May thru August - 2018

We will meet on the following Fridays (please also note the two Thursday events and the two Fridays that we will meet at Peace Church*):

* May 4 (We meet at Peace Church, 1900 E. Lincoln Hwy., NL)

* May 11

* May 18

* THURSDAY, May 24 - EVERYBODY COMES NIGHT (See details below)

* June 1

* June 8

* June 15

* June 29

* July 13

* July 20

* August 3

* August 10

* THURSDAY, August 16 - PICNIC!!!! (Details coming later!)

* August 17 - Practice for STATE FAIR PARTICIPANTS ONLY from 6:30 to 8:00 at Peace Church

*Please note that when we meet at the church, in nice weather we’ll be outside and you can wear your clogging shoes. If the weather requires us to meet indoors, clogging shoes are not allowed.

(The fall clogging session will resume on Friday, September 7. Please let us know by May 24 if you plan to continue clogging in September so that we can plan accordingly. Please also let us know if your friends, family, neighbors, classmates, etc. might like to clog!)

The above schedule includes 11 weeks of regular clogging classes. The cost for each Kidz Clogger is $60 ($6 a week for 10 weeks, which builds in one absence). For those cloggers who come for a half hour from 5:20 to 5:50, the cost is $40 ($4 a week for 10 weeks).

Family Discount - For those of you with three or more cloggers in your family, the cost for each Kidz Clogger is $50 ($5 a week for 10 weeks).

Please pay with cash or a check by May 24. Thank you!

Rachel & Carol Carol’s cell 815-212-3847

You can always check the calendar online at

EVERYBODY COMES NIGHT - On Thursday, May 24, there will be a practice for everyone who is planning to perform with us at all this summer. We will meet at Francis Field, our usual place, from 6:30 to 8:30. This will give kids and adults of all levels one opportunity to get together and get our “act” organized. We need EVERYONE there. We understand that a few of you may not be able to attend that evening. Your absence would not preclude you from performing this summer. However, we need you there if at all possible!!! If you will not be able to attend, please let us know in advance.