Location: Fargo South Arena and Acro Gym

2001 17th Ave. S., Fargo ND

(South end of South High School)

Coaches Meeting

There will be a coaches meeting at 7:40 a.m. court 3. The gym will open at 7:30 a.m.

Pool Play

Pool Play will start at 8:00 a.m. Warm up will be 7 (3/3/1) minutes for the first round of pool play for every team and then will only be 2 minutes of shared time for the remainder of matches throughout the day. Pool play will be 2 games to 25 (cap of 27).

Tournament Play

The tournament will be 2 out of 3 games to 25 (cap of 27) and a third game to 15 (cap17).

The tournament will begin immediately after pool play is finished (once brackets are set up). Please check the schedule for officiating games closely. For the championship round, of the losing teams, the one closest to Fargo will officiate. Please check with the Site Director before you leave.

The team placement for the tournaments will be organized by the following:

  1. Pool Play Record
  2. Head to head competition
  3. Point differential
  4. Coin Flip

Medals will be awarded for the top two teams in each division.

Officiating Teams

It is your job to keep the tournament on schedule. All matches will be played ahead of schedule if possible. The coach of the officiating team must be either the up or down official for all games.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please bring your own warm-up balls & whistles, none will be provided

·  USVBA rules will apply

·  There will be NO trainer on site

·  NO electronics or mobile phones (texting) at the scoring tables

·  Only 3 players at the scorers table

Concessions and merchandise will be available. Water and sports drinks are allowed near the player benches. Coolers are prohibited in the arena.

Team camps will NOT be allowed on the court surface or in the Acro gym. You may use the areas behind the nets. Please keep walking track area open. Coaches and Players please clean up your site before you leave the tournament.

Oak Grove JO is not responsible for any lost items.

Acro Gym/South Arena
Pool A – Court 1Acro / Pool B – Court 6 Arena
A.  Northwest Best Black
B.  Perham Jackets
C.  Deacon nets
D.  South Fargo 18-1 / A.  LaMoure
B.  Northwest Best Violet
C.  Oak Grove 17
D.  Summit 18-1National
South Arena
4 Team Pool Play
Teams / Start Time / REF / Warm Up
A vs. C / 8:00 am / B / 7 min (3/3/1)
B vs. D / A / 7 min
A vs. D / C / 2 min shared
B vs. C / A / 2 min shared
C vs. D / B / 2 min shared
A vs. B / D / 2 min shared

Tournament: TBA