Mr. Trantum

English 9 Course Syllabus

Elsinore High School 2017-2018

Course Description:

English 9 expands students’ reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in alignment with Common Core State Standards. In addition, this course will provide extensive development of the writing process aligned with the Modern Language Association (MLA) format, critical literary response and analysis skills and cross-curricular study. Students will learn and perfect WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading) strategies, including Socratic Seminars, Philosophical Chairs, close reading, and other strategies that promote rigor in order to support the College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards.

Course Materials:

  • Loose, lined, college rule paper for notes, classwork, and assignments.
  • Pens: black, blue, and any other color such as red
  • Assigned textbooks and novels
  • Office 365 account provided by the School District


My name is Andrew Trantum. I graduated from Cal. State Fullerton with a Bachelor’s of Science in Human Services and I received my teaching credential from Cal. State San Marcos. I have a Master’s degree in Instructional Leadership. I am also the JV Girls Waterpolo and JV Swim coach for EHS.

Contact and Communication:

Please use email or the Remind system to contact me.


I use Remind to send out classnotices by text. Please text "@64B7CA" to 81010 to be added to this class. Parents, please signup too so that you are aware of important due dates and assignments.

Website: Click on Academics, then Departments, then English, and, finally, my name at the bottom of the page.

I am typically in my classroom from 7:00 am to 2:30 pm if you wish to see me personally. Email me for an appointment.

Student Expectations:

  1. Respect Yourself
  2. You owe yourself to come to class, with the correct materials, prepared and ready to learn.
  3. The more you communicate with the instructor, the easier and more valuable your learning experience in class will be to you.
  4. Respect Other Students
  5. The students around you are here to learn. Please don’t disrupt their learning!
  6. Respect Your School and Instructor
  7. I am here because I enjoy instructing students in English.
  8. Have patience with me, and I will have patience with you.

Cell Phones:

  • At the Tardy Bell, your phones need to be put away in your bags. If it is need of a charge, you may put it in the rack at the front to the room and use the outlets next to it.
  • Your phone will remain UNTOUCHED until the end of class, or until you have been given specific permission to use it.
  • Confiscated phones will be given the Assistant Principal for safekeeping and release to your parents.

Food and Drinks:

  • At the Tardy Bell, all food and drinks should be put away in your bag and remain untouched until the dismissal bell.
  • Water is the only acceptable drink allowed during class.


You are young adults with the ability to plan your restroom visits before class, after class, during breaks and lunch. However, I understand that emergencies happen, so you will be given four (4) opportunities to use the restroom during instruction over the course of the school year. Use them wisely!

Grading and Work Completion Policies:

Grading Categories:

I encourage students to recognize that I do not “give” a grade to them; rather, they earn a specific grade by taking responsibility for their work quality and timeliness.

Writing 25%, Assessments 25% (tests/quizzes), Classwork 30%, Final exam (written) 20%.

A = 90% - 100%; B = 80% - 89%; C = 70% - 79%; D = 60% - 69%; F = 59% and below

Make-up and Late work:

Per the student handbook, if you have an excused absence, you have the same amount of days you were absent to turn in any missed assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain this information, not the responsibility of the teacher.

Late work will be accepted, but the overall score will be reduced by 50%. Late work will not be accepted during the last week of the semester.

Extra Credit:

Mastery learning is demonstrated by a depth of knowledge, not by a number. Therefore, if requested, I may provide an opportunity for a grade revision if a student does not receive a passing grade on an assignment. However, I do not offer extra credit.


You will have a list of vocabulary words each week for which you will need to know:

  • The dictionary meaning of the word.
  • The correct spelling of the word.
  • How the word is used correctly in a sentence.
  • How the word is used differently in sentences as a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb.

You will take a vocabulary quiz each Friday. If you miss a test, it cannot be made up. In its place, you will need to write an original, meaningful paragraph using ten (10) of the weekly vocab words.


There will be several formal essays due during the school year. These essays will require a rough draft and revised final draft. Most writing will be done in class, but revisions and final drafts may need to be completed at home or after school in the library. All essays are to be typed using your district 365 account.

Quizzes, Tests, and Exams:

Most tests on material taught during the week will be held after the vocabulary quiz on Fridays. All tests will be in a short answer essay format. There will not be any multiple choice questions. Most tests can be retaken for higher grade if the original test scored a “D” or lower.

Semester Final Exam:

A Final Exam will be given at the end of each semester covering material taught during the semester. A study guide will be provided before the test. The Final Exam cannot be retaken to improve the grade.