Village of Salem Lakes

Kenosha County


A regular meeting of the Salem Lakes Village Board will be held on

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017 at 7:00 PM

at the Silver Lake Village Hall, 113 S. First St., Silver Lake, WI 53170

1.  Call to Order

2.  Roll Call

3.  Pledge of Allegiance

4.  Citizens comments

5.  President’s comments

6.  Approval of Minutes of the Board Meetings held on March 15, 2017.

7.  Approval of Vouchers as recommended by the Finance Committee for payments on March 24, 2017, March 30, 2017, March 31, 2017, April 7, 2017; April 14, 2017

8.  Review and approve Operator’s License pending background check for Salvador Aguilar; Jessica A. Delara; Raymond Drachus; Erin Green; Robert Kruse; Sydonna Spalla; Brianna Swanson;

9.  Review and approve Liquor Licenses for Shree KP LLC dba Lucky Dog Liquor & Tabocco–expires 06/30/2017 and Kenosha County Fair Association Inc. – license period 04/29/2017 through 10/29/2017

Ordinances – First Reading

10.  Review and possible approval Ordinance 524 – An Ordinance amending the provisions of Ordinance No. 259 of the Village of Salem Lakes regarding Amusement Device License Fees

11.  Review and possible approval Ordinance 525 – An Ordinance amending the provisions of Ordinance No. 394 of the Village of Salem Lakes regarding Cigarette and Tobacco Retailer Licenses and Associated Fees

12.  Review and possible approval Ordinance 526 – An Ordinance to make effective within the entire Territory of the Village of Salem the provisions of Ordinance No. 403 regarding licenses for Dance Halls and Places of Amusement

13.  Committee Reports:

a.  Finance, Administration, Legislation and Economic Development-Nopenz

b.  Public Protection and Emergency Services-Dunn

c.  General Welfare, Buildings, Public Works, Parks and Public Lands-Randolph

i.  Parks Commission – Francart

ii.  Public Works - Raymond

14.  Announcement of next meeting date and location

15.  Adjourn

Posted at:
Silver Lake Village Hall
Silver Lake Post Office
Peoples Bank
Salem Town Hall Building
Village of Salem Lakes website
Date posted: April 3, 2017