6th Grade Math

Our 6th grade math course is based on the McGraw Hill CALIFORNIA MATH-YOUR COMMON CORE EDITION. The Common Core units focus on Number Sense, Ratio and Proportion, Equations and Expressions, Stats and Probability, and Geometry. These concepts will be taught using a variety of resources, mainly the textbook. In addition, a wide range of activities and projects will be used periodically to supplement and enrich your student’s understanding of math applications.


Each student’s grade is based upon the following percentages for each quarter:

Homework, Notes and Projects 25%

Tests and Quizzes 65%

Notes/Participation 10%

Total 100%

Students are informed of the point value of assignments as they are given. Quarter grades are given based upon the following scale:

93-100% A 73-76% C

90-92% A- 70-72% C-

88-89% B+ 68-69% D+

83-87% B 63-6% D

80-82% B- 60-62% D-

78-79% C+ 0-59% F

Students will be given printouts periodically OR UPON REQUEST. The Grading portal is updated and current daily. The portal shows assignment scores, missing work, and the overall grade turned in that day or the day before. Parent/guardian signatures will be required on progress check printouts. Printouts will be handed out during class about one time per quarter or upon request.

Classroom Guidelines

Students are expected to:

·  Follow directions the first time.

·  Keep energy positive!! J

·  Everyday come to class prepared, ready and willing to learn. This includes bringing required supplies to class daily.

·  Raise your hand and wait to talk.

·  Take care of personal hygiene (hair combing, makeup, etc.) outside of class. Hats off or they will be taken.

·  Not chew gum, eat, or drink anything except water in class.

Consequences for not following these guidelines are:

1.  Students receive a verbal warning. (tally)

2.  If the student does not refocus or correct the behavior, enough tallies for the week may earn a 50 minute Friday Party detention and parent will be notified. Student will not be able to earn the extra credit for the week.

3.  If the detention is not served, the student will receive an administrative referral that will be overseen in the office.

4.  Students may also be sent to office with an F for the day.

*Notebook Requirements attached


Homework/Practice will be assigned daily. It is due the following day at the beginning of the period. In order for a student to receive full credit on a homework assignment, every problem must have been attempted, directions followed, and all work shown. NO WORK= NO CREDIT! All work must be done in pencil, no exceptions.

If an assignment is not completed on time, turn in late with a parent signature at the top in order to obtain some credit. Be sure you show stellar effort with your work. Students have until end of the unit in order receive any credit for late work.

Proper heading and work for all homework should look like the following:

Please fold the paper in

Half so you may use the

Two columns to help

Separate the problems

down the page.

Someone else will be

correcting your homework

during class, so please be neat!!!

Box your answers or underline them twice!!

Reminder Binder (Student Planner)

Students need to fill out their reminder binders daily. Please check it daily. Bringing these everyday is a way to develop organization skills for high school and college. Some students use the assignment sheet I provide to them in class. Please keep this page in the front of your math assignments.


Remember that schoolwork is one of your biggest responsibilities as a student! It is a good idea that you find a study buddy early in the school year who you can call for questions about homework and class activities when you’re absent. It is your responsibility to check for assignments missed. After an excused absence, you will have one day for each day you were out to complete missed work. Assignments for the week will be listed on the board, website and on my hotline 828-6227 X6042. When you turn in your make-up work after an absence, please be sure to write the word “ABSENT” at the top of the page, and turn it into the inbox on my desk ASAP. I will not ask you for your absent work.

Extra Help

If you have a question about work or class, you can try to see me before/after class or in academic prep period in room H-22. If you cannot make it and would like to set up another time to talk, let me know or leave me a note in the “in box”. If you need to reach me after school hours, or want to hear the homework for the night, use one of these options:

Voicemail (HW hotline) 828-6227 ext. 6042


Go to the school website and click on staff.


Students must bring to class EVERY DAY:

·  More than 2 sharpened pencils with erasers or mechanical pencils with a supply of lead.

·  Hand held pencil sharpener with baggie for shavings.

·  2 felt tip or ball point pens (any color but black, red is best) for correcting.

·  4 or 5 spiral bound notebooks for note taking.

·  A continual supply of 8 ½ x 11 inch binder paper.

·  1 pack of graph paper (smaller than CM grid).

·  A 1 ½ inch 3-ring binder with 1 divider for math.

·  A Wells Middle School Reminder Binder (or other daily chart/planner) for recording daily assignments. Students will be required to fill them out every day, even when there is NO homework. (purchased by our PFC J)

·  Math Textbook.

·  Students are encouraged to purchase a scientific calculator (they do not need this everyday).

Other supplies that students should have at home to be used throughout the year on an as needed basis include a scientific exponent calculator, scissors, ruler, glue, tape, construction paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, and index cards.


Do not come to class late! This is your written warning. If you are tardy to class, you will receive a 15-minute detention after school in my classroom; “no show” to that detention means the student will serve 50 minutes in Friday Party, detailed in the handbook. If a student is chronically tardy, I will contact the administration and an official SARB letter will go out to your address.