visit to be planned +/- meeting dinner at Foodbank
6Guide Dogs WA - $500 Board approved– Visit to be planned – James awaiting confirmation - Donation to woodworking shop
7Cheques from Mark – Unless presenting prior to the Fair, all cheques to be requested after Fair funds are available
8Board approved cheques:
St Vincent de Paul $500
Salvation Army $500
Duncraig Girl Guides $500 – ? to distribute
Beat the Heat $500 – ? to distribute
Vincent’s Project $500
Youth Focus $500
Manna Inc $500
Guide Dogs WA $500
Total $4,100
9Not achieved as per 16/17 Community Service Plan
City of Stirling Indigeneous project
Padbury PS Defibrillator
New Business
  1. Red Cross – Not supported in 16/17
  2. Medical Alert – to forward to incoming Director JH for consideration for 17/18
  3. Safety Night lights – to go to Comm Service Committee for consideration at next Club Forum


RYE--- Due to circumstances, Amalie did not change to her 3rd host family in January, as previously informed. Contacted District, and other host families. Between district, Freimond and Beeton families, and such wonderful support, it was agreed, with much communication, that in the best interest of Amalie, staying on with her 2nd Host family, Sandy & Terry Freimond for her 3rd 3 month stay. As it was such late notice, Keiran &Tom Beeton, will help Sandy & Terry, with any time, they might need, in Amalie's extended stay with the Freimond family.

RYE---- Ashley Freimond arrived back from Switzerland, January 8th 2017, after her year exchange. Peter McKenzie, Amalie, and I went to Airport, to join others to welcome her back. RYE Club presentation, is confirmed for Monday 27th March 2017.

Ryla-- Peter McKenzie and I attended Ryla evening invitation. Thursday 19th January 2017, out at Orange Grove. A wonderful evening of entertainment, food and interaction with such amazing participants, and rotary clubs representatives, of sponsored students. Our club participants, were Samuel Argentieri, & Sam Hopson. (Sam Hopson's RYLA fee, was met by West Perth Rotary club) Club Ryla presentation,is confirmed for Monday 20th March 2017.( West Perth RC representative at RYLA dinner, spoke with Sam H. re presenting Ryla at West Perth Club) TBA.

RYE---- Chiara Lehmann HRC outbound exchange, left Friday 20th January 2017 for exchange to France. Peter McKenzie and I, attended airport, to join her family and RYE district chair and Placement officer.

RYE--- Informed, HRC, Inbound student July 2017, will be from Belguim. (no other details) Host Families to be sort.

MENTOR HOST FAMILY Briefing, Saturday 10th June, Rotary House, South Perth. 1pm. Club members encouraged to attend.
ATTENDED with PatLowdnesJaquieHarr,y the Polio Plus film night 12th Feb 2017 at Morley Galleria, "Hidden Figures" excellent movie, yet again, for Polio/P fundraiser. Big Thanks was given to all that attended. NB. A different pre trailer was shown on WHERE, DATE/YEAR, WHO, & HOW Polio Plus was started. Very very interesting, & Informative.

4 Way Test speaking competition --- I attended 1st Semi- Final Monday 13th February, at Mount Lawley Golf Club.

Conocophillips Science Experience---- only one participant.Attended Curtin, Dec 2016. Joshua Noronah. Club presentation---Monday 20th Feb 2017 confirmed.

4 Way Test Speaking competition ---- Monday 27th February 2nd Semi-Final, which our club heat winner Maddy Sumner from Sacred Heart College, will be one of 5 contestants. Clubs--Mindarie, Hillarys, Scarborough, Matilda Bay, & Geraldton Greenough. Joint meeting arranged, Wanneroo RC is host club for 2nd semi final. Woodvale Tavern Trappers Drv. Woodvale. 6pm-for 6.30pm start.

As per directive from President Peter McKenzie,&Rotaract Chair, for approval at Board meeting 22/2/17, for funds to arrange Charter Dinner, before District Conference March 24th,25th,& 26th 2017. As last youth budget submission, that was tabled and accepted 14/9/2016, contained the proposed amount of $450, for Charter Dinner for Rotaract and Interact., I ask HRC board 22/2/2017 to confirm, as per President Peter McKenzie request. Rotaract & Interact have been advised re arrangements for charter dinner.

