THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 7, 2007 beginning at 6:00 P.M. at Cooperative Extension, Wadesboro, North Carolina.

Commissioners present: Anna H. Baucom, Chair

* Ross Streater, Vice Chair

Bobby Sikes

Dr. Jim Sims

Harold C. Smith

Claude Spencer

Jarvis Woodburn

Staff members present: Andy Lucas, County Manager

Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board

Holly Berry, Finance Officer

Rita James, Data Processing Manager

Tommy Allen, Sheriff

Jonathan Marshall, Tax Collector

Janine Rywak, Cooperative Extension Agent

Chairman Baucom called the meeting to Order welcoming those present. Reverend Roy Blount, First Baptist Church Ansonville, delivered the Invocation.

Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve. Motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearing: Motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, to open the Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Sims asked Board members if action could be taken on this immediately after closing the Public Hearing and if so he would like to make the motion. County Manager Lucas stated that the Resolution would need to be approved following the Public Hearing. Chairman Baucom explained that Lanesboro Fire Department was seeking financing for the purchase of a new fire truck. Chairman Baucom stated that per General Statutes 143-318 the Board of Commissioners must hold a Public Hearing to notify the public of their interest in using an installment financing arrangement. Chairman Baucom stated that because the Board of Commissioners controls the fire district tax rate they must approve the financing arrangement by resolution. Commissioner Smith asked for the particulars of the agreement. County Manager Lucas stated that he did not have the amount with him but felt it was around $200,000. Motion by Commissioner Sims to close the Public Hearing. Commissioner Smith then asked the number of black members in the department. Commissioner Smith stated that he wanted to know why they were not invited to join the fire departments. Commissioner Sikes answered that they are invited and thinks a black served as chief of this department a number of years ago. Commissioner Sikes stated that all fire departments are open and accept volunteers that want to serve. Commissioner Sikes noted that Vice Chair Streater serves in a department. Commissioner Smith felt that Commissioner Sikes could be helpful in getting the word out that blacks were welcome to become members. Commissioner Smith stated that he would not vote for this item if it was an all white organization. Chairman Baucom stated that another part of this was the residents served by this fire department. Chairman Baucom stated that Lanesboro did not have its own paid fire department and this is what stands between them and their home or business burning down. Vice Chair Streater offered a second to the motion, which passed unanimously.

In regular session, motion by Commissioner Sims, seconded by Commissioner Sikes, to approve the request from Lanesboro Fire Department concerning financing and the resolution. Commissioner Smith asked to include in the record that they would include and not discriminate against black folk and go out actively in the community and encourage blacks to get involved. Chairman Baucom stated that she was looking at their ability to repay and asked the amount of fire tax collected from this district annually. County Manager Lucas stated that he did not know the exact amount but all departments were five cents with the exception of Wadesboro which was seven cents. County Manager Lucas feels the Bank would not approve the loan if they did not have the ability to repay. County Manager Lucas stated that the Board of Commissioners is suppose to appoint the Board for the fire districts and should see more information from these fire districts. County Manager Lucas felt that as staff we should do a better job of getting information to Board members on these departments. County Manager Lucas offered that the Board has to approve the resolution since they set the tax rate and control the majority of their money. Commissioner Smith asked the County Manager to get the make up of the fire departments with the County Manager stating he would be glad to get the information. Commissioner Sikes stated that the tax dollars come from those living in the designated community and not other communities. Motion carried 6 to 1 with Commissioner Smith opposed. Commissioner Smith felt the other Black commissioners voting in favor of the request was a reflection on the community that they don’t see their own people actively involved in these private clubs. Commissioner Sikes offered that in Ansonville sixty to seventy percent of the ambulance and fire calls are to black residents.


Lakisha Streater: Ms. Streater was not present. Commissioner Sims asked if she resided in the Town of Wadesboro with County Manager Lucas answering that she is served by county water but is a Town of Wadesboro sewer customer. Commissioner Woodburn asked if she was aware of the meeting location with County Manager Lucas answering that the Clerk had communicated with her on several occasions. County Manager Lucas stated that he did not talk with Ms. Streater directly and was not sure of her issue but felt it had something to do with water. Commissioner Smith remembered her stopping by his office and offered to look at the information and make a recommendation. Chairman Baucom referred to page 5 of the agenda booklet. Commissioner Smith was of the opinion she had a water leak. Chairman Baucom suggested moving on stating that if she comes in later the Board would hear her.

Vice Chair Streater asked to add an issue with the Morven Truck Stop under appearances. County Manager Lucas shared that he signed under Public Addresses.

21st Centuries Communities-Program Introduction: Raven Gore, with the Division of Community Assistance for North Carolina, introduced the program. Ms. Gore shared that the Division of Community Assistance was under the Department of Commerce umbrella. Ms. Gore shared that their motto was ‘Progress to the Future” and the counties currently involved were Graham, Caldwell, Harnett, Edgecombe, Beaufort and Anson. Ms. Gore shared that the program started in 2001 and in its fourth round with a total of twenty-six of the one hundred counties involved. Ms. Gore stated that only rural communities can be involved and the goal is to get rural communities and rural counties into and ready for the 21st century. Ms. Gore shared that their mission was to insure economic prosperity and sustainability in the State’s most needy communities, identify communities that are experiencing economic development challenges, create a strong partnership between Commerce and the designated communities, seek creative strategies that support long-term economic vitality and engage key federal, state and local partners in an effort to maximize resources. Ms. Gore wants to make sure that she leaves Anson County with something that will prepare it for the future and the long term. Ms. Gore stated that she refuses to sign her name to a plan that will not be used. Ms. Gore stated that she brings money possibilities and for the next two years Anson County will be prioritized at the top. Ms. Gore stated that when writing a grant or going before the Legislature and we say we are a 21st Century Communities she feels they may put an asterisk by Anson County. Ms. Gore stressed that the plan would not work if the Board was not involved. Ms. Gore stated that one of their main goals was to ensure that the 21st Century Communities program has a substantial impact in the State’s most needy communities. Ms. Gore shared that they will develop county-specific action strategies to increase Economic Development competitiveness and sustainability. Ms. Gore announced that County Manager Lucas would serve as the liaison and she would get all her shared information from Mr. Lucas. Ms. Gore stated that the 21st Century communities Implementation Plan includes specific expectations for all parties, selection process and criteria, formal orientation for participants, extensive self-assessment in counties, reconnaissance visits, situational analysis and strategic planning/resource assistance.

