Administration Memorandum No. 10-15

October 1996

Revised: July 1998, September 2000, Feb. 2001

Administration Section

Employee Confidentiality

Purpose:The establishment of an employee confidentiality policy for all CIL consumers, volunteers and employees.


Information:In order to protect the privacy rights of each employee and consumer, this agency adheres to a strict policy for employee and consumer confidentiality. It is important that each employee maintain a strict adherence to confidentiality. This means that there are several safeguards to protecting any information from being given out regarding any employee, consumer, and volunteer. The policy addresses employee’s role, release of information, and access to administration and personnel records.

Procedure:The following confidentiality policies are established regarding employee and consumers confidentiality.

  1. Employee’s role


All information, written and/or conversational between employees are held to strict confidentiality. Employees will not discuss any personal informational matters about other employees, volunteers, or consumers UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE. During the term of employment with the CIL, employees may have access to or become acquainted with information of a confidential nature, which is or may be either applicable or related to the present or future business of the CIL. For example, information may include personal information regarding another employee, information regarding a Board of Director, Volunteer, Consumers and/or Vendor. Employees shall not disclose any information either directly or indirectly, or use the information in any way, either during the term of their employment or at any time thereafter, except in the course of employment with the CIL.

  1. Release of Information

At times the agency may be contacted by outside sources requesting personnel information regarding a staff member. Information regarding an employee of the CIL is not to be released unless the agency has received a signed release of information request or received a subpoena by legal authority to release such information. The Executive Director is responsible for addressing all information releases in regards to the CIL employees.

New employees of the CIL are required to sign the Confidentiality Statement (See Attachment A) during their training period.

  1. Consumer Filing System

The CIL Services Program filing system is designed to assure the security of all consumer files. The master files are kept locked in the file room and in a locked file cabinet. The file-room is off- limits to everyone except employees and volunteers authorized by the Director of Services or the Executive Director. The file room and file cabinet is opened in the morning at the beginning of each workday. Service providers shall select current active files and take them to their desk. However, at the end of each working day, those files having received attention shall be returned to the master filing cabinet and locked. The file room door is locked at the end of the workday.


  1. Administration/Personnel Filing System

The CIL administration/personnel filing system is designed to assure the security of administration and personnel files. The processing of administration records is the responsibility of the Financial Manager. Administration records are located in the file room. The only personnel who may have access are the Executive Director, Financial Manager, and the Administrative Assistant. This file room is locked at the end of each working to ensure that all administration records are secured. Personnel records are kept in a locked file cabinet in the Executive Directors office. The Executive Director is the only person authorized to access these records.

The use of information and administration records concerning individuals must be limited only to the purposed directly connected with the agency. This information may not be disclosed, directly or indirectly unless the consent of the agency providing the information and the individual to whom the information applies, or his/her representative has been obtained in writing. (34 CFR 366.42)


Executive Director

Attachment A


Employee Confidentiality Statement

I,______, agree that consumer and staff confidentiality needs to be maintained in order to provide services to all people with disabilities. I agree not to disclose any confidential information concerning the CIL staff or consumers without prior written approval by the consumer and/or supervisor or the Executive Director.

All information disclosed within the CIL, as well as the registration for services, is confidential and will not be revealed to anyone outside of the CIL without written permission of the staff and /or consumer, except under three conditions:

  1. Where disclosure is required by law, (i.e. when there is reasonable suspicion of abuse of children, elderly persons, or by court-ordered subpoena).
  1. Where the staff or consumer presents a serious danger of violence to another.
  1. Where a staff or consumer is likely to harm him/herself unless protective measures are taken.

I also understand the confidentiality laws and will not disclose any information I maybe privy to during my association with the CIL. I agree to adhere to the above stated requirement in my role as an employee of the CIL.


Signature Date


Supervisor SignatureDate


Executive Director SignatureDate