The 2000 NICE Oslo Seminar

Norwegian School of Management BI’s Department of Technology Management hosts

The Annual NICE Oslo Seminar

November 10-12, 2000

Management of Education and Learning

in a Changing Context

Seminar theme

A number of forces, such as globalisation, information technology, and the new role of knowledge and information as economic factors, are changing the way we think about education and learning. Increasingly, education and learning are expected to contribute to further economic progress for nations, firms, and individuals. Essentially this could be expressed as the following slogan: “In education we trust”. Simultaneously, a harder prioritisation of public funding is a necessity for most countries, creating a situation where managers and educationalists face the dilemma of how to improve education and respond to new demands, whilst cutting funding. In such a situation, decision-making and management competence, become crucial.

Simultaneously, technology developments have opened genuinely new avenues for creating learning strategies effective both within education and corporate institutions, and for inter-linking between them. No longer are education and learning restricted to children and students in a formal, dedicated, institutional setting. Through new media, education and learning has become socially as well as geographically spread. Organisation of education and learning is taking new forms both spatially and temporally, through distance education, modularization, in-service training, and lifelong learning.

Given these new realities, an overall and synthesising challenge is: How to improve management of education and learning for human resource development in public and private sector?

The purpose of the NICE Oslo Seminar 2000 is to make an academic response to this challenge. Internationally well-known scholars in comparative education will give key notes to specific aspects of Management of education and learning in a changing context. Central issues are:

·  Management of Education

·  Information Technology and Learning

·  Lifelong Learning

·  Improving Quality of Higher Education

·  Higher Education Reforms

Selected discussants are invited to respond critically. Plenary sessions will give all participants the opportunity of participating in the discussion. Workshops and paper sessions will focus particular issues and serve as a unique floor for research students in the field of education management and policies.

Seminar organiser and host


The Nordic International and Comparative Education Network (NICE) was established in 1997 by a grant from the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Nordic Academy of Advanced Research (NorFA). NICE is an attempt at tapping the synergy effects of joint Scandinavian efforts in the field of comparative and international education research and graduate training. These effects are expected to be of mutual benefit for educationalists, students and researchers in the Nordic region. More directly, NICE developed as a response to practical teaching needs within the Region. NICE has a broad comparative and international education perspective, and it will, at its two annual events in the future, focus on particular current topics. Every spring NICE carries out a workshop in one of the Scandinavian countries, and every year, in November, there is the NICE Oslo Seminar.

Norwegian School of Management BI

The Norwegian School of Management BI, is one of the largest business schools in Europe. The institution has 18,500 students – 9,500 fulltime and 9,000 part-time. BI offers the Ph.D., MSc, MBA along with the Master of Business and Economics and Registered Auditor programs. The Norwegian School of Management BI also includes fifteen Business Colleges located throughout Norway, Financial Services Studies, a Distance Education Center, the School of Marketing and the Executive School. As a privately owned, non-profit institution, BI receives limited funding from the government. Funding is largely based on tuition fees, research grants, and co-operative programmes with the business community. In a higher education system dominated by public institutions, BI has become one of the country’s largest and leading institutions of higher education.

Department of Technology Management

The Department of Technology Management is one of BI's 11 departments. The Department's main fields of teaching and research have been Information Technology Management and Project Management. However, in the Fall 2000, BI' newest Management programme "Management of Education and Training" will be offered, initiated and co-ordinated by associate professor Anne Welle-Strand at the Department of Technology Management.

Conference venue & preliminary outline of program

The seminar will be held at the Executive School, Norwegian School of Management BI, at Ekeberg, and chaired by the Norwegian NICE co-ordinator, Dr. Anne Welle-Strand.

Friday, November 10th

13.00: Opening and welcome addresses

13.30-15.00: Management of Education and Learning in a Changing Context

Key note by Professor Franscisco Ramirez, Stanford University, discussant Dr. Peter Maassen, CHEPS Twente University - Debate

15.00-15.30: Coffee Break

15.30-16.40 Parallel workshops on selected themes

§  Higher Education in Scandinavia

§  Education Challenges in South-East Europe

§  Plus other themes…

17.00-19.00: Norway at a Cross-Road? The National Commission of Higher Education and Research

Panel and plenary debate

19.15: Reception

Saturday, November 11th

10.00: Information Technology and Learning

A view from the field: Doing IT in education

Key note by Associate Professor Espen Andersen, Norwegian School of Management BI - Debate

12.00: Lunch

13.00: Parallel paper presentation sessions

15.00: Coffee Break

15.30-17.00: Learning Resource Centres for Improving Quality of Higher Education

Panel and plenary debate

20.00: Dinner

Sunday, November 12th

10.00: Life Long Learning in an International Perspective

Key note by Professor Albert Tuijnman, Stockholm University

Discussant Ph.D student Odd Einar Johansen - Debate

11.30: Coffee Break

12.00: Recent trends and issues in Nordic education

Panel and plenary debate

13.30: A NICE future?

