SHEET#1: GEOGRAPHICAL FACTS: (This sheet is complementary to both Jeopardy activities #1, #2)

Try YOUR knowledge: Worldwide, North America, and Africa


Deepest Spot in the Ocean

The deepest spot in the ocean is called the Mariana Trench and is 35,979 feet (10966.4m) deep in the Pacific Ocean. That's deeper than the height of the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest, which is 29,002 feet (8839.8m) high.

Highest Lake

Lake Titicaca in Peru is the highest lake in the world. It is about 12,500 feet (3,810 meters) above sea level. This lake is also South America's second largest freshwater lake.

Lowest Lake

The lowest lake is the Dead Sea (it's considered a lake but called a sea), which is in Jordan, Israel. The surface of the water is 1,302 feet (396.8m) below sea level. The Dead Sea is also the saltiest lake in the world. Almost nothing can survive in it besides some special green algae.

Largest Freshwater Lake

Lake Superior is the largest of the Great Lakes and it's also the largest freshwater lake in the world. There's enough water in the lake to fill all the other Great Lakes plus three Lake Erie’s.

Longest Mountain Range in The world?

The Andes. Running from Colombia to Chile. It stretches for more than 5000 miles.

Deepest Lake

The word's deepest lake is in Siberia, Russia. Lake Baikal is located north of the Mongolian border and is 5,712 feet (1,741 meters) deep - more than one mile straight down.

Largest Ocean

Pacific Ocean. It covers a third of the Earth's surface and goes from the Bering Sea in the Arctic north to the icy waters of Antarctica's Ross Sea in the south.

Smallest Ocean

The smallest ocean is the Arctic Ocean, which is about 10 times smaller than the Pacific Ocean.

Longest River

The Nile River in Egypt, Africa is the longest river. It's 4,145 miles long and flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

Shortest River

The world's shortest river, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is The Roe River. It is only 200 feet (61 meters) long and flows between Giant Springs and the Missouri River near Great Falls, Montana. There has been debate, though, about which river is really the shortest. The D River in Oregon has been measured as being only 120 feet (37 meters) long. It connects Devil's Lake directly to the Pacific Ocean near Lincoln City.

Largest River and river that carries most water in the world

The Amazon Basin in South America is the largest river with the greatest water flow. This is because it flows through the Amazon rain forest - the largest and wettest rainforest on Earth.

Longest Waterfall

Angel Falls (Salto Angel) in Canaima National Park, Venezuela is the largest waterfall at 3212 feet (979 meters.)

Known as the top of the World?

Mt Everest. (8848 m)

Known as the World’s “Ceiling”?

Tibetan Plateau

Most Arid Desert in the World?

Atacama desert in South America

Largest Desert in the World?

Sahara Desert


Biggest State?

Texas “Lone Star State”

Second largest mountain range in USA?

Appalachian mountains (1st= Rockies)

The Empire State

New York

The four corners: Where can someone be in four states at the same time?

The 4 corners: Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado.

Highest mountain in United States?

Mt. Denali (Mt. McKinley) Alaska, (20,320ft)

Largest Waterfall in United States?

Niagara Falls

Longest River in US? Second Longest River in the US?

Mississippi, Missouri (Length:

Fist man in outer space?

Yuri Gagarin. (Russia) Neil Armstrong was the first man in the Moon.


Largest Lake in Africa?

Lake Victoria (Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania)

Largest Falls in Africa?

Victoria Falls (Also largest in the World)?

Largest country in Africa?


Longest Mountain Range in Africa?

Atlas mountain Range

Number of Countries in Africa?


Longest River in Africa?

Nile River


Which river did Lewis & Clark Expedition followed to get to the Pacific?

Missouri River

State’s Flower?


Missouri Capital?

Jefferson City

State’s Bird?

Blue bird

State’s Tree?

Flowering Dog Wood

What does Missouri Mean?

“Missouri” means “town of the large canoes.”


Official Language in Kenya?


Highest mountain in Kenya?

Mt. Kenya

Capital City of Kenya?


Kenya’s Currency?

Kenyan Shilling

Most known city in Kenya’s coastal region?
