International Humanitarian Register
Job Title Public Health Engineer/
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH) Coordinator
Location Pacific Island country in Melanesia/Polynesia/Micronesia
Oxfam New Zealand (ONZ) is an independent humanitarian, advocacy and development agency affiliated to Oxfam International. We work with people caught in extreme poverty in many regions overseas, by providing practical support to achieve essentials like safe water, basic education and a reliable food supply. When natural disasters or conflicts strike, our efforts are focused on saving lives and helping communities recover.
The geographical focus for ONZ’s humanitarian work is in the Pacific. Oxfam Australia (OAU) is the other Oxfam affiliate operational in this region which means if a disaster strikes, we will coordinate efforts. Currently OAU is the Oxfam lead for any humanitarian assessment and response operations undertaken in Melanesia while ONZ is the Oxfam humanitarian lead in Polynesia/Micronesia.
Be responsible for participating in public health needs assessments and for implementing public health measures relating to water and sanitation both during an emergency response and/or as part of an longer term humanitarian programme. The postholder will manage and/or work closely with other WASH programme staff, represent Oxfam in appropriate fora and will support local partners and key stakeholders with capacity building and technical advice as appropriate.
Needs assessment and programme design
· Participate in public health/ WASH assessments and programme design activities as directed by the Oxfam Humanitarian Programme Coordinator/Manager. This includes:
o Participating in and contributing to WASH needs assessments of affected populations.
o Liaising with and representing Oxfam to relevant local authorities, and/ or any other international or local agencies that are operational in WASH work.
o Leading on, or providing inputs to ongoing assessments that are coordinated by the UN, other INGOs or local government authorities.
o Providing technical advice on public health needs, particularly taking in the broader perspective of public health, and ensuring close coordination with other Oxfam WASH team members and designated partners throughout the planning and design of WASH programmes.
Programme implementation
· Identify, design and implement the most appropriate form of water and sanitation systems, in close consultation with local partners and beneficiaries, in a way that reflects country contextual needs. Use local skills, technology and materials as far as possible.
· Incorporate gender and disability issues during the implementation of the WASH programme.
· Regularly liaise with relevant local authorities, counterparts and other key actors that are active in WASH work, to ensure effective communication and coordination of WASH activities.
· Provide ongoing support and advice to local partners and ensure effective strategies are maintained to control of the quality of distributions, construction, installation and/or upgrading or relevant water & santiation facilities or services, and of any related trainings.
· Ensure community participation in all stages of programme implementation.
· Represent Oxfam in all relevant forums and work alongside partner agencies in the formulation of relevant policies and strategies.
· Organize directly or liaise with the WASH logistician re the procurement, storage and distribution of materials and supplies required for WASH activities.
· Report regularly to the Humanitarian Programme Coordinator on progress and provide any other information that may be required.
· Ensure WASH programming activity links to Oxfam’s global public health objectives, innovations and developments as appropriate.
· Manage the programme budget, and in close liaison with the Humanitarian Programme Coordintor, and Finance and Administration Officer, monitor and report on spend and report any variances.
Human Resources
· Be involved in the recruitment and induction of national staff or local counterparts working on WASH programmes.
· Oversee and coordinate the work of WASH team members. This includes providing appropriate support and direction, monitoring the outputs and quality of work undertaken and participating in performance reviews as required.
· Ensure that strong internal linkages, good communication and coordination is maintained with other members of the Oxfam team.
· Represent Oxfam’s WASH programmes to the media, as directed by the Humanitarian Programme Coordinator or Press/Media Officer.
· Contribute to the development, implementation and monitoring of disaster management policies relating to water and sanitation and WASH as appropriate.
· Undertake any other duties that are delegated by the Humanitarian Programme Coordinator, which are in keeping with the scope of the role.
Qualifications, knowledge and experience
· A relevant qualification in any discipline relating to Public Health, Engineering or equivalent comparable experience
· Experience of conducting rapid water and sanitation assessments (coordinator only)
· Relevant programme coordination experience including proven experience in developing and implementing public health programmes in emergencies/ developing country contexts (coordinator only)
· Knowledge of technologies such as tankering, bladders and other assemble tanks, shallow wells, latrines and market waste management
· Sound understanding of issues related to water sourcing, supply and distribution
· Understanding of vector control and core sanitation issues
· Knowledge of Oxfam’s programme approach (and relevant policies/procedures is desirable)
· Demonstrated experience of integrating gender, protection and diversity issues into WASH programming
· Some experience in capacity building local staff/NGOs/ counterparts
· Experience of budgeting, budget monitoring and expenditure forecasting
· Experience of staff management (coordinator role only) and of working in multi-functional/ cross cultural teams
· Familiarity with and commitment to the practical application of the Sphere guidelines and standards as well as other relevant international humanitarian standards such as the Red Cross Codes of Conduct
· Experience of working in start up situations (desirable)
· Familiarity with using VHF and satellite phones (desirable)
· Knowledge of the culture, customs of at least one Pacific nation and/or language (desirable)
Professional/technical skills
· Strong analytical and numeracy skills
· Familiarity with Oxfam water and sanitation methodologies
· Proven project management and report writing skills
· Good IT skills and sound knowledge of Microsoft applications, particularly Word and Excel
· Security awareness
· Valid international driver’s license (manual gears)
Personal attributes
· Excellent interpersonal skills
· Able to communicate clearly and effectively (verbally and in writing)
· Able to work effectively with and through others
· Strong team working skills
· Able to work effectively cross culturally and tolerate the views or perspectives of others
· Self motivated and able to take the initiative
· Results orientation
· Able to work well under pressure and to deadlines
· Able to work in ambiguous, difficult or complex environments/ situations
· Able to manage stress in self (and others)
· Adaptable & flexible
· Mature and sensible
· Commitment to Oxfam’s values
Out of hours or weekend may be required for which appropriate compensation leave will be awarded either during or at the end of the field assignment in accordance with ONZ’s policy.
The role may require in country travel as the requirements of the role dictate. All Oxfam staff are required to heed the advice of local authorities in relation to security issues and follow local security guidelines. Staff must also be prepared to make their own assessments of potential hazards or dangers during field trips in the knowledge that ONZ will always respect and support a decision to continue or withdraw from any part of a field trip or activity for reasons related to personal security.
Last updated: August 2015