14.00: NICE Business meetings

Call for papers

The last day for submission of proposals and abstracts is October 15th. In conjuncture with registration, please indicate the title of your presentation and enclose an abstract, not exceeding 200 words.

Those submitting proposals who require official letters acknowledging they are participating in the NICE Oslo Seminar 2000 in order to obtain institutional funding should indicate in a separate letter the date by which they need the letter and the person/office to whom the letter should be sent.

In keeping with the goals of NICE, research students are urged to prepare papers for presentation, highlighting issues in relation to their thesis work, upon which they wish to receive feed-back. Others may wish to present papers that relate to the theme of the conference or other issues of importance. Presentations will be limited 15 minutes in length.

Further information and registration

For further information or queries concerning the NICE Oslo 2000 Seminar, please contact

Taran Thune

E-mail: ,

Telephone: + 47 67 55 71 95

Address: Department of Technology Management, Norwegian School of Management BI

Fax: + 47 67 55 76 78/Adress: Post Box 580, N-1302 Sandvika, Norway


Anne Welle-Strand

E-mail: ,

Telephone: +47 67 55 71 54

Address: Department of Technology Management, Norwegian School of Management BI

Fax: + 47 67 55 76 78/Adress: Post Box 580, N-1302 Sandvika, Norway

For general information about NICE and it’s activities, please consult the NICE web site at

To register for the conference, please fill out the registration form at the last page of this invitation. Return it by fax or mail, indicating method of payment. Paper proposals and abstracts should be sent as attachments to e-mail to either Taran or Anne.


The following hotels are located in downtown Oslo, close to public transportation (tramway) to conference venue at Ekeberg:

Hotell Terminus, Price for single room (breakfast included) 680 NOK (74$) (weekdays), 470 NOK (50$) (weekend) Tel: +47 22056000, Fax: +47 22170898, Address: Stenersgaten 10, 0104 Oslo

Hotell Munch, Price for single room (breakfast included): 670 NOK (weekdays), 470 NOK (weekend). Address: Munchs g 5, 0130 Oslo, Telefon +47 23219600, Telefax +47 23219601

Hotell Astoria, Price for single room (breakfast included): 680 NOK (weekdays), 470 NOK (weekend). Address: Dronningens g 21,0154 Oslo, Tel: +47 22420010, fax: +47 22425765

Hotell Spektrum, Price for single room (breakfast included): 680 NOK (weekdays), 470 NOK (weekend). Address: Brugata 7, 0186 Oslo, Tel. +47 23362700, Fax +47 23362750

The prices above are for single rooms. All hotels also have double rooms, and some have three-bed rooms at relatively cheaper prices.

Please, contact the hotels for reservations!

Other accommodation possibilities in Oslo can be explored from the following web site

The 2000 NICE Oslo Seminar
“Management of Education and Learning in a Changing Context”Norwegian School of Management BI
November 10th –12th 2000
To register for the conference, please complete this form and return it to the Organising Committee (see address below).


Family Name: / c F / c M
First Name(s):
City: / Postal Code: / Country:
Phone: / Fax: / E-mail:


I plan to present a paper / Yes / No
Preliminary title of paper:
Abstract (not to exceed 200 words):


·  800 NOK (85 USD)
·  400 NOK (42 USD) for registered students / Fee does not include hotel accommodation.


Creditcard (preferred method of payment):
____ Amex
____ Eurocard/Mastercard
____ Visa
Card number:______
Cardholder’s name:______
Payment may also be made to:
Account Number: 8200.01.39838 / Please indicate:
“NICE Oslo 2000, P. 80049” and your name
Send registration-form to:
Taran Thune
Department of Technology Management
Norwegian School of Management BI
Box 580
1302 Sandvika
Norway / Or fax:
+47 67 55 76 78