Lesson 7: Creating A Nation


Directions: Complete the following using textbook, internet, and other resources.

*Add additional information to aid you in learning and understanding the material.

(r(restating in your own words, mnemonic devices, summarizing, main ideas, etc….)

1. A ______is a document that sets out the laws, principles, organization, and processes of a government.

2. Explain why states write constitutions. ______


3. Our country’s first constitution was the Articles of Confederation. Justify why the Articles of

Confederation was not an effective constitution. ______



4. “A national language is a bond of a national union.” ______

The author of this quote is best known for his American Dictionary of English Language.

5. In 1787, Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance which set up a government for the Northwest

Territory. On the map below, identify and circle the states that were created from the Northwest Territory.

6. As a result of Shay’s Rebellion and many other problems, the Constitutional Convention was held on May 25, 1787. Describe the purpose of the Constitutional Convention?


7. Use the space below to create a 4-point double bubble map. Compare/contrast the New Jersey

and Virginia Plans.

8. All states finally agreed on a plan. It was called the Great Compromise. Why was it called this?


9. List two major compromises that the northern and southern states reached.



10. What is the significance of September 17, 1787?______


11. Today we refer to the leaders who laid the groundwork for the United States as the ______.

12. A ______is a government in which citizens rule themselves

through elected representatives. Predict whether the U.S. will be a republic 100 years from now,

and explain your prediction..

13. Analyze the various examples and ideas that our Founding Fathers used to help create our United States Constitution. Complete the brace map below.

14. “The greatest single effort of national deliberation that the world has ever seen.”

______Infer what you think the author of this quote meant.



15. Explain why the Federalists supported the Constitution and the Anti-Federalists opposed it.




16. The Constitution had to be ratified by 9 out of the 13 states.

Support the reason why many Anti-Federalists eventually agreed to ratification.______



17. How many states eventually ratified the Constitution? ______

18. Americans voted in the first election under the Constitution in January 1789. George

Washington was elected President. Infer why you think George Washington was elected

unanimously? ______


19. The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments of the Constitution. Trace the process in which the Bill of Rights became part of the U.S. Constitution.





20. In 1792, Congress declared the ______to be an official symbol of the new nation. Formulate an opinion about why and blog about it on the website. (homework)

21. Below is a depiction of America’s first flag. Evaluate what the 13 stars and stripes represent?



22. Concept: ______

Example: ______