This cadet manual and any other material provided by ACJA must be returned upon request.
Personal Information
This cadet manual belongs to:
Cell Phone:
Home phone:
E-Mail Address:
Cadet Captain:
Phone #:
Big Brother/Sister:
Cell/Home Phone:
E-Mail Address:
Exam lExam 2
Exam 3
(To be completed by the cadet)
National President / National Vice President / National Executive Secretary / Past National President / National Student Representative / Journal EditorRegion 1 President / Region 2 President / Region 3 President / Region 4 President / Region 5 President / Region 6 President
Region One Vice President / Region One Secretary/Treasurer / Region One Student Representative
Sergeant At Arms:
Student Senate Representative:
Public Relations Officer:
Cultural Affairs:
Committee Heads:
Welcome to the American Criminal Justice Association-Lambda Alpha Epsilon (ACJA/LAE) Sigma Pi Chapter cadet-pledging program. You are embarking upon what we hope will be a worthwhile and enjoyable experience.
This is your cadet manual and road map for the pledging process completion. Beyond these pages is information that will expand your paradigm of the criminal justice system and ACJA.
The members of Sigma Pi are proud of the reputation, which unity, dedication, enthusiasm, and leadership. We pride ourselves on welding a stronger, more permanent bond of unity than any other Long Beach City College Organization. The members of Sigma Pi Chapter of ACJA/LAE thank you for extending us the honor of seeking membership in our organization. We hope that you will soon be sharing our fraternal brother/sisterhood.
Basic membership requirements
New members of Sigma Pi chapter of ACJA/LAE are selected by the membership based on several factors. Applicants must be members of the Associated Student Body of Long Beach City College, have at least a 2.0 GPA, and currently enrolled at LBCC.
Applicants go through an initial period of pledging consisting of work projects, social activities, memorization of fraternal information, and a series of line-ups similar to police academy inspections. In Addition, current members will observe you for your display of UNITY, DEDICATION, ENTHUSIASM, WILLINGNESS TO WORK, JUDGMENT, and ABILITY TO GET ALONG WITH OTHERS. During the pledging period, cadets are given both a written test and an oral interview on fraternal knowledge. Final acceptance requires sponsorship by three current members and the favorable vote of the majority of the current membership. At the end of the pledging period you will have to complete 10 hours of community service hours.
Should any Cadet have any medical issues that would empire him/her from any physical training or physical activate, the Cadet must show official documents from a Medical personal. This Cadet will wear a BLUE ribbon at all times.
Objectives of ACJA/LAE
ACJA/LAE is comprised of men and women employed and/or students in the field of criminal justice. This includes some of the following types of law enforcement personnel, attorneys, court officials, probation, parole and corrections officers, forensic technicians, and members of other related professions. The association provides opportunities for them to join together in academic, professional, social and competitive activities.
This association builds personal and business relationships in a family like atmosphere, which allow members to share common professional interests. Its foremost goals are to promote professional integrity, excellence and to encourage higher education in all Administrative of Justice fields.
Purpose of Pledging
Sigma Pi will maintain an outstanding reputation for the careful selection of new members accepted into the chapter through the cadet-pledging program. During the eight (8) weeks of pledging, you will undergo a period of testing which will stretch your inner resources to their limits. Your success as you under goes the pledging process will establish if we will extend an invitation to you in joining our group of fraternal brothers and sisters.
The process is similar to the stress selection and training techniques used by most law enforcement academies. As cadets, your personal qualities of INTEGRITY, HONESTY, LOYALTY, JUDGMENT, and DEDICATION will be closely scrutinized.
As members of this chapter, you will be expected to maintain traditions of SERVICE and HONOR, which will set apart Sigma Pi as a highly respected student organization at Long Beach City College. As a fraternity, we have not, and will not, condone activity, which dishonors the image of Sigma Pi chapter in any way.
Each Sigma Pi member has developed a strong bond of fraternal love toward one another because each one has gone through the experience of pledging. Through pledging, we hope to impart our own sense of unity and loyalty to you. We will understand your feelings of stress and frustration because we also have experienced the same emotions during our own pledging period. Remember that our purpose is not to weaken or break you, but rather to test and strengthen your inner character.