I attended an Interact Meeting, at St Stephens School, Thursday 16th Feb 2017, with Interact group and Teacher Richard Davies.Agenda items.

1.Discussion for time suitable for Dr Ken Collins to address and present on Polio Plus.(Interact/project fundraiser)

2. Charter Dinner/date/venue.TBA

3. RI data base forms to be filled in & updated (requirement each year, Interact By-Laws )

I will be attending a Rotaract Meeting, Tuesday 21st Feb 2017 6.30pm/ Agender items.

1. Charter Dinner/date/venue.

2. Meet/ possible new members.

3. Confirm list of Rotaractors times for Fair Help. (have sent list to Dawn)

4. Possible donation? towards Sea Container project.

Board approval for funding of $1000 for Rotary Adventure in Citizenship Sat 6th May--Sat 13th May. A Rotary program for year11 students to experience time in Canberra who are interested in, Our Constitution, Australian Parliament, role in citizenship,visits, National Science&Technology centre., Duntroon/Royal Military College, Australian Institute of sport/ function in Athletes dining room. Wreath Laying. Applications open 20th Feb- 16th April.) or sooner if all positions are filled. As youth budget tabled and accepted by board 13/9/2016, had funding approval that was not used. I submit for board approval, for the transfer of funds ($1000 approved for rotary school microscope project,) to fund a yr 11 student applicant, form one of our local High Schools,, to the Rotary Adventure in Citizenship program .

Padbury Primary School has been contacted again, re Defib for Life, & finacial help of $2350, to purchase. Advised that HRC can fund $1500 (board approved being the transfer of NYSF money $1500, as applicant did not gain placement) and balance of $850 would be of their own fundraising, to make up shortfall to purchase. TBA after P&F meeting.

On receiving email, re request for Inbound & ex outbound, to attend the farewell lunch of Doug Worthington, on Sunday 26th Feb at the Greenwood Hotel Warick Rd. 11.30am for 12 start.cost $40pp .I submit for board approval, the purchase of a ticket $40 for Amalie to attend. As the trybooking will only take credit card, I am willing to use my c/card & $40 be refunded to me.

Regards Linda.

HRC Youth Director.

AUSTSWIM Training Trip July/August 2016

Supported by Rotary Club of Hillarys and AUSTSWIM

Project Description

Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in children over the age of one in Vietnam. Many of these lives could be saved if the children knew how to swim. It is described as the "silent epidemic" by many international aid agencies. (e.g. UNICEF, TASC). Swim Vietnam is a charity based in Central Vietnam which trains swimming teachers, builds swimming pools and establishes swim schools which give free swimming and water safety lessons to prevent children from drowning.

Swim Vietnam is an established charity which has been operating successfully in Vietnam for nine years. Rotary Club of Hilarys has previously assisted Swim Vietnam in training two AUSTSWIM presenters and many teachers. However for Swim Vietnam to develop and to make a significant long lasting impact on drowning in Vietnam it has a need for more qualified teacher trainers so that teachers can be trained on a large scale. This will enable Swim Vietnam to train sufficient teachers to assist the Vietnamese provincial and national government to implement more swimming and survival programs nationwide. In July and August 2016, Rotary Club of Hillarys, in conjunction with AUSTSWIM, sponsored a training program for Swim Vietnam teachers to train as AUSTSWIM presenters. In addition an Infant & Preschool Aquatics course was also delivered. The project involved a highly experienced AUSTSWIM presenter, Sue Warner, to travel from Australia to Vietnam and spend three weeks delivering the courses. A fortuitous benefit of the presenters course was that to provide the trainee teachers with practical course delivery experience we also had to run three AUSTSWIM teacher training courses enabling us to train 75 new teachers.


The training was highly successful and will have both an immediate and long term impact for Swim Vietnam.

