

姓名: ______

Name: ______

得分: ______


I. Fill in the blanks. (20%)

  1. My dog (bark) ______at that stranger who is standing in front of our door.
  2. They (be) ______husband and wife.
  3. Those trees are tall, but ______trees are short.
  4. We ______a lot of homework today.
  5. ______does your grandfather get up? He gets up at 5:30 every morning.
  6. My twin brothers ______graduate next June.
  7. I can’t go out myself when I was a child, but now I ______go anywhere.
  8. The floor is wet. It must (rain) ______last night.
  9. The coffee shop is ______the department store.

10. Mom, ______is my favorite sweater?

11. ______flavor ice cream do you like, strawberry or chocolate?

12. ______does that pretty purse cost?

13. Jack is never late for working; he is ______very punctual.

14. Mr. Lin is ______English teacher.

15. Mr. Martin is a great baker, and ______bakes delicious bread and cakes.

16. Is your mother a housewife? ______, she is.

17. ______model airplanes does Mark have?

18. What ______that little boy have in his hand?

19. ______you go to Gina’s birthday party tomorrow night?

20.What ______Joyce do last night? She went to the movies.

II. 句子改寫.(20%)

A. that ←→those ; this ←→these

  1. That is a giant tree.


  1. This is my ruler.



  1. Those are Peter’s kites.


  1. These are ugly frog.


  1. This is a pencil.


B. Change the underlined words into the correct pronouns and rewrite the sentences.

  1. Nina is a student.


  1. Linda’s father is a brave firefighter.


  1. My sister and I will go shopping tomorrow.


  1. Angel and Harry are brother and sister.


  1. The cute dog’s tail is pink.



  1. My mother cleans the living room.


  1. Jay has dinner with Jolin at the Rose Restaurant.


  1. He rides a bicycle in the park.


  1. Children pick apples on the farm.


  1. Students take final exam.



D. 將以下句子改為問句

  1. We sang a birthday song to her last night.


  1. John cheated on the math test.


  1. The secretary told her boss today’s schedule.


  1. They went mountain climbing last weekend.


  1. The teacher gave students a lot of homework yesterday.


III. Answer the questions. (20%)

  1. Is it a tiger? (yes)


  1. What do they have? (scooters)


  1. Where is the tennis racket? (by the tennis ball)


  1. How much does the watch cost? (50,000)


  1. How many convenience stores are there in the town? (2)


  1. What time does the plane arrive? (7:45p.m.)


  1. Where are Amy and Robert? (library)


  1. Which coat do you like? (the blue one)


  1. What are they? (lawyers)


  1. What is Mimmy doing? (do arts and crafts)


IV. Write the questions. (20%)

  1. The cat is under the sofa.


  1. My family usually have dinner around six o’clock.


  1. No, the fish can’t walk.


  1. Yes, there will have a free concert in the park tonight.


  1. Mother is cooking in the kitchen. (What)


  1. Tiffany bought a pair of expensive shoes yesterday.


  1. This bag of potatoes is 100 dollars.


  1. There are 30 students in Miss Lee’s class.


  1. No, my father is not a businessman.


  1. He has two comic books in his bag.


V. Translation. (20%)

  1. 你的書包在你的書桌下面。


  1. 我的姊姊是一位髮型設計師。


  1. Kevin從不抽菸。


  1. Jill 的小弟弟正在房間睡覺。


  1. 他們昨晚幾點去看電影?


  1. 不要忘記你的護照。


  1. 明天將會下雨嗎?


  1. Laurence先生正在講電話嗎?


  1. 你喜歡哪一台腳踏車,新的還是舊的?


  1. 你們上週末去哪裡露營?
