The information collected here will only be used for registration purposes and data collection on the types of health professionals taking the TEACH course. All data will be aggregated and anonymous.

Registration Form

City: / Postal Code:
Telephone: ( ) / Fax: ( )
Do you work for a PCN/Health Region/Office:
Number of years practicing:
Experience with providing tobacco cessation intervention (# of years):
What percent of your work time is spent in direct clinical contact with patients/clients (place an X):
0 – 25% 26 – 50% 51 – 75% 76 – 100%
Average number of patients per day:

What discipline do you belong to (place an X):

General practitioners and family physicians
Specialist physicians
Registered nurses
Licensed practical nurses
Respiratory therapists and asthma educators
Dieticians and Nutritionists
Social workers
Psychologists / Chiropractors
Occupational Therapists
Midwives and practitioners of natural healing
Dental Hygienist and Assistants
Other (please specify):

What special populations do you currently work with: (“X” all that apply)

Pregnant clients
Concurrent disorders (MH and/or addiction)
Older adults
LGBTTTIQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Two-Sprit, Intersex, Queer communities) / Differently abled
Low Income
Culture specific, please identify
Others, please specify

Have you received previous smoking cessation training from TEACH, University of Massachusetts or Mayo Clinic?

No Yes

If yes, please provide details:

Name of training provider (organization):

Date(s) of training:

Name of course(s)/workshop(s):

Certificate of completion received? No Yes

Are you currently – or do you plan on - offering intensive tobacco cessation counselling (defined as longer than 10 minute sessions) to clients in your agency/program? (Check all that apply)

Yes, group sessions

Yes, intensive individual sessions (longer than 10 minute sessions)

No, but I plan to offer intensive individual sessions after receiving TEACH training

No, but I plan to begin offering a cessation group after receiving TEACH training

No cessation interventions offered at present, and no plans to offer intensive individual or group cessation interventions

No, but I offer brief tobacco interventions (less than 10 minute sessions)

No, but I plan to begin offering brief tobacco interventions (less than 10 minute sessions)

Other (please specify) ______

Where did you hear about the TEACH project:



Web posting

Direct contact with ACB team

List serv, or bulletin board on internet

other, please specify: ______