Terms of Reference to undertake a baseline study of the “Secured Land Access and Rights for All (SLARA)” Project

1.0  Introduction

Zambia Land Alliance (ZLA) is a network of NGOs that was established in 1997 as a response to the Zambian Government’s land reform process, which was initiated in the 1990s. ZLA is a membership organisation, and operates through a national office, it has 9 national members organisations[1] , 8 District Land Alliances (DLAs)[2] and district offices[3]. Each DLA has its own member network at local level. ZLA’s vision is to see a Zambia in which the rural, peri-urban and urban poor and vulnerable have secured access, ownership and control over land for sustainable development. The organizations’ mission is to be a platform for collective action committed to promoting equitable access, control and secured ownership of land by the rural, peri-urban and urban poor and marginalised, through lobbying and advocacy, networking, research and community partnership.

1.1 The SLARA Project

ZLA with financial support from the Finnish Embassy is implementing a project entitled “Secured Land Access and Rights for All (SLARA)” in Nchelenge and Samfya districts in the Luapula Province of Zambia

The overall objective of the project is: To contribute towards secured access, ownership and control of land for 2,200 vulnerable households, particularly Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in Nchelenge and Samfya districts through enforcement of human rights and democratic processes in land administration for sustainable livelihoods and development by the end of 2018.

The project has two (2) specific objectives -

i.  To increase access to information, justice and service delivery institutions on land for PWDs and other vulnerable households.

ii.  To advocate for a supportive policy and legal environment that promotes and protects the rights of PWDs and other vulnerable households to access, own and control land.

The project is expected to result in PWDs and other vulnerable households having increased knowledge on land rights/administration as well as access to justice, land institutions and related services. The project will also strengthen the voice and capacity of ZLA and other CSOs to provide support to PWDs and other vulnerable households to engage in land governance and policy dialogue.

2.0 Elements of the Baseline study

Under the project, ZLA seeks expression of interest from experienced consultant(s) to conduct baseline of the project. The assignment will pursue objectives but not limited to:

a.  Provide in-depth indicative information on knowledge on land rights/administration, access/ownership of land, access to land institutions, policy/ legal environment, capacities of ZLA/CSOs to engage in policy governance /policy dialogue among other issues.

b.  To identify relevant policies and legal framework for supporting project implementation and advocacy.

c.  To provide benchmark information for measuring project achievements and impacts which can be used as a point of reference for monitoring and evaluation of the project

d.  To review the project’s log frame with inclusion of baseline indicators and provide recommendations.

3.0 Tasks and Expected Outputs

·  Review of project documents and other related literature to understand the project design and contextual framework

·  Design tools and methodology projection for data collection of both qualitative and quantitative data in consultation with ZLA.

·  Collect, clean and analyze the data.

·  Prepare and present baseline report to ZLA.

4.0 TimeLine of the Assessment

The consultant(s) is expected to complete the assignment within 30 calendar days. The consultant(s) will come up with a detailed schedule of the assignment and inception report to be discussed and agreed with ZLA.

5.0 Requirements for the Consultant(s)

·  At least a Master’s Degree in urban and regional planning/ land economy or any other relevant field.

·  Over seven (7) years professional experience in leading Research, Baseline or Evaluation studies of development projects in Zambia.

·  Experience in use of participatory approaches and tools.

·  Strong analytical and reporting writing skills.

·  Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

·  Knowledge of unplanned and illegal settlements will be an added advantage.

If you meet the required qualifications and are interested in being the Consultant(s) then email your Expression of Interest (including technical proposal, curriculum vitae, detailed budget and work plan) no later than 13:00 hours Friday, 5th August, 2016 addressed to:

The Executive Director

Zambia Land Alliance

P.O. Box 51156

126E, Kudu road, Kabulonga, Lusaka

Email: and

Tel: +260-1-260040

[1] Association for Land Development, Caritas Zambia, Disability Rights Watch, Justice for Widows and Orphans Project, Law and Development Association, Women for Change, Zambia Civic Education Association, Zambia Alliance for Women and the Green Living Movement

[2]Chingola DLA, Chipata DLA, Gwembe DLA, Kitwe DLA, Lusaka DLA, Mansa DLA, Monze DLA and Petauke DLA

[3] Chembe, Chienge, Nyimba and Solwezi