As a result of this trip funded by Rotary the following has been achieved:

Course conducted / Participants
Austswim Trainee Presenter Course / 14
3 x Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety Courses / 75
Infant & Preschool Aquatic Course / 15

Additional benefits from project

  • AUSTSWIM training manuals for the courses were translated into Vietnamese. This was vital for these courses to be successful but even more importantly these materials are now available for future AUSTSWIM courses in Vietnam.
  • Two laptops were donated to Swim Vietnam. These are being used to provide classroom based water safety presentations to primary school children in Quang Nam Province. Over 30,000 children have already received this education. Agreement has been reached with the education department of the nearby city of Danang to make this vital education available to all children in this city (the 3rd largest in Vietnam). We will keep Rotary updated as this major project progresses.

Costs of Project

Item / Detail / Budget A$ (based on 3 week trip) / Comments
Return airfare from Australia to HCMC / A$1,600 / 1,600 / Paid direct to volunteer
Return airfare from HCMC to Danang / US$100 / $130 / Paid direct to volunteer
Visa (May be waived by Consul General) / A$100 / $100 / N/A
Travel Insurance / - / - / AUSTSWIM covered
Accommodation / A$40 per day / $800 / Paid direct to volunteer
Daily food expenses / A$30 per day / $600 / Paid direct to volunteer
Daily other / social /transport expenses / A$20 per day / $400 / Paid direct to volunteer
Swim Vietnam trainees wage compensation * / US$10 per trainee per day / $1,300 / Actually US$1,000 (already paid to Swim Vietnam)
AUSTSWIM Presenter fee ** / AUSTSWIM presenter has waived these fees / - / -
Presenter AUSTSWIM license fees ** / A$10 per qualified presenter / $100 / Will actually be A$140 – to be paid on presenter qualification (Swim Vietnam will pay this)
Infants course license fees *** / A$10 per qualified teacher / $100 / Will actually be A$150 – to be paid on teacher qualification (Swim Vietnam will pay this)
Translation of Presenters Kit / Cost may be covered by consul general. / $336 / Actually US$148 - Swim Vietnam already paid translator
Translation of Infants Manual / Cost may be covered by consul general. / $366 / Actually US$341 - Swim Vietnam already paid translator
Translation of TSWS manual / Cost may be covered by consul general / $1,307 / Actually US$ 1,352 - Swim Vietnam already paid translator
Other course costs / $130 / Paid by Swim Vietnam
TOTAL (Estimated) / A$7,269 (not all the exact costs are known to Swim Vietnam) / Translation costs still to be paid to Swim Vietnam

Comments from Project Participants

Sue Warner AUSTSWIM Trainer – “The Swim Vietnam team is passionate, exuberant and has an abundance of knowledge & skills to share with all, while still wanting to learn more. The visit has been both personal & professional growth for me. All the candidates (aged from their 20s to 50s) had given up days of work to attend. They put their lives on hold to be there. They wanted to learn everything they could – all they want to do is stop their kids from drowning. I’m humbled and enriched by the whole experience. It is highly likely this is going to be something that AUSTSWIM is quite involved in over the next few years.”

Sophie Le – Trainee Presenter - "It's super that I got a chance to participate in the AUSTSWIM presenter course. I've learned a lot about swimming and water safety teaching and how to share my knowledge and experiences for training new swimming teachers. I'm really happy that this course gave me the path to making more and more swimming teachers to teach swimming and water safety in fun, effective and safe methods, which will help to prevent drowning in Vietnam. I really owe a big thanks to Rotary for making this possible and also to our AUSTSWIM trainer - Susan who inspired us a lot (she's really a great trainer)."

Other Comments on Project

It is of high importance that standards in Vietnam are equivalent to Australia. Therefore the trainee presenters were not signed off as qualified presenters during the three week training. They will continue to gain sufficient experience by presenting courses over the next two years (possibly longer dependent on course availability). Once they have reached the required standard they will gain their qualification – in line with the process for qualification in Australia. In agreement with AUSTSWIM there is a roadmap in place for this to happen. As part of this trip Swim Vietnam’s Senior Manager Doan Minh Trung (who is already familiar to many Rotary members due to his trip to Perth to train as an AUSTSWIM presenter in 2012) was trained to the level that he can, in the future, sign off the new presenters. He will be supported in this where necessary by Sue Warner and other AUSTSWIM senior trainers. This excellent outcome ensures that Swim Vietnam has the resources in place internally to grow at a sustainable pace, as well as ensuring that the presenters, when qualified, will be of the necessary international standard to train a new generation of high quality new swim teachers.