KS3 Physics revision worksheet 1 - Forces, Motion, Pressure, The Earth and beyond

Exam Question Answers

1. (a) (i) A 1 (L3)

(ii) D 1 (L3)

(iii) E 1 (L4)

(iv) G 1 (L4)

accept ‘Jupiter’

(b) (i) a bar drawn to 12 N/kg 1 (L4)

the top of the bar must be in the middlethirdbetween 10 and 15

(ii) any one from 1 (L4)

· Jupiter

· Saturn

· Neptune

(iii) Jupiter 1 (L4)


2. (a) any suitable independent variable such as 1 (L4)

· the surface

· the angle of the slope

· the kind of object

· the size of the push

accept specific variations in objects, such as, ‘weight’ or ‘mass’ or ‘surface area’ or ‘type of trainer sole’ or ‘type of shoe’

(b) any suitable dependent variable such as 1 (L4)

· the distance travelled

· the time to move down the ramp

· the force needed to start the object moving

· the angle of the ramp at which the object starts moving

accept ‘the time to reach a given point’

accept ‘angle or height of ramp’

accept ‘speed’

a dependent variable (DV) without an independent variable (IV) can gain credit

any appropriate equipment to measure the dependent variable such as 1 (L4)

· ruler or metre rule

· stopwatch or timer or light gates

· newton meter

· protractor

accept ‘tape measure’

accept ‘clock’

do not accept a measurement strategy ifaDVisnot given or is incorrect

(c) any appropriate control variable such as 1 (L4)

· the object used

· the angle of the slope

· the surface used

· the height of the ramp

· the length of the ramp accept ‘distance travelled’

only give credit for a control variable which does not conflict with the suggested investigation


3. (a) A and B both answers are required for the mark 1 (L5)

answers may be in any order

(b) (i) any one from 1 (L5)

· the longer the string, the longer it takes

accept the converse

· the longer the string the more time it takes

references to both length and time are required for the mark

(ii) A and C and D answers may be in any order 1 (L5)

accept ‘B and C and D’ if part (a) is correct

all three answers are required for the mark

(c) E: 10.0 accept ‘10’ 1 (L6)
F: from 18 to 25

both answers are required for the mark


4. (a) they are furthest from the Sun accept ‘they are further from the Sun’ 1

or ‘they are furthest away’ or ‘Pluto is furthest from the Sun’
do not accept ‘they are far from the Sun’

(b) (i) it is below the freezing point of water 1

accept ‘it would freeze’ or ‘it is too cold’

(ii) it is above the boiling point of water 1

accept ‘it would boil’ or ‘it would evaporate’ or ‘it is too hot’
do not accept ‘it would dry up’ or ‘it is too close to the Sun’

(c) Jupiter 1

(d) Mercury 1

(e) gravity 1

do not accept ‘weight’


5. (a) 150 1

(b) there is nothing to balance the force of the string 1

accept ‘it is pushed by the string’ accept ‘there is a forward force acting on it’ accept ‘potential energy is converted to kinetic energy’ or ‘energy from the bow is transferred to the arrow’

(c) any one from 1

· because they are not in opposite directions

accept ‘because they are in different directions’ or ‘because they are at an angle to each other’ or ‘because they are not both horizontal’
do not accept ‘because they are at an angle’

· because they do not act along the same line

accept ‘gravity pulls down and friction pushes across’

(d) any one from 1

· because the force is concentrated in a much smaller area

accept ‘because the area in contact is smaller
or ‘because there is a smaller area’

· because pressure is force divided by area


6. (a) any one from 1 (L5)

• she is not moving or falling

accept ‘she has not dived or jumped’

award a mark for an answer which implies she is not moving

• she is standing still

accept ‘she is still’

(b) (i) • 8 1 (L5)

(ii) any one from 1 (L6)

• the total energy is the same

accept ‘they are the same

• the gravitational potential and the kinetic energy add up to 8

accept ‘they all add up to 8’

(c) (i) • gravity 1 (L5)

accept ‘gravitational’ or ‘gravitational pull’

accept ‘weight’

do not accept ‘mass’

(ii) any one from 1 (L6)

• the distance between stages or drawings increases

accept ‘they are further apart’

• she falls further each time

accept ‘the positions are further apart’

accept ‘the arrows get longer

accept ‘her kinetic energy increases’

‘by the position of her body’ is insufficient

(d) any one from 1 (L6)

• friction

accept ‘water resistance’

do not accept ‘air resistance’

• drag

accept ‘upthrust

‘resistance’ is insufficient


7. (a) (i) 75 accept ‘50 × 1.5’ 1 (L7)
Nm 1 (L7)

do not accept lower case n

(ii) 750 accept ‘‘ or ‘50 × 15’ 1 (L7)
accept the numerical answer to part (i) ÷ 0.1

(b) any one from 1 (L7)
· a current flows in the coil
· the coil or the iron core accept ‘there is a magnetic field’ or ‘the
becomes magnetised electromagnet switches on

do not accept ‘the core becomes magnetic’

any one from 1 (L7)
· the counterweight is attracted
to the coil or core or the
· the electromagnet produces a accept ‘the left-hand side of the barrier
bigger moment moves down’

‘the right-hand side moves up’ is insufficient


8. (a) 500 1
N cm accept ‘5 N m’ for both marks 1

(b) 125 consequential marking applies 1

accept answer to(a) ¸ 4 cm

(c) (i) 1500 1
N/cm2 accept ‘15 000 000 N/m2’ for both marks 1

(ii) any one from 1
• increase handle length
• decrease distance from pivot to peg
• reduce the area of the peg

accept ‘sharpen it’ or ‘make it a cylinder orhollow’


9. (a) 180 seconds: the parachute opened 1
360 seconds: she landed answers must be in the correct order 1

do not accept ‘her speed dropped’

(b) any one from 1

· the slope of the graph decreases or the curve gets less steep

· the graph begins to level out

· the acceleration gets less accept ‘it curves between A and B’

(c) B and D letters may be in either order both 1
letters are required for the mark

(d) (i) any answer between 1000 m and 1350 m 1

the unit is required for the mark

(ii) because its speed takes time to reach 6 m/s 1

accept ‘because the speed is not constant’

· because it was slowing down at first

· because the speed is difficult to read

accept ‘because the speed may not be exactly 6 m/s’

accept ‘because the graph curves at the corner’


10. (a) (i) 40 N/cm2 the unit is required for the mark 1

accept ‘400 000 Pa’

(ii) 200 N the unit of force is required for the 1
mark consequential marking applies

accept numerical answer to (a)(i) ×5 cm2

(b) (i) 200 N the unit is required for the mark 1

(ii) 1600 N the unit of force is required for the 1
mark consequential marking applies

accept numerical answer to (b) (i) × 8


Ballard School 1