Spring 2018

Department of Organizational Studies

Research Participation Program

Article Review Option

Students may fulfill a portion or all of their course research participation requirement by critically reviewing published research articles. As a reminder, students are required to complete 2 research credits in the semester. The semester deadline for submitting research reviews to is Friday, May 4th, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. Article reviews that satisfy the requirements listed below will earn 1 research credit. Students may choose from any of the eight available articles. Students may not review the same article twice. Reviews involve providing detailed responses to a set of predetermined questions and addressing preselected topic areas. Following are the specific questions (topics) students must answer (these questions are also listed on the corresponding Word template):

1 Credit Review (4-5 double-spaced pages)

1.  Describe the primary questions or issues addressed by study(ies). Approximately 1 page

2.  Describe the methods used by the author(s) in their study(ies). Approximately 1 page

3.  Describe the results of the study(ies) and the implications of these results for the primary research questions. Approximately 1.5 pages

4.  Identify and discuss one possible limitation or problem of the methods used in this study(ies). Approximately .5 page.

5.  Describe the workplace implications of the study results. Approximately 1 page.

All reviews must be double-spaced, use 12 point font, and include no extra spaces between paragraphs. Reviews will be evaluated based on accuracy and thoroughness. Reviews that do not meet minimum guidelines on these two criteria will be rejected by the Behavioral Research Committee and will not earn participation credit.

To submit your review:

1.  Choose an article to review from among the eight available in the “Articles for Review” folder.

2.  Download the Word review template.

3.  Type your responses for each question/topic in the spaces provided.

4.  Save as a word document with the following naming convention: YourLastName_YourClassNumber_Review_ArticleName (e.g., Armijo_MGT306-002_Review_Croninetal2011).

5.  Attach this document to an email addressed to

A receipt of submission will be sent for reviews received (weekdays only). Article reviews will be evaluated and research credit administered via SONA Systems within 2 weeks of receipt.