Local Emergency Planning Committee

Minutes for Meeting of October 14, 2009


Kevin Christensen, Burke Nelson, Kevin Potter, Dorene Schulz, Karen Glauser, Dee Isaacson, Wayne Myers, Michael Nelsen, Kimberly Giles, Richard Moseley, Peggy Mecham, Janet Bass, Rich VanDyke, Jay Munns, Jim Hess, Lee Perry, Linda Bourne, Meggan Schulze, Tommy Pacheco, Mark Crane, Dave Oakden, Steven Keene, Robert Haynie, Josh Greer, Kathy Conrad

Kevin Christensen opened the meeting at 0900 hours, introducing Will Lusk, assistant Fire Chief for Logan. Will, who has been in emergency management for 15 years, was here to present on the recent mud slide in Logan. Kevin asked for approval of the minutes from last month’s meeting, which was motioned by Mike Nelsen and 2nd by Jay Munns.

Kimberly Giles passed out the October Homeland Security newsletter. The applications for the next LEPC grant will be out next month. The 2009 Public Official’s Conference “Emergency Management – The Amazing Race” will be held October 26-27 at the Zermatt, in Midway, Utah. Also a reminder, the NIMS online courses and required PDS courses for Emergency managers can be found at www.training.fema.gov/IS

Gary Kilgore, the program manager for Utah Fire & Rescue Academy, at Utah Valley University, introduced himself. He is willing to put classes on. Give him a call at 435-901-3673 or email him at

Richard Moseley said there will be a HazMat Ops Class/Fire 1 & 2. Go online to sign up.

Kevin Christensen reminded the Committee that Burke Nelson is now the new LEPC Chair, and today is election day for Vice Chair.

Kevin Potter reported on the LEPC Grant due October 1st. All receipts, plus Kevin’s and Kathy’s hours were submitted to the State. We received a check back for $2,281.00.

Dorene reported on Bear River Hospital’s Emergency Response Team’s recent HazMat D-Con training in Alabama. The group trained on chemical, biological and live nerve agents. It’s free to fire dept’s, law enforcement and hospitals. If interested, contact Dorene.

Mike Nelsen reported that the rock for Randy Wilde is not finished yet.

Janet Bass shared with the group that Autoliv has a truck that transports hazardous waste for disposal once a week, if any other group wanted to share expenses.

Jay Hess said that Garland will be putting on a F1 & F2 HazMat Awareness Ops Class this January, to recruit new members.

Lee Perry said there was a gas leak in Dispatch over the weekend. It was a learning experience as they were able to re-route the 911 calls, but not the regular calls.

Greg Martz is on a controlled burn today so Kevin Potter reported on the hazmat incident that came to light this past week at two storage facilities, one in Perry and one in South Willard. A total of seven storage bays were found to be filled with old Thiokol chemicals, obtained by a retired Thiokol employee. The two bays in Perry have been cleaned up and the five bays in South Willard are now being worked on by the EPA, their contract clean up company, and Box Elder County HazMat.

Kevin Christensen noted that H1N1 is active. The hospitals are seeing cases and the vaccine has started coming in. Box Elder schools will be vaccinated on November 2-5 and November 9-12. As far as the seasonal flu vaccine, more will arrive in November.

Kevin Christensen passed out small pieces of paper so Committee members could vote for a vice chair, who needs to be from a ‘government’ position, since Burke is from the private sector. Verbal nominations were made for Mike Nelsen, Jay Munns, and Jim Hess. The pieces of paper were all handed in to Kathy, who tallied them up while Will Lusk made his presentation on the Logan mud slide.

Burke then announced Mike Nelsen as the new vice chair and said he will call an LEPC Executive Committee meeting within the next few weeks.

Next Meeting

The next LEPC Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 11th, 2009, at

0900 hours, at the Sheriff’s Office.

Meeting ended at 1024 hrs, with Kevin Christensen making a motion to close and

Jay Munns 2ing it.