Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Council held on Wednesday, 14 December, 2016 in the Council Chamber, Orchard Street, Brynmawr at 5.30pm.

Present:- Councillors M.I Morgan (Presiding).

D. Lyn Elias

I.R.K. Jenkins

Mrs. D. Brown

B.M. Sutton

H.J. Swales

Mrs. O.M. Swales

W.K. Hodgins

B.I Nash

Ms. S.M.Morgan


Mrs. M. Morris

In Attendance:- Mrs. A.C. Davies (Town Clerk).

Miss. N.J. Williams (Asst. Town Clerk)


Apologies:- P.G. Morgan, N. Boyd, Mrs. J. Boyd, T.S. Hughes.

7486 The Chair welcomed members to the December Meeting.

7487 Declaration of Interest & Dispensations.

The Chair reminded members to make declarations of interest at appropriate points on the Agenda.

7488 Monthly Meeting of the Council held on 23 November 2016.

Corrections –

Item 7472 – should read “the effect would be that Primary Schools would have to pay between £2,000 - £4,000 and Secondary Schools between £6,000 - £10,000”.

Item 7467 – should read “Aneurin Leisure Presentation Buffet not the BGCBC Buffet”.

7489 Matters Arising from the Minutes.

Item 7465 – The Future of Brynmawr Library.

A reply email was read out from Councillor Stephen Thomas, Leader of the Council and Stephen Gillingham, (Temp) Lead Corporate Director/Head of Paid Service.

The Council nor the Leisure Trust have had any discussions or have any intentions to close Brynmawr Library which has recently been relocated to the ACL building on the Market Square, Brynmawr.

This is the first they have heard of the rumour and should any such proposal be put forward then the Town Council would become one of the main consultees before any such decisions were made.

Letter noted.

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Item 7446 – Former Somerfield Building.

A member asked whether a response had been received regarding the proposal for 1 bedroom flats being developed on the first floor of the former Somerfield building.

The Clerk informed members that no response had been received as yet.

Item 7435 – 2016 “Christmas Switch On”.

A member informed the meeting that Brynmawr Town Council was mentioned in the Gwent Gazette and Wales Online for their kind donation towards the 2016 “Christmas Switch On”.

A member suggested a letter be sent to the Brynmawr Town Centre Partnership to congratulate them on the wonderful display of Christmas lights within Brynmawr Town.

Item 7452 – No. 1 Intermediate Road, Brynmawr.

An e-mail was read out from Mr. Carl Bartlett, Technical Officer, Environmental Health Section informing the Town Council that he had visited No. 1 Intermediate Road on Friday, 25 November, 2016 and walked around the perimeter of the grounds and noted that the front gate was wired shut and had there were green waste (brambles) stored behind it.

Mr. Bartlett walked into the Plasgeller Nursing Home driveway and met the caretaker for Plasgeller and No. 1 Intermediate Road who then walked around the grounds of the house. In his opinion, the grounds were kept in good order and no signs of any water leaking. The general state of the property was good. The Caretaker told Mr. Bartlett that the building is now being used for storage purposes for the 3 homes. No action would be taken by the Environmental Health Section.

A member informed the meeting that planning permission should have been applied for the change of use of No. 1 Intermediate Road from residential to storage.

A member said if the building is not being used for residential purposes they should now be paying business rates.

It was agreed a letter be sent to the appropriate Planning Officer to challenge what the building is exactly being used for.

Letter noted.

7490 “Town Council's Carol Service” held on Wednesday, 7 December 2016.

Various members commented on the lovely evening held in Blaena-y-Cwm School.

A member stated that advertised on the projector screen was the County Borough Council's Service and not the Brynmawr Town Council's Carol Service.

Councillor M.I Morgan (Mayor) informed Council that £48.00 was raised from the Carol Service towards the Mayor's Appeal (2016/2017).

Orders & Requisitions.

7491 BT – Broadband, Line Rental and Call Charges.

Council moved payment of £195.06

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Financial Correspondence.

7492 SLCC – Membership Fee 2017.

Council moved payment of £157.00.

7493 AlCC – Membership Fee 2017.

Council moved payment of £10.00.

7494 It was agreed payment to Acoustic Duo for performing in Blaen-y-Cwm School for the recent Town Council's Carol Concert. £60.00 – Cheque Number 502553.

7495 Storm Academy – Alarm and CCTV Cameras.

A letter was read out from Mr. Shaun Brace, Storm Academy.

The letter stated that when the CAT was taken over, the Academy thought the alarm system was sufficient, but on review after three attempted break-ins the alarm system failed to work. The first break-in was the fire door which was forced open with no trip to the alarm. The second break-in was the kitchen window which again was forced open and the third break-in was the front door.

The Academy would like to fit a new outline fence and gate, a CCTV Camera System inked to the alarm system and phones with a new state of the art Alarm System. This is important for the security of the building and Council's donation would be very appreciated. The estimated costs is approximately £10,000.

Various members commented on the estimated cost of £10,000 being rather steep and in their opinion a new alarm system would cost much lower.

