BISD–ECHS/i3 Leadership Cabinet Meeting
February 13, 2017
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
BISD Board Room
Conversations / NotesDistrict TSI, Dual/AP Credit Data Analysis /
- Mr. Hammons reminded campus principals that every freshman should have attempted the reading TSI by the district’s deadline, May 5th, 2017. Freshman students enrolled in geometry should attempt the math TSI based on the district’s TSI flowchart.
- Catherine Pena and Mrs. Bertha Pena stated that TSI mastery goals will be set and discussed at the next ECHS cabinet meeting for each grade level.
- Dr. Tina Atkins’ services will assist the district in aligning the TSI blueprint with TEKS, and APEX licensing will aid middle school students in TSI preparation. Additional licenses can be used at each ECHS as per Mrs. Bertha Pena.
- Advanced Academics can assist campuses who are low on TSI testing units to assist with student and teacher testing.
- Catherine Pena agreed to look up state data associated with TSI passing rates and TSC’s Dean Fuentes said she would follow up with their testing office’s TSI mastery data via email.
8th Grade Dual Credit Packet Submission /
- ECHS Transitional Counselors will assist eighth grade counselors in reviewing all dual credit packets the week of February 27-March 3, 2017. TSC will audit each middle school between March 7-9, 2017; and all dual credit packets for incoming freshman will be submitted at this time.
- ECHS course requests for fall 2017 should reflect the projected number of incoming qualified freshman given to each ECHS principal.
- Principals commented that they would like to use their own instructors to teach dual music appreciation, and Mr. Hammons stated that a complete report of students requesting fine arts courses would be given to Mrs. Bertha Pena and Dr. Zendejas.
- Caroline Myers reminded cabinet members that BISD employees with master’s degrees in core content areas could be recruited based on campus need.
TSC Updates /
- Dean Crouse announced that TSC will host a professional development on Saturday, February 18, 2017, for BISD dual instructors to discuss grades, SOAPS, curriculum alignment, rigor, and human resource polices/procedures.
- Joe Arambul updated the cabinet with parent meeting dates at each ECHS, requirements for students on academic probation, and fall 2017 deadlines. Rivera ECHS’s principal requested deadlines for summer dual courses and Mrs. Bertha Pena agreed as long as the campus had the funds for summer school.
- Concurrent enrollment packets were approved, and BISD students may earn dual credit for specific courses during summer sessions 1&2.
- BISD dual credit instructors must submit their packets to TSC’s human resource department by February 17th, 2017, at 5:00 p.m.
UTRGV Updates /
- Dr. Sylvia Leal and Michael Aldape notified members that individual ECHS campus presentations are aimed at informing parents about dual and concurrent enrollment options with UTRGV.
- Students applying should be reminded to check their email for updates on meeting with academic advisors. The deadline for summer and fall 2017 documentation is March 10th, 2017.
- Transitional counselors provided Michael Aldape with the online dual courses each ECHS campus is requesting for fall 2017, and individual principals were notified of their course selection.
- UTRGV has approached BISD about aligning curriculum and offering dual credit for educations, physics, astronomy, and marine biology courses.
TAMUK Updates /
- Caroline Myers reminded cabinet members that TAMUK is ready and willing to service BISD.
Next Steps / Notes
Leadership Coach Meetings with Region 13 representative / ECHS Website
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