Longview ISD 5th Grade ELA Unit 1A-1-2

5th Grade ELA TEKS with Specificities
5.4 Listening/Speaking/Culture. The student listens and speaks both to gain and share knowledge of his/her own culture, the culture of others, and the common elements of cultures.
5.4A Connect his/her own experiences, information, insights, and ideas with those of others through speaking and listening (4-8).
On- going process skill, including sharing his or her experiences and ideas with peers and adults and connecting those ideas/ experiences with those of others.
5.5 Listening/Speaking/Audiences. The student speaks clearly and appropriately to different audiences for different purposes and occasions.
5.5F Clarify and support spoken ideas with evidence, elaborations, and examples (4-8).
Use a variety of responses to support and expound on the speaker’s message through methods such as classroom presentations, group discussions, etc…
5.7 Reading/Fluency. The student reads with fluency and understanding in texts at appropriate difficulty levels.
5.7A Read regularly in independent-level materials (texts in which no more than approximately 1 in 20 words is difficult for the reader) (5).
On-going reading process skill
Approximately ____ times per week for at least ____minutes
5.7B Read regularly in instructional-level materials that are challenging but manageable (texts in which no more than approximately 1 in 10 words is difficult for the reader; a "typical" fifth grader reads approximately100 wpm. (5)
On-going reading process skill
reads ____ wpm with 90- 94% accuracy
5.7C Demonstrate characteristics of fluent and effective reading (4-6).
• Automaticity
• Phrasing
• Expression
• Variance in rate and pitch
• Inflection
5.7D Adjust reading rate based on purposes for reading (4-8).
• Identify the purpose for reading.
• Vary rate and speed according to level of difficulty of text.
5.7E Read aloud in selected texts in ways that both reflect understanding of the text and engage the listeners (4-8).
• Use of expressive language by modifying pitch, rate and volume.
• Respond appropriately to comprehension questions or prompts of various levels of difficulty.
5.7F Read silently with increasing ease for longer periods (4-8).
On-going reading process skill
____ minutes by end of 5th grade
5.8 Reading/Variety of Texts. The student reads widely for different purposes in varied sources.
5.8A Read classic and contemporary works (2-8).
Culturally diverse texts.
• Narrative and expository texts.
5.8B Select varied sources such as nonfiction, novels, textbooks, newspapers, and magazines when reading for information or pleasure (4-5).
Utilize deductive reasoning skills to derive meaning.
5.8C Read for varied purposes such as to be informed, to be entertained, to appreciate the writer’s craft, and to discover models for his/her own writing (4-8).
5.10 Reading/Comprehension. The student comprehends selections using a variety of strategies.
5.10A Use his/her own knowledge and experience to comprehend (4-8). / 5.10 Reading/Comprehension. The student comprehends selections using a variety of strategies.
5.10A Use his/her own knowledge and experience to comprehend (4-8).
• Predicts outcomes and actions in fiction selections and narrative poems, based on content clues and on his or her own experiences.
• Uses his or her own experiences and knowledge to understand texts.
5.10B Establish and adjust purposes for reading such as reading to find out, to understand, to interpret, to enjoy, and to solve problems (4-8).
Including self-directed and teacher-directed purposes consciously chosen and articulated by either the teacher or student.
5.10C Monitor his/her own comprehension and make modifications when understanding breaks down such as by rereading a portion aloud, using reference aids, searching for clues, and asking questions (4-8).
On- going process skills including:
Take independent action such as rereading, using pictures as a source of information, interpreting graphs, paraphrasing paragraphs, context clues, word parts, using resources and asking peers or the teacher for help.
5.11 Reading/Literary Response. The student expresses and supports responses to various types of texts.
5.11A Offer observations, make connections, react, speculate, interpret, and raise questions in response to texts (4-8).
• Journaling
• Discussion circles
• Creating questions at the evaluative, literal and interpretive levels
• Make connections and draw conclusions based on text evidence and personal experience.
• Making predictions
5.11B Interpret text ideas through such varied means as journal writing, discussion, enactment, media (4-8).
Respond on a personal level, both orally and in writing, by:
• Note- taking
• Retelling
• Journaling
• Role- playing
• Class discussions
• Dramatic performances
• Publishing on computer/ powerpoint
• Creating a graphic organizer
5.11C Support responses by referring to relevant aspects of text and his/her own experiences (4-8).
• Character Traits
• Character Motivations
• Conflicts
• Resolutions/ Conclusions
• Point of View
• Literary Language
• Changes in character
• Cause/ effect relationships
TAKS Note: Use deductive thinking to validate a conclusion.
5.11D Connect, compare, and contrast ideas, themes, and issues across text (4-8).
Such as:
Make Connections Across Texts
Connect Ideas:
• “In this selection, in what way does Grandpa Delgado feel connected to the old barn?”
• “Why was the Inuit bear hunter mentioned in both the announcement and the story?”
• “A common idea throughout this article is the importance of-“
Connect sign/ message to plot:
• “Read the four protest signs below.” And then “Which of these signs would most likely have been carried by a member of the Friends of the Everglades?” / 5.11D
Compare or Contrast Across Texts
Compare Ideas:
• “The newspaper article and Lisa’s report both tell about –“
• “An idea present in both selections is-“
• “One idea found in both of these stories is that people can be-“
• “An idea present in both articles is that-“
Compare Characters:
• “How is Seth different from his friends?”
• “How is the first woman who is questioned in ‘The Sultan’s Pearls’ like the first man who is questioned in ‘The King’s Gold’?”
Compare Events:
• “According to the article, how was Douglas’s career as a journalist similar to her attending college?”
Compare Themes:
• “Which of these is a theme in both selections?”
• “A theme found in both articles is-“
*Support the conclusions with text evidence (and/ or personal experience)
5.12 Reading/Text Structures/Literary Concepts. The student analyzes the characteristics of various types of texts (genres)
5.12D Recognize the distinguishing features of genres, including biography, historical fiction, informational texts, and poetry (4-8) including biography, historical fiction, informational texts, and poetry (4-8).
5.12F Understand and identify literary terms such as title, author, illustrator, playwright, theater, stage, act, dialogue, and scene across a variety of literary forms (texts) (3-5).
5.12H Analyze characters, including their traits, motivations, conflicts, points of view, relationships, and changes they undergo (4-8).
1. Conflicts: Types
• Man v. Man
• Man v. Society
• Man v. Environment
2. Conflicts: How they are addressed and resolved
• Everybody wins
• Flight/ run away/ avoid
• Fight resist
• Death
• Compromise
• Someone wins; someone loses
• Acceptance
• Analyzing individual characters and
• Comparing/ contrasting characters
3. Traits of Characters
• Physical Touch
• Personal Traits (e.g. moral, ethical, evil, compassionate, loving, wealthy/poor)
• Emotional Traits
4. Feelings/ emotions of characters
5. Motivations of Characters
• Intellectual Motivation
• Emotional Motivation
• Physical Motivation
6. Relationships
• Between/ among other characters
• With self
• With society
• With nature/ environment
7. Change
• Intellectual
• Emotional
• Physical
• Change From beginning to end
• Change before an event and after an event in the plot
5.12I Recognize and analyze story plot, setting, and problem resolution (4-8).
5.14 Reading/Culture. The student reads to increase knowledge of his/her own culture, the culture of others, and the common elements of culture.
5.14A Compare text events with his/her own and other readers’ experiences (4-8).
• Compare/ Contrast
• Graphic organizers (charts, graphs, webs, etc…)
• Class discussions/ Literature Circles

8/27/2007 DRAFT