Ms. Gore explained that each county would complete an extensive self assessment that provides insight on key areas of economic development readiness. Ms. Gore stated that the Department would dispatch Community Readiness Teams to each county to conduct community interviews and research that help define the local levels of need. The data that is collected will be used in developing the situational Analysis for each county. Ms. Gore stated that DCA Regional staff will gather all research and interview data and prepare the Situational Analysis which is a preliminary assessment of the Counties’ strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Ms. Gore outlined that the Department would provide facilitation and direct assistance with the strategic planning process, assists communities in their efforts to identify resources for specific projects and would give active 21st CC counties priority when applying for commerce grants. Ms. Gore stated that the kick off would be October 2007 to be completed by the summer of 2008. Ms. Gore stated that her goal was not to come and make Anson County urban but to make Anson County better. Chairman Baucom thanked Ms. Gore for the presentation voicing that Anson County was excited about the program. Chairman Baucom feels it compliments and goes along with other great things happening here. Commissioner Smith asked if he heard her mention monies for sewer with County Manager Lucas noting that we leveraged their assistance with the Hornwood sewer project. Commissioner Smith asked about the highway 52 section with County Manager Lucas offering that we were looking at an infrastructure grant for this area. Commissioner Woodburn asked how this compared to the strategic plan being developed by Sanford Holshouser. County Manager Lucas shared that Ms. Gore was coordinating efforts to not duplicate. Chairman Baucom was of the opinion that we have a lot of people working for the good of the community but feels a lot of times different groups have worked in isolation. Chairman Baucom stated that she was glad to hear Ms. Gore mention contacting other players in our area.

Public Addresses to the Board:

Angie Adams, a lifelong resident of Anson County, stated that on April 10, 2007 she and her three children had their home to burn. Ms. Adams shared pictures of the house with Board members. Ms. Adams stated that she called the property tax office but no one explained the whole process to her. Ms. Adams stated that a few weeks ago she received her tax bill in the mail and was surprised to find it had not been adjusted. Ms. Adams shared that she assumed her conversation with one of the office staff had been relayed to Mr. Newton and the issue had been resolved. Ms. Adams stated that she was informed by Mr. Newton that property tax is based on the condition of the property on January 1 of each year. Ms. Adams did not understand how Mr. Newton could reassess to add but he could not take away. Ms. Adams stated that she then called the Lilesville representative, Mr. Spencer, who advised her to appear before the Board. Ms. Adams stated that she does not understand why she should have to pay for the entire year when the house is demolished and she can no longer live there. Chairman Baucom stated that Ms. Adams was on their list and they would research the matter and get back with her. Chairman Baucom asked Ms. Adams to make sure the Clerk had her contact information. Ms. Adams stated that while Mr. Newton was very nice she was disappointed that no one from that office returned her call so she assumed her request had been handled. Chairman Baucom voiced that there were laws and the Board needed to know what they could do.

Vice Chair Streater asked to place the owner of the Morven Truck Stop, Mr. Abdul Ali, under appearances and not Public Addresses. Vice Chair Streater noted that this gentleman had a water bill for $579.14 and the water department adjusted it to $336.85. Vice Chair Streater explained that he has a well and some how the water was running back into the old well and it was not actually a water leak. Vice Chair Streater stated that whoever hooked up the county water to the truck stop had done this and a valve came lose and the water starting going into the well. Commissioner Smith asked the amount of his regular bill with Vice Chair Streater answering around forty something dollars a month. Motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, that the bill be readjusted to that. Chairman Baucom asked if the amount was $40.00 with Commissioner Smith and Vice Chair Streater answering it was to be the rate of his normal bill. Chairman Baucom as a point of clarification asked Vice Chair Streater if he was asking staff to research to see what the normal amount was with Vice Chair Streater saying it was to be adjusted to the normal rate. Chairman Baucom asked who connected the water to the well with Vice Chair Streater answering that it was already like this when he purchased the property. Vice Chair Streater explained that something went wrong with the connection and the water starting flowing back in the well. County Manager Lucas stated that according to Mr. Gulledge someone opened a valve that connected the county water to his well and most of the leak flowed into the well. County Manager Lucas explained that according to Mr. Gulledge this type of connection was illegal. Vice Chair Streater stated that the owner did not know this connection existed as it was like this when he purchased the property. Vice Chair Streater shared that he has owned this property for a few years. The owner was present and explained that the connection was actually found by the plumber and for six years he has paid only $40.00 a month. Commissioner Smith stated that his motion was to adjust his water bill to the regular fee of $40.00 per month. Commissioner Woodburn asked if staff would still check to see if this was his normal bill or if the adjustment was just going to be $40. Commissioner Sims felt everyone was agreeable with $40. Motion carried unanimously.