Intentions of Pledging
Promote a sense of unity among the members in your cadet class, so that you learn to Trust and Support one another. Being prospective members, you are expected to organize and work together to accomplish your common goals. Hence, your pledge class will be assigned various group projects outside of pledge nights.
Help you develop a sense of pride for your cadet pledge class.
Promote a strong bond of fraternal love and loyalty between fellow prospective and active fraternity members.
Determine your willingness to accept responsibilities and achieve difficult and sometimes deliberately confusing tasks with a sense of humor.
Challenge your mental, physical, and emotional capabilities to perform at their highest levels.
Allow you to learn of the ideals, goals, and traditions of Sigma Pi.
Permit the members of Sigma Pi to observe your personality traits under stressful and relaxing situations that will decide if we wish to extend an invitation to you to become one of us.
General rules of pledging
Prospective members are referred to as "CADETS" during the entire pledging period.
Cadets will address all actives as "SIR", "MA'AM", "MR.", or "MRS." At the beginning and end of every sentence.
Cadets are expected to attend all scheduled cadet activities. Attendance will be a consideration in determining acceptance into Sigma Pi.
Certain priority activities can excuse attendance at fraternity functions. These include work, school activities, and religious observances, important family activities, medical appointments, etc. However, an excessive number of absences should cause the cadet to consider whether they have sufficient time to devote to membership in an extra curricular club or fraternity.
Cadets MUST inform their Pledge Master/Mistress, Big Brother/Sister, and Cadet Captain in advance of any anticipated absences and the reason.
Cadets MAY NOT SMOKE, DRINK ALCHOHOL, CHEW GUM, or USE PROFANITY in the presence of active members.
Cadets must be respectful to all members of ACJA/LAE and give special courtesy to Chapter, Regional, and National Officers and Advisors.
Cadets MUST NEVER give the impression that they are members of ACJA/LAE.
Cadets are to refrain from publicly criticizing, downgrading or ridiculing members, other cadets, ACJA/LAE, Sigma Pi, Long Beach City College, or any other campus organization.
A Big Brother/Sister will be assigned to every cadet this is the active that will answer questions, be your friend and confidante and offer encouragement. They are to be contacted weekly, between Monday and Wednesday, before the pledge night.
Cadets must wear a blue ribbon and have in their possession their blue box and cadet pledge binder at all times while on campus.
Should you experience any difficulty during the pledging period, make sure to contact the cadet captain and your big Brother/ Sister.
The pledge uniform is to be worn at sanctioned events only, should you choose to go somewhere before or after an event, and you must change out of your pledge uniform.
Special Concerns of Pledging
The following rules are of special concern. Violations are to be immediately reported to the Pledge Master/Mistress AND to the advisors. Violations will mean TERMINATION of membership! (Active or Cadet.) Sigma Pi adheres to the Hazing Code of the Associated Student Body (ASB) of Long Beach City College and the State of California.
A copy of this Cadet Manual is on file with and has been approved by the ASB of Long Beach City College. The Dean of Student Affairs is invited to observe any SIGMA PI pledging activities. A cadet will NEVER be required to participate in any act, which is likely to cause, physical injury or which is intended to degrade, humiliate or disgrace a cadet.
Cadets WILL NOT participate in ANY activity that may cause property damage.
There is to be NO violation of any state law or school/club rule during any fraternity activity. This includes motor vehicle laws and minimum drinking age.
Curfew for required cadet activities is 12 O'clock midnight on weeknights (Sunday to Thursday) and 2 AM on Friday and Saturday. Cadets may voluntarily meet and accomplish fraternity business outside of these hours, if they wish.
There will be NO fraternization between actives and cadets. Fraternization means any affectionate relations such as dating; kissing, handholding, meeting alone, sexually oriented activity etc. The purpose of this rule is to protect cadets from feeling pressured into accepting dates or advances in order to be accepted into the fraternity membership.
If a member is dating a potential cadet, BEFORE pledging begins, this relationship MUST be brought to the attention of the Pledge Master/Mistress and the Advisors before the first pledge activity.
