20 August 2001

Dissemination of Nuffield's Economics papers on the Web

The up to date version of this documentation is
\\Hicks\HTML\Economics\Papers\RePEc\doc\Economics papers on the web.doc

1.Research papers in economics – RePEc

1.1.Unresolved issues

  • The characterset for foreign letters needs to be documented.
  • No JEL classification of the Economic papers series, which might be the sensible solution anyway.
  • For the “Economic papers” series there is no provider phone, fax, or postal information, neither editor nor mailing information.
  • Opening a second list for papers of the DoE list:

1.2.Inserting new papers


  • If JEL codes are given, the papers will be disseminated through the NEP lists. Therefore, authors should be encouraged to provide some.
  • RTF files should be associated with a text editor.
  • There is a step-by-step introduction provided by RePEc
  1. Create an “Economics paper” as usually (directory, files, etc.)
  2. Load a template for a new paper from
  3. Save the template in the directory
    with the name of the format wyyyynn.rdf, where yyyy is the 4 digit year and nn is the working paper number, e.g. w200101.rdf.
  4. Copy and paste …, note however:
  • There should be one block of author- entries for each co-author.
  • If a field does not apply, please delete the entry. DO NOT put an X- in front of it.
  • Continuation lines need to start with at least one blank, e.g.
    In this paper we study the detailed
    distributional properties of integrated
    non-Gaussian OU (intOU) processes. …
  • File-URL: is the web address of the paper, e.g.
  • File-Format: application/pdf and application/postscript are the usual entries.
    A complete list is available here.
  • File-Function: is a description for the user, sensible entries might be Appendix 1, or Main text, or Ox program.
  • As with the authors, file blocks can be repeated.
  • Handle: RePEc:nuf:econwp:is augmented by a four digit entry, yynn, yy containing the year, nn the working paper number.
  • Number: 2001-W1 is just the working paper number.
  1. Check after 4-5 days if everything worked properly by inspecting
    the Economics papers at RePEc.

1.3.Structure of the database

  • The main directory is \\Hicks\HTML\Economics\Papers\RePEc.
  • nuf contains the database, which is queried by RePEc
  • doc contains the documentation, i.e. this file
  • templates contains several templates for different types of RDF files
  • oldstuff contains the old RDF files of “fthnuffco” and “wuknucowp”. Two old attempts to disseminate working papers.
  • \\Hicks\HTML\Economics\Papers\RePEc\nuf contains two files describing the different series (nufseri.rdf) and the archive (nufarch.rdf), each series gets a directory in this folder. At the moment there is only econwp.

1.4.Contacts and Information

Standard email contact /
Christian Zimmerman /
Homepage /
Step by step instructions /
Errors and file lists / ftp://netec.mcc.ac.uk/pub/RePEc/help/nuf/
Economic papers /
NEP Homepage /
JEL Index /
Old series /
Another old series /
Department of Economics List /

1.5.Integration of old series

  • Old series are merged in the new database.
  • Double entries were deleted.
  • References with a downloadable paper had priority to be retained.

2.Social science research network – SSRN

2.1. Unresolved issues

There are three ways to cooperate with SSRN:

  • By online paper submission over their web site
  • As a Partner in Publishing (PIP), this involves
  • a page in the SSRN system for all Nuffield College papers in the SSRN eLibrary, links are possible to this page, working papers and abstracts have a reference to this page
  • submission as above
  • a fee of USD 1,000 per year
  • Nuffield College Research Paper Series, this involves
  • own journal, own list of Top Ten downloaded papers
  • a fee USD 4,000 per year plus USD 150 per paper in PDF format

2.2.Contacts and Information

Standard email contact /
Info reply by /
President /
Homepage /
Paper and abstract submission /


Please send me anote, if you can suggest any.

This might include:

4.The mailing list

4.1. List subscription

Subscription to the list is achieved by sending a mail with the line

subscribe nuffield-economics-papers <email>,

where email> is the email address of the new subscriber. This mail is sent to

Alternatively, the new subscriber can be added manually using the web administration tool.

4.2. List administration

The web administration tool is quite self-explanatory, however, there is an online documentation available. To login use:

List Name: nuffield-economics-papers

Password: hermes01

4.3.Posting a mail to the list

Mail is sent to the list either at or at .

The list is configured to be closed, i.e. only users explicitly enumerated with the configuration tool can post to this list.

List server email /
Nuffield list email,
alternatively /

Configuration tool /
Online info /