The Clerk informed members that there is no alarm system on the Council Office and Chamber doors.

A member said the Town Council should consider securing the Office/Chamber with their own alarm system.

A member said that a school has just been fitted out with an alarm system by a company from Beaufort for a quarter of the price of the estimated cost given by Mr. Brace. A fence should not be erected because of the residents living in the vicinity of the building. Securing the windows with bars would be sufficient enough.

It was agreed that a letter be sent to the BGCBC stating that the Town Council are very concerned regarding the alarm system not working within the Community Centre and the Town Council's assets are at risk with possible break-ins. In their opinion the alarm system should have been in good working order prior to the transfer. Members request that the alarm system be repaired immediately.

A member said the Borough wants to off load facilities/buildings quickly before they go through all the necessary requirements.

It was agreed by Full Council to change the locks on both doors to the Council Chamber.

It was also suggested perhaps in the new year to seek quotes to install a door at the bottom of the stairs.

7496 At this point, Councillor Mrs. M. Morris arrived in the Chamber.

7497 It was agreed that a letter be sent to Mr. Shaun Brace explaining that the Town Council will write to the BGCBC regarding the alarm system.

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7498 Mrs. Donna Wallbank, Rotary Club – Financial Assistance – Brynmawr Interact Club.

A member said that he personally thought it was a good project and it was something that is urgently needed in this area.

A member said that the Town Council should fully support the Interact Club and possibly consider raising the precept for 2017/2018.

A member moved that £300.00 be donated to the Interact Club. Another member moved that £500.00 be donated to the Interact Club.

£300.00 was seconded.

Members agreed another donation could be given in the new financial year.


7499 Councillor M.I. Morgan declared an Interest.

Thank you letter was received from the 1st Brynmawr Scout Group for Council’s donation.

7500 Planning Application – 59 Lansbury Road, Brynmawr.

Retention of 4 CCTV Cameras, erection of 1 PTZ CCTV Camera for security purposes.

The Town Council had no objection to the application.

7501 Each member was issued with a copy of an email received from Mr. Frank Olding stating that Blaenau Gwent contains 50 buildings and structures which are of sufficient architectural and historic environment service. Listed buildings enjoy statutory protection against unauthorised alteration and demolition.

Blaenau Gwent Council recognizes the valuable contribution that these buildings make and is in the process of creating a list of locally significant historic buildings and supplementary planning guidance to support the existing policy in the Local Development Plan which seeks to protect them.

Mr. Olding is inviting the Town Council to nominated two representatives to join the Brynmawr Working Group.

It was agreed that Councillor M. I. Morgan and Mrs. M. Morris represent the Town Council.

Letter noted.

7502 Each member received a copy of an email sent from Mr. Mark Howland informing Council that the Millennium Gardens, Brynmawr has been granted a 25 year lease from the Council.

Members agreed this was a big commitment and admired the Brynmawr Community Millennium Committee for their involvement in the project.

Letter noted.

7503 The Town and Country Planning – “Footpath connection works associated with A465 Heads of the Valleys Section 2 Dualling” Main Road, Brynmawr, NP23 4GU.

Permission Granted.

Document noted.

7504 An email was read out received from Mr. Mark Howland – Town Council Consultation – MIND – CAT – Former Worcester Street.

The email stated that Mr. Howland has recently received an Eol from MIND in relation to the former Social Services Worcester Street Offices in Brynmawr.

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The email stated that the Town Council maybe aware that they are a registered charity providing mental health and well-being services in the Gwent Area. Their intention is to open up a multi- agency building and utilise the building for day activities, support services, counselling and group therapeutic work.

MIND have recently been successful in winning a contract from Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and will be looking to expand the range of services they currently provide.

They currently operate out of the Orchard Street Community Centre but feel that this building is no longer fit for purpose.

A member said it is nice to see that Mental Health/MIND is expanding in Brynmawr and have been granted a contract by ABUHB . Mr. Brace (Storm Academy) will succeed in Orchard Street Community Centre without MIND as long as he makes the right moves with the correct help.

Another member said that she could not think of anything worse than having to discuss their issues with the very little privacy they have in the Orchard Street Community Centre.

The Town Council agreed that they would like to see this project happen as soon as possible and thought it would be a wonderful thing for the people in Brynmawr who suffer with mental health issues.

7505 A member asked whether the Clerk had received any information regarding the recent problem at the Market Hall Cinema, Market Square, Brynmawr. The Clerk informed the member that no correspondence have been received regarding this matter and was not aware of any issues.

It was agreed to agenda the Market Hall Cinema for discussion immediately after the Precept Meeting which is to be held on Wednesday, 18 January 2017.


7506 Special Meeting held with Mrs. Donna Wallbank on Wednesday, 30th November 2016.

Report accepted as a true record.

7507 Special Meeting held with ABUHB held on Monday, 12 December 2016.

Report accepted as a true record.

7508 Town & Country Planning.

(a)  Chief Planner’s Report – Not received.