ALL MEMBERS are prohibited from using illegal drugs of any kind, anywhere, any time, or remaining present where others are using illegal drugs. This includes drinking under the age of 21.
Consumption of alcohol before or during a pledge activity is NOT allowed.
Cadet Class Organization and Unity
At the second line up, a Cadet Captain (CC) will be selected, who will be responsible for directing and supervising all activities of the cadet class. The CC will have authority over all cadets. CC may be removed and replaced at the discretion of the Pledge Master/Mistress.
If necessary, as determined by the Pledge Master/Mistress, the class will be divided into squads, with appointed squad leaders, who will report to the CC. The CC can appoint other class officers as needed.
The cadet class will select class colors, and design a class flag. The class colors will not include the chapter colors of royal blue and white. This must be at least 3x5 feet, no smaller.
The class will prepare and distribute a roster with addresses, phone numbers and class schedules of all Cadets. There should be sufficient copies for all officers and cadets. This should be placed in your cadet notebook.
Cadets will learn to perform basic military formation and marching commands and properly conduct a military inspection formation.
The class must organize themselves for the rapid dissemination of information. Cadet class instructions and information will frequently be provided to just one person, such as the Cadet Captain. This information must then be passed along. If one person gets the information and then fails to share it, they will be penalized. Likewise, if only one person out of the class fails to get the information, then the person not getting the information will be penalized as well as the person responsible for getting the information to him/her.
Cadet Sources of Information
This Cadet Manual.
ACJA/LAE information brochures distributed at orientation meeting.
National and Chapter web sites
National, Regional, and Chapter By-Laws (available from an Advisor or Pledge Master/Mistress).
The ACJA/LAE Sigma Pi bulletin board outside of room T-2314
Important special instructions and information items may be posted there
Daily check the board regularly throughout the day.
NOTE: If you receive conflicting information from different sources, you should verify the information with the Pledge Master/Mistress, and consider that their information is correct.
Membership Fees:
When the cadet is accepted into Sigma Pi, they must pay $36.00 in National Dues and $20.00 in Chapter Dues. The National Dues are renewed yearly and the Chapter Dues are renewed every semester. Several varieties of fraternal attire are available in the chapter colors. Money is paid first then we order the items. (T-Shirts, Polo Shirts, Jackets, Sweatshirts and more).
Membership Benefits
Membership in Sigma Pi Chapter of ACJA/LAE brings both tangible and intangible benefits. Among these benefits are:
Membership card, pin, and certificate.
Eligible for regional and national competitions with awards in many different categories of criminal justice skill and knowledge.
National scholarship competitions of up to $2000.00.
Above all, membership provides opportunities to develop lifetime friendships, important leadership skills, and to feel the satisfaction of personal accomplishment.
New Member Acceptance Procedures
Pledges are expected to participate in a pledge process which will held during the school semester and put on my the current members and officers
The pledge process will consist of multiple tests, physical agility activities and Squad based formations. There will be a Big Brother / Sister that will be there to evaluate and sign off on you at the end of the semester. Acceptance by your big and other members of the club at the end of the pledge process is a mandatory requirement. This along with test scores, overall participation during the pledge process, and consistent volunteering for the club will be taken into consideration for your acceptance into this organization
National and Regional Organization
ACJA/LAE is a national association, with over 3000 members high over 100 chapters, organized in six (6) regions throughout the country, stretching from Spokane, Washington to Florida and from Baltimore, Maryland, to Hawaii. Most chapters are located in colleges and universities, although some are organized independently as professional chapters. Provision is also made for members at-large who cannot affiliate with an organized chapter. Six west coast states and Hawaii form Region One of the association with over 25 chapters. In Southern California, there are chapters at Los Angeles City College, Rio Hondo College, and Irvine Valley College. The national headquarters is located hi Sacramento, California, where a full time Executive Secretary manages the day-today business of the organization. A National President and Vice President are elected at an annual business meeting. Together with the elected Regional Presidents, they form the National Executive Board, which determines national policies of the Association.