Profound Walk with God Ministry (PWGM)

Lesson 105

Family Spiritual Growth

Theme: Mandatory Christian Convictions for Every Believer on Earth

Text(s): Daniel 2:13-19; 1:8; 3:16-18


Bible Passage(s): Daniel 2:13-19; 1:8; 3: 16-18

Memory Verse: “For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them” (2 Peters 2:21).

Anticipatory Set: Which of your convictions would you die for?

Lesson Introduction: Every convictionthat you hold will be tested. When your convictions will be tested is unknown; however, God will determine whether your allegiance is to Him or not. Daniel and his companions faced an amazing test of their convictions. To their credit,Daniel and his companions proved their firm belief was inthe Lord.

Breakdown of the Study

1. Conviction on Salvation in God

2. Conviction ofGod’sSteadfastness

3. Conviction on God’s Supremacy

1. Conviction on Salvation in God

Daniel 1:8; Acts 15:20, 29; Revelation 2:20; 1 Corinthians 10:18-20; 1 James 1:27; 1 John 2:15

Daniel and his companions sought God’s salvation. Their conviction prevented them from feasting on the food and drink offered by King Nebuchadnezzar to the idols of Babylon. In rejecting food dedicated to the idols of Babylon, Daniel and his friends were simply obeying the laws of the true God. The New Testamentrequires believers in Christ to refrain fromeating food and drink dedicated to idols. In a broad sense,salvation through a belief in the Lord Jesus Christ prevents us from participating in or enjoying many things the world enjoys. In 1 John 2:15, the Bible commands believers not to love the world like unbelievers, because loving the world means rejecting the Lord who saved us.

2. Conviction of God’s Steadfastness

Daniel 2:16-19; Psalms 34:17; 145:18-20; Isaiah 65:24; 2 Chronicles 32:24; Acts 12:5-11; 9:40; John 11:42; 2 Kings 4:32-36; Deuteronomy 7:9

Daniel demonstrated before King Nebuchadnezzar that God was steadfast in answering His righteous believers. Daniel was not disturbed by doubts that God would fail to hear him. He trusted that God wouldreveal the meaning of the king’s dream. Daniel was certain that the Lord would answer him. The Lord answers all righteous believers, when they seek Him in prayer. Even in circumstances that defy mortal solutions or scientific explanations, believers can rest assured that God will never come late to grant us our desires.

3. Conviction on God’s Supremacy

Daniel 3:16-18; 6:7-10; Deuteronomy 10:20; Matthew 4:10; 16:23; Joshua 24:14; Acts 21:13

Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego had to go through a trial of faith to prove their commitment to God. The conviction of these three companions was to trust in the Lord always. By standing by their beliefs, they showed that they were prepared to lose their lives in the fire. Genuine believers will not compromise their convictions either. Regardless of any promised personal benefit, in any circumstances that would cause them to renounce Christ, they will hold fast to their convictions.


1. Why do we separate from the idols of the world?

2. Has your faith been tested? Did you pass or fail?

3. Has God answered your prayers? Explain.