This Activity Agreement should be completed and signed
by all partners of the activity.

By signing this agreement, organizations fully agree on carrying jointly out the activity in the framework of the Polish-Ukrainian Youth Exchange Council in a spirit of co-operation, and fully agree to conduct the activity with all the guidelines of the Polish-Ukrainian Youth Exchange Council documents.

Title of the project:
Reference Number of the project:[1]
Activity Dates:
Applicant organization:
Name of the organization:
Name of the legal representative:
Contact person:
Partner organization:
Name of the organization:
Name of the legal representative:
Contact person:

The parties certify that all information contained in this agreement is certified truthful and accurate and that no relevant information has been withheld.

Activity description:please describe briefly
Responsibilities of the Applicant Organisation:please describe briefly
Responsibilities of the Partner Organisation:please describe briefly

Practical arrangements for the participants: please describe the arrangements for the participants

The practical arrangements:
Local Transport:
Language Support:

Enrolment of the Participants to the Insurance

Applicant Organization / Partner Organization
is responsible for the participants’ insurance, all the parties are obliged to get acquainted with the insurance rules.
The grant amount:
Awarded by: / name of the relevant institution
Is paid to: / name of the organization
Total Grant Awarded: / €
Number of participants involved in the activity:
In EUR / Applicant Organisation / Partner
Organisation / Description and comments
Travel costs
Preparation costs
Board and lodging costs
Activity costs
Dissemination costs
Special costs
Promotion and information costs
Travel cost of the preparation meeting
Activity costs of the preparation meeting
Total grant awarded

The applicant organization will transfer the money as follows: complete as applicable

Transfer round (date) / Amount / conditions of payment
(e.g. presenting justification of the cost already incurred, presenting report etc.)

Project costs must be fully justified with invoices or acceptable accounting receipts.[2]

All parties are obliged to emphasise the support of the Polish-Ukrainian Youth Exchange Council in the all informational materials or activities financed within the grant.

Bank details of partner organisation
Please fill in the details needed for the payment to reach the account of the partner organisation.
Bank name
Bank branch
Street address
Postcode / City
Sort code / BIC/Swift
Account number
Account holder

Any difficulties or problems connected with the performance of the project will be settled by amicable agreement between the signatories, if necessary with the help of the National Managing Authority.

On a behalf of
Applicant organization
Date……………………… / On a behalf of
Partner organization

[1] Number given by the National Managing Authority

[2]According to the law of the relevant country of the applicant organization