October 11, 2017 20:30

The fire in the North Bay is an ongoing and evolving tragedy which has affected many OLL parishioners directly. Teachers, family and friends have lost their homes. Many have asked, “Where is the Church? What is the Church, and moreover what is OLL going to do? These are very fair questions and we hope this statementwill give you an idea of what we are currently doing and with whom we are in contact with during this ever-changing situation.

OLL is currently working with the Director of Safety and Security and Disaster and Emergency Preparednessat the SF Archdiocese who is attempting to contactthe Red Cross to determine if we are a pre-approved designated Red Cross evacuation center. We also need to remember that we have over 200+ elementary-aged children who are entrusted to us every weekday so providing emergency shelter on a site with young children may not be the safest situation.

OLL is a member of both the Marin Interfaith Council and the Novato Ministerial Committee. The Pastors of these Churches are receiving updates on ways they can assist the victims of the fire. We will pass along that information to our parishioners as soon as we are able.We will help in any way we can with the ever-changing situation. Our Religious Education students are being asked to donate to the relief effort which we will send to Catholic Charities of Santa Rosa. Our School children will also be collecting donations in the coming weeks.

Our parish kitchen has been utilized to make 400 meals in the past 2 days which were delivered to the local shelters and we will continue to make our kitchen available whenever possible.

The Catholic Church continues to be the largest charitable organization in the world. Our Catholic Relief Services are most often the first people on the ground delivering aid to victims of disasters. The Catholic Church will continue to help all those who need help. Our Lady of Loretto Parish reaches out to the poor through the active participation of our St. Vincent de Paul Society every day of the year. We collect for Catholic Charities every year and we hold special collections to raise funds for those suffering from disasters.

Our prayers go out to everyone affected by the firestorm. We call to mind the words of St. James: “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but he does not have works? Can that faith save him?” (James 2:14). We will continue to work in any way we can and will keep you informed of any efforts we undertake to assist those in need. We would also ask for your prayers. Father Brian’s brother lost his home which held many memories for the Costello family. We have a former teacher who lost her home as well as parents of teachers and many friends who have lost everything. We ask God to comfort these families and all families and first responders who are in any way affected by this terrible fire. Give them strength Lord and comfort them in